Chapter 636 How Dare You Threaten Me?

“I’ll go over and check. Have a good rest here. I’ll inform you as soon as I get the news.”

Murray wanted to calm downı Melissa, but Melissa could not listen to any persuasion at the moment, insisting on searching for her hersell.

“If you insist on going there, I will immediately order my subordinates back. I will not care about Vivian’s lifc.”

In a moment of desperation, Murray could only threaten Melissa.

“You threatened me.”

Melissa glared at Murray. Seeing that Murray used the same trick again, she knew he meant it.

“I’m doing this for your good.” Murray helplessly touched Melissa’s back. “You have just woken up. You will faint after taking a lew steps. It is not too late to see her after you have recovered.”

Melissa lowered her eyes. Murray was not completely unreasonable.

She was also a patient. If she went there, not only would her condition worsen, but she would also Trouble the doctor. The gains would not make up for the losses,


She lowered her head and had to compromise.

Murray smiled and gently stroked Melissa’s head,

“If anything happens, I will inform you immediately.”

Melissa nodded and urced Murray to hurry over. “You should go and check her condition quickly.

Tell me the truth after that.”

Murray nodded and told his subordinates to bring Vivian back.

“Don’t worry. They will do everything well.”

Murray told Vivian to relax. Since Vivian had been found, he would also find the best doctor in the country to treat her.

of her arm was scalded by the burning plane. Her skin became wrinkled from being soaked in

was still alive. Because she drank log mucli water and was frightened, she could not wake up for a

moving at all. She could only rely on the nutrletit solution

Melissa had almost

eating all kinds of tonics from Marc every day, and Murray had given licr a series

was surprised that she recovered so

I’ve been doing for the past

the ground in front of him, her hands stretched out to form a cross, standing put and circling, showing him

I’ve recovered so quickly.

“Be careful.”

darkened, and he grabbed his coat and draped it over

are still very weak right now. Don’t catclia cold. Otherwise, all your efforts over the past few days

about to sit on the bed when Murray suddenly spoke from

the oatmeal, I will take you

Without hesitation, she snatched

less than a minute, she finished the

had no choice but to fulfill his promise and

entered Vivian’s ward, she was clioked by the smell of alcohol coming from inside. She

shocked and covered her mouth in shock.

that moment, Murray’s warm big hand

look and saw Murray’s sirm gaze. This made her

and reached ou to caress hier face, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked

still sleeping soundly, Melissa did not say anything else. She

side and looked at

had been watching silently from the side. Seeing that Melissa was so sad, he could not directly

looked at Murray

it, but seeing Melissa like this, he still couldn’t bear to

take good care of

Murray reminded.

smiled at Murray. She


She agreed.

the consequences of overworking.

take care of herself not only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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