Chapter 744 The Truth

Meanwhile Murray was relaxed for a while as he had completed Melissa’s work so she won’t worry about it much for the time being.

Even if he agreed and let her go back to work then also she won’t be having much in her hands. He thought and then the memory of a few minutes back brought a smile on his face.

“If I wouldn’t have completed her work, then it would be very difficult for me to give in to her demands.”He whispered as the constant fear of Melissa overworking again never left his mind.

Meanwhile Melissa was constantly blushing. Her face was crimson red and her fingers themselves touched her lower lip.

“Already missing it?” Murray whispered in a very low tone. His breath, warm and measured, hit her cheeks.

“What?” Melissa closed her eyes and swallowed as she never thought Murray can be this blunt when it comes to romance.

“Forgotten, this early? Let me remind you again then,” He raised his left eyebrow.

Meanwhile Melissa couldn’t move, couldn’t think. She was lost in his stormy gray eyes, he slowly lowered his head towards her. She automatically closed her eyes but nothing happened.

When she opened them again, she saw him picking up a tissue from behind her and wiped Choco Lava Cake which was smudged at the corner of her lips. Murray laughed after seeing Melissa’s frustration.

“Were you expecting something else?” He deliberately teased her.

Melissa knew that he was trying to play with her so she thought,” Game is on,.”

This time she smirked in her mind and then innocently grabbed hold of his shoulder. Her bold move had already stunned Murray.

“Come closer and I will tell you.” She touched his lower lips.

The moment he came closer, she turned her face in the other direction and she laid down hurriedly and said in a teasing tone, “I am sleepy now, let me sleep.”

“Melissa…”Murray raked his fingers through his hair frustedly.

Melissa laughed hard after seeing the scene in front of her and then she closed her eyes.

To be honest, Melissa wasn’t able to sleep due to her argument with Murray. Now when everything was pretty much fine in between then she finally got some sleep.

“This isn’t over. But for now you can rest.”

Murray laughed and stroked Melissa’s back. It was so long when he saw Melissa smiling that carefree like the way she was giggling right then.In the chaos of work and responsibility, they were losing themselves. Murray thought., Now when she isn’t well and needed rest, he decided to make this time more memorable for each other.

“I am feeling better now.”

Melissa tried to ease Murray’s worry as she stretched loose while Murray watched her fall asleep.

Soon, Melissa fell asleep. In the deep slumber she saw a dream.

In the dream, she saw a child who was standing at a distance from her. His face was blurred but he opened his arms for Melissa and kept calling her towards him. “Hold me, mumma.” The little prince kept calling her. She ran in his direction to hold those small hands. But the more she tried to lessen the distance between them, the child kept running further and further, in the mere darkness.

faster but the

but the child fell down in the deep

aching and she was taking deep and



sweat covered Melissa’s forehead, and then she

was uneven and it seemed like she

worriedly. What happened?” Murray moved closer to her and tried to calm her down. He wiped the sweat from her forehead

slowly and faced Murray. She choked up at the pained expression on his face. She could see that his eyes were moist and red-rimmed. For a moment she thought something and then she inched towards him and didn’t stop until she was pressed against his

strong arms came around Melissa and he

an attempt to ease him from worrying

Murray paused and then continued, “Very

already dark. She had slept in the afternoon and now it was already night so she was wondering about the number of

seems like I have been sleeping for so long.” Melissa

little and then

An hour passed at midnight.”Murray gave her

now. I am hungry.” She pouted

and petite look,

to eat?” Murray sternly asked her. But before Melissa

since when have you started being so mean?” Melissa had a very funny expression on

Murray pouted to which Melissa laughed hysterically. Before leaving, he did not forget to instruct the security guard standing outside the ward, “Stay alerted, Mrs. Gibson is inside and I will be back


Melissa was alone, her eyes stopped at the window and she looked outside, the moonlight was enlightening the

of night, when she noticed something strange. For a moment, she doubted herself but then

real situation, a man climbed

in fear,

man moved quickly and immediately blocked

that man’s hold. She was not well and she clearly didn’t have the strength to fight back. At that moment, she had the energy of a three years old, clearly at the mercy

to speak a

the air. It was

even more, but at that time, she could

try to do anything against him right now, then he can do

so scared, I am not going to harm you. Just come here

of Jacky’s mouth rose slightly, and he leaned over

you for the last time.


to speak, but Finnegan’s Jacky’s hand was firmly pressing her

like you don’t know about

then shook his head, “It’s no wonder that Murray loves you so much and is reluctant to tell you, and I can understand it now.” Melissa was so clueless about what Jacky

from me? Why does he say that I am dying…” So many questions clouded

to choose between

gave her a stern look and laughed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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