Chapter 727 Shopping malls are not easy

A few days later, another shocking news broke on Twitter.

It was a bigger scam. There were several universities that were using the name of some prestigious schools.

It was a deliberate move to cause misunderstanding among college students from different places so that they mistake them for their favorite schools, and at last carry their luggages and enroll themselves.

However, this was only the initial move of those impostors. The moment these female college students step into the campus, one after another all kinds of horrible things start happening with them..

Only to find out in the end that they had entered the wrong university, but the fact that the admission application had already been filled in, makes things more difficult for them. As if they dropped out at a later stage, the original university would reject them on the grounds that they put the cat among the pigeons.

In order to get his diploma, they had been studying hard for more than ten years., Unfortunately those college students were enduring everything silently.

Even turning a blind eye to the evil deeds of the principal in this school was also counted in it

However, there were still many benevolent people there who couldn’t stand it anymore, and they went online to expose the school’s evil deeds.

The courageous act resulted in the exposure of the incident of impersonating the university and apparently it started being reported everywhere.

As the incident had been uploaded on the Internet,many companies came forward to donate money to these college students to help them out of their misery.

When the whole issue was rapidly spreading, just then, Star Entertainment received a call.

It was from one of the colleges that were impersonated. For the last two days they were approaching Star Entertainment and were saying that they wanted to talk to Melissa.

After receiving this news, Melissa was a little baffled and surprised. She was working in the entertainment industry and had nothing to do with the education sector. How could they jump out and say that they wanted to talk to her?

Since they made such a request to the company, Melissa had to agree and come to the place designated by them.

“What can I do for you?” The first question she asked when she reached there.

“Before that I want to ask, did Ms. Eugen pay attention to the online news in the past two days?”

The head of the university smiled coherently and ordered coffee for Melissa on the way.

“Not much. But I happen to know a thing or two.”

Melissa replied sternly.

learned that Ms. Gibson, from your company, used to be a graduate from our school. So we would like to ask her to do a public service advertisement for us, so I came here to discuss

came out from his mouth, it grabbed Melissa’s attention and

black materials in that doctored video, no partner had come to Jennifer’s door for a long time. As the other

college students avoid suffering, we

this matter, it would be of great benefit for her

welfare activities can always be regarded as an important artifact for many entertainer’s fans, not to mention that this initiative can really help some ignorant college students, and it will also be of

the public service advertisement has more advantages over

readily Melissa agreed, the person in charge from the university, nodded in admiration: “Then


smiled, and then stood

each other, there was a brief exchange of stern looks. Without delay, both of them went

the company back, Melissa

she heard the news about the partner who approached them, Jennifer’s eyes were full of anticipation, but when she heard

asked me to shoot a public

Her eyebrows were knitted

it up for obvious reasons. Since the other party took the initiative to find us, it is also a

mouth, Jennifer’s expression was not changed into

the trust they bestowed in the

unpleasant reaction from Jennifer, Melissa felt

in a gruff voice,

opportunity. Moreover I have

brows were drawn together in a frown, and then she shook her

this irked Melissa a little

would refuse, it would be difficult for her to explain

in need to grab some attention and

a big event, it’s such a

persuade her as this time the other party had specifically asked for Jennifer, although it was a temporary problem, Melissa was still afraid as she thought it would

when Jennifer goes there for the country and college students, she

just don’t want to pick it

Jennifer would refuse directly and

explained to her so much,

astonished as she did not expect the fact that people who are usually introverted and shy will

that man, who was

the reason, what is the connection

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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