Chapter 732 Trafficking

“Why is she calling me and that too at this time?” Jill wondered as she knew that it wasn’t good news.

A few hours ago, Jennifer accused her on Twitter and now she came forward to talk to her. That was more than surprising for her.

“What’s wrong?”

Jill said, her voice was barely above the whisper. She was indeed tired as she had already done her utmost part for the Wilson family.

On the other hand Jennifer didn’t say a word, she was silently listening and it started making Jill more frustrated.

“I’ll hang up if you have nothing to say.”

“Wait.” Jennifer stopped her, “Now things on the Internet have taken an ugly turn and the matter is becoming more and more serious, and it’s not good for either of us.”

She initially hesitated, but Jill was trying to see behind her words. ” “What do you want me to do?”

Jill sternly asked and waited for her reply.. Over the years, Jennifer had always been on guard against Jill because of this matter, but now she was willing to take the initiative.

“If you do not say it now, I am afraid that it will ruin the lives of both of us.” Jennifer said in a low tone.

Jill was already in the entertainment industry for a while, and she was very well aware about how things will take an ugly turn if this will continue.

“Fine!” Jill answered in a short and concise way.

“Since you have agreed, then I have nothing more to say.” Jennifer muttured.

Jill agreed that this matter was not a shame for her.

It’s just that Jennifer always felt that it would affect her reputation and was reluctant to bring it up.

While thinking that, Jill looked at her college diploma that was placed beside her bed, and the scene of that year gradually flashed in front of her eyes..

took the college entrance examination together and that too

their family was not good and they all could afford to support one

the opportunity and went out to work to support

mention this matter in front of anyone, and had repeatedly asked everyone

confided in each other, so that the estrangement grew, and it

ever trusted each other regarding anything, that’s why they were alienated from each other’s life.This was one of the reasons that they reached this unavoidable

to say something but when no sounds came for a long time,

fixed on that photo frame and happy face. But that smile while

Wilson were echoing in her ears, “Don’t worry! You are our daughter, Jill. You can help us send your little sister

hid this from Jennifer and she thought that Jill was also attending her

her and she felt

impersonated her.”

tell this to everyone and come out of this guilt. But the government made some strict standards and changes in the education system so Jennifer or anyone else never

Jennifer used to think about what went wrong with her parents. So she gave them a benefit of doubt and

clash of egos and misunderstanding,

a beat as whatever she was going to do was going to change her whole life. Jennifer revealed that she regretted and blamed herself as she was not able to take care of her family. Blaming Jill for everything alone wasn’t a right thing so she was there to tell everyone the truth behind the whole incident.Generally speaking, Jill was admitted to university, but her parents favored her and because of that Jill lost

and issue attracted the attention of a large

Jennifer’s tweet for the first time, and apologized for her behavior once

she quoted the tweet and added that Jennifer had

are twin sisters, who were kidnapped and

Wilson.. Both of us were admitted to university at the beginning, but our family’s financial position was not

the last few days these two sisters and their family were the hot topic and mostly everyone was

bring the truth in front of them and to stop

found out the location of Mrs. and Mr. Wilson and a huge group of people came outside their

do you think about

to know the real reason why you didn’t

with lots

the past emerged one after another, and the interview sight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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