Chapter 730 Whose power was borrowed

The person in charge put his glasses on very calmly, there was no panic in his eyes, “We just do what we should do. Isn’t it stated in the contract?

The original company will not interfere in any of the contracting company’s business.”

“There was i one more statement in the contract” Melissa said indifferently, and then listening to that, his face sank, “However, you have forgotten about it, let me remind you of that special clause in that contract. The contracting company must not treat them differently, and they must all be treated equally.”

The person in charge instantly stood up and went through the contract, and there was indeed such a clause.

Unexpectedly, they took advantage of the contract and let others suffer regarding that.

“Alice, she’s in the C position, shouldn’t there be more shots in the C position? We haven’t done any injustice to anyone. Don’t you think so?” The person in charge tried to sound casual.

“Heh…” Melissa sneered, and she raised her eyebrows, “Can you go and replay, do the shots of two of them even add up to half a minute?”

Without delay Melissa took out the time details of the playback, leaving the person in charge completely speechless.

“I want you to apologize to the people in our company and give them the resources and treatment they deserve.”

Melissa spit out the words one by one, and the person in charge of i group company couldn’t refuse the strong evidence regarding their malpractice against the trainees except Alice for a while.

Due to this in the end, Melissa successfully negotiated and made sure that the two of them would get the treatment they deserved.

When the whole issue came to an end, Melissa let out a sigh of relief, but little did she know that there was another thing waiting for her.

“Meli, something happened and let me tell you it’s not good.”

As soon as Melissa entered the company, her assistant rushed over to her in a hurry.

Melissa barely took a deep breath of relief o, so she regained her composure, took the document from her assistant’s hand, and took a closer look.

“Jennifer refused to be a public welfare ambassador…”

out word by word, and then her heart became heavier

anything much, she took out her cell phone and opened Twitter. She

she clicked on it, it was obvious that someone maliciously photographed it, and the accompanying picture in the article was

think twice before doing any such thing. Moreover she forgot that it was Star Entertainment who had

are not popular. When they enter the entertainment industry, they only care about

comments below, Melissa had a headache, and she didn’t know who disclosed the

little late and unexpectedly,

immediately blocked the news to prevent the Jennifer incident from intensifying, and blocked everything about Jennifer in the company’s server.Afterwards she immediately held and urgent

Entertainment, only the university who offered the contract to Jennifer knew about it. The two did not sign a contract at the time. Except for the

in the entertainment industry, and only concentrated on its own educational

possibility is that someone in

hurriedly held a staff meeting to prevent

to be suspicious. This was a disaster


fast. Could it be the reason that she

up the staff? Melissa

university incident was suspected of national security interests. The entertainer under Melissa not only refused the task of public welfare ambassador,

this point Moreover, some netizens were also speculating about the truth, what is the shameful thing about this university for Jennifer, so that she ignores her

things were getting more and more out of

had no choice but to go

be resolved with the help of


darkened. Jill had no contact with the entertainment industry, Jennifer had nothing


and then,

opened on

“what is this…….”

pupils shrank, and what was in front

a dog’s head, looking at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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