Chapter 725 She is her own

After Melissa left, Jill was alone in the alley.

Because of her relationship with Jennifer, she couldn’t walk around casually now, otherwise she will easily be targeted by unsuspecting foes.

In this way, these cats and dogs became her family.

Jill was sitting on the ground with her legs circled, a small orange cat sat on her lap, and a puppy slept in her hands.

She lived a very unhappy life.

“Little lazy bastard.” she scolded herself jokingly.

Jill smiled slightly, and her eyes were like crescent moons.

“The scene is like snow.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice entered her ears.

The energy was dense, listening to the footsteps of the person approaching getting closer, the cats and dogs around ran away, it was not as warm and beautiful as when Melissa came.

Jill stood up, and the expression on her face changed from relaxed to vigilant.

“What are you doing here?” Jill asked.

The visitor was dressed in bright and beautiful clothes, and it was Jennifer.

It’s just that Jennifer was not as cautious now, as she was when she was at the company where she worked.. Standing in front of Jill, the energy carried depression and brutal vile.

On her way home from work, Jennifer happened to bump into Melissa walking out of this alley, and it immediately caught her attention.

She knew that Jill had been staying here all these days, and if she revealed sensitive information to Melissa, it would be very detrimental to her future career.

of her and disgust was immediately evident on her face. She had never liked Jill for as

dress myself

were cats and dogs living in this alley all the year round, and there was inevitably animal


hard.. Now that Jennifer was in the limelight,

your business?” Jill

cold, and her mood had been destroyed by this

“You just met Melissa?”

around Jill and

know Melissa?” Jill

cold energy Melissa Eugen carried in the afternoon. She had to say that she was the

that she had come to ask



muttered and

frowned slightly, not expecting that Melissa’s background would be

now?” Jennifer asked. Her face turned blue, and she glared at Jill while pointing at her sternly. “I am warning you, don’t spread rumors about me outside or else you won’t like what I will do to you,” she

anything. She had advised herself

in the limelight. Although there were some small twists and

was ruined, it would backfire on everybody. “Oh, well, that’s good of you to know.” Jennifer said,

unable to compete with Jennifer, so she had no choice

stern words to Jill and walked

was left standing alone, staring at Jennifer’s back


fire, and recently, Melissa had also been interested in sending her trainees for the

the company’s trainees could meet up with the global stage,

unsuccessful in the end, she would look for talents

the trainees in the company indicated interests

but it was related to the company’s interests on a wider scale,, and naturally it would be

the women’s team. Soon, according to the appearance and ability of the trainees, the company

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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