Chapter 734 The police intervene in the investigation

Netizens quickly divided into two camps, one was on Jennifer’s parent’s side and the other was on Jill’s side, and that created more chaos and soon the social media site turned into a virtual battling ground.

Jennifer didn’t expect things to take this ugly turn.. She held her head and thought, and the scenes of that year kept appearing in her mind.

Soon, the official Twitter of Star Entertainment posted a blog, and the situation was under control for a while.

“Thank you for your attention these days, and please think rationally. This matter is suspected of human ethics. Whether it is abducting and selling children or going to college by different t names, it has raised a major issue and an issue of concern in today’s society. This matter is no longer entertainment. A dispute in the family and revelations has violated the interests of society, and any forces that resist the law will eventually be punished. We have called the police, and the truth of the matter is waiting to be confirmed. Rest we will keep you people posted. Thanks for your understanding.”

Melissa took to twitter and spoke on behalf of the company, and her words somewhere convinced people

Now that the police have begun the matter in its hand and intervened, netizens have nothing to say. No one can escape the punishment of the law. Next, in order to know the truth they just need to wait for the law’s views and measures on Wilson’s family.

Soon, the police started their investigation, and they came to Star Entertainment. The company had scheduled Mrs. and Mr. Wilson’s interview in the morning, so Melissa temporarily controlled the whole situation. The moment police saw Wilson couple there, they took them with them for the investigation. Melissa followed them for two reasons. One to know the actual truth behind the incident and secondly, to prevent them from creating another problem.

These days, Melissa isn’t able to deal with the company’s affairs. After all, the entertainer under her is also involved. If it is not solved properly, it will affect the company’s credibility in the future.

As a result, Melissa’s health started deteriorating as she had even more headaches. After a while, the police officer asked her to make a witness recording. The moment she came back, she had to find some information about the university, as well as the admission score of the year they got the admission there and the score of the Wilson sisters..

It’s just that many years have passed since the incident happened, and there are countless college students every year. If suddenly anyone wants to find a record of ten years back, it was definitely a troublesome task.

Meanwhile during the day, Melissa was in the police station to see how the police interrogated Mrs and Mr Wilson and to see the development in the case.

But the old couple had little knowledge about the legal affairs. That’s why they came out of the chaos and police didn’t ask many things there.

Bureau, as she was trying very

voluntarily given up?” The question kept roaming in

guard Jennifer and Jill, in case anything or anyone would try to harm the

and tweets something that will create problems for herself or the company. By the way,

and speak nonsense then they are sure that no one will pay

devoted her full time to find out the truth behind this matter. These days, she keeps running behind

five hours a day, heavy workload and investigation, consumes too much energy and

circles, he got very distressed. That’s when he moved a

exploded as those strong arms pulled her against his chest. She was frozen by the sudden movement and then her arms swept around his neck. She moved a little closer as she inhaled the

was different-stronger and tighter. At that moment she felt a deeper sense of security

“No clue yet?”

Murray came, he rubbed his hands up

matter still has to be sorted out. So many truths have not been made public, and this time netizens aren’t going to let it

and began to sit

recovered from your illness, and you’re so busy again, don’t

the thick stack of documents in Melissa’s hand. He

this, it’s very

people’s memory is limited, it is impossible to

very helpless. When she held the document she thought that the date mentioned there was a week back before the college entrance examination, and she could watch as

Let me

after he glanced at the document, he began to analyze it for Melissaand soon, a document was read

so much information, they did not know where to start and where to end. Then Murray thought something and then took out his cell phone and asked people to go to the Education Bureau to find a few more capable staff members to investigate which students

was reduced and Melissa’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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