Chapter 742

“Please don’t say this. I will take care of her myself..” Murray said in a low tone.

His eyes stopped at Melissa, who was unconscious, and for a moment he didn’t know what to do.

“I never wanted something of that sort to happen to you.” Doctor patted his shoulder again, and then he gave him a few instructions.

“Don’t worry everything will be alright.” The doctor mumbled before leaving.

Meanwhile Murray was in deep thoughts while he watched the doctor leaving. His words were echoing in his ears.

“What if something happens to Melissa?” The constant thought was making him worried. Then there was a little coughing sound that broke his trance.

Murray turned his head and saw Melissa opening her eyes slowly..

“Hey! Don’t move,” He ran in her direction and poured a glass of water for her.

“How are you feeling now?”

He asked and helped her to sit. Meanwhile Melissa was silently looking at him. She didn’t need words to know that something was wrong with Murray. Since she has regained her consciousness, he hadn’t seen directly into her eyes. Above that he was stealing glances with her “Fine, tell me,”

Murray spoke in a very concerned voice,then he stretched out his two fingers, and waved them in front of Melissa’s eyes, “How many fingers are these?”

“Two.” Melissa said very cooperatively, and then thought of what exactly was he thinking, “Although I am confused, I am not stupid.”

“I never dare to say that,” Murray tried to enlighten the air. He raked his fingers through Melisa’s hair and then slowly asked her, “Did you have a good sleep?”

“How long have I slept?” Melissa scratched her head, recalling everything before she fainted.

“Wait a moment, I fainted?” She said in a questioning tone.

She didn’t remember anything clearly, all she knew was that everything got blurred and dark before she passed out.

“I think I can’t risk it anymore. My body needs more rest.” She said in a low tone.

“Yeah.” Murray tried to stay calm and composed, he patted her head and rested his palm on her forehead, “Now you can’t overwork. The only person that you need to take care of is yourself, nothing else.”

After listening to him, Melissa took a deep breath. Although she always thinks that Murray exaggerates things when it comes to her, deep down she knows that he loves her too much and can’t see her like that.

I was very busy lately

of me and staying with

Melissa’s words, Murray shook his

she was

brown orbs, “For now we have to concentrate on your health. The company can wait, moreover there are many people to deal with its affairs. So, you

by the seriousness in

it’s me who is not letting you work.” She jokingly

when I am with you, anyone out dare have the courage to


and gently stroked the

fatal, there were no vital injuries. But it had left many

he touched those scars, he got angry at himself again. He failed to

and now he was worried about a few scratches on her body. “He has changed a

someone who used to stay

this attribute he

at him like that was making her feel more worriedAlthough Murray was

looked out of the window and shook her

what’s happening in the

pouted, as she was busy with the Wilson family these days, and didn’t

company a few days ago. She promised herself that she will not disappear again

think too much about

at Melissa’s side

first, so stop

serious illness, it’s just that I haven’t had

to get out of the bed to get news about the


minutes ago. And now you are eager to leave. Don’t

disappointed,, and pouted

about it. I am fine.” She was trying

fine. How ironic.”Upon hearing this, Melissa’s face turned red, “I am not lean, It’s just I have lost some weight lately. Moreover, I have a healthy body.” Undoubtedly Melissa has a very

his mouth and smiled, he helped Melissa to

you don’t have to make

trying to

“Be obedient.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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