Chapter 671 What a Scheme!

Those websites received the news immediately and posted pictures and videos of Melissa winning the award on the website. For a time, Melissa became the focus of various websites.

When this award went to Melissa, the netizens who did not think highly of Melissa all regretted what they had said. For a time, no one dared to say whether Melissa winning the carving competition was a coincidence or not on websites.

Just then, another public opinion was secretly posted and attracted the attention of everyone.

‘You know what? Melissa went to participate in the painting field competition as a judge a few days ago. I just received the latest news, saying that Leticia refused to be the judge of the competition. This is good proof that Leticia’s painting is far better than Melissa’s. It’s amazing!”

As soon as this was said, it undoubtedly attracted the attention of many netizens, and the direction of public opinion suddenly changed.

Seeing the comments on the Internet, Melissa simply ignored them. The public opinion kept changing, which was out of Melissa’s control.

When Melissa was about to ignore it, Leticia released a “clarification” on Twitter.

Melissa frowned, clicked in, and checked it out.

‘Everyone, please don’t take me wrong. Melissa and I both learned painting from the same mentor. Please stop comparing us. It doesn’t matter who is stronger or who is weaker. It is not good for either of us.”

Seeing this “clarification”, Melissa stroked her temples. She could finally figure out Leticia’s scheme.

Leticia didn’t want to admit that she was not as good as Melissa, and she didn’t admit whether she refused to be the judge of the painting field or not, either. In this case, it misled the netizens to believe it was true that Leticia did refuse to be the judge of the painting field.

Leticia’s clarification caused the netizens to take advantage of this matter and made it bigger.

More and more public opinions were posted online. “I just knew it. How could Melissa become so outstanding all of a sudden? It turned out that she took what Leticia didn’t want, while some people here are bragging about her. Shame on her!”

All kinds of unpleasant words came at Melissa. This matter hadn’t been noticed by so many people, but with Leticia’s “clarification”, Melissa was pushed to the forefront.

Melissa shook her head and put her phone aside. She would find a way to deal with Leticia later.

Murray also saw public opinion on

He didn’t realize that something was

Murray didn’t know whether Leticia refused to be the judge or

followed public opinion. Now that this matter had happened, it was even more unrestrained for those big mouths, giving them a chance to insult

not tense yet, so he told

the contact information, and he asked his assistant to

is that Ms. Boyd speaking? Our president wants

other side of the line. “President? I

the Gibson Corporation. He is waiting for you at the

assistant hung up the

at the dimming screen of her phone

is! He must have seen through the clues of my Twitter post. That is why he wants to

see him, what

hardly dared to imagine it. In a moment of desperation, she packed up her clothes and rushed to

way, worrying that Murray would

the paparazzo heard it, he immediately became

shop, and she particularly

he would not be discovered. After all, he had been

up the phone, the car stopped in front of the

Leticia was a little relieved. However, she was not sure what Murray would do.

a glance, she saw Murray with a gloomy

took a deep breath and gingerly approached Murray. “Mr. Gibson, I

this, he looked up with his sharp eyes. Leticia did not dare to look

‘Have a seat.”

pointed to the chair in front of him. Leticia was

you close with

to the point, which made

not familiar with Melissa, she should not have

we are not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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