Chapter 756 out spaghetti solution

The culprit hesitated. His body was covered in dust, and he had been like that for a long time after spending the night in jail.. So it was natural for him to fumble on his words.

"Meli, don't be angry, it's not worth it." Jennifer persuaded

Melissa, and then looked at the culprit viciously.

Thinking about the nonsense he had done, Jennifer couldn't help but become annoyed as well.

"Jen..." the culprit muttered again.

He wanted to say something, but when he saw Jennifer's pretty face on a bruised knee, he became annoyed with himself again.

Jennifer frowned. Only her fans called her that.

"You, who are you?" Jennifer asked.

She narrowed her eyes and looked closely at the man in front of her. She found her initials on the man's dusty clothes.

Melissa noticed it at the same time, and instantly despised the culprit in front of them even more.How crazy is it to have an entertainer's name engraved on a piece of clothing.

"You are my fan?" Jennifer yelped.

"Yeah!" The culprit bellowed and suddenly stood up, turned on his phone, and handed his twitter account over to Jennifer as proof.

"I'm even the deputy head of the support group, Jen, I've liked you for a long time!" he said.

Unexpectedly, he made an affectionate confession to Jennifer in front of everyone. Everyone was speechless.

"You, wait a minute!" Jennifer belched and stepped back as she saw that the culprit was about to take her hand.

"I know, my fairy. I'm very dirty, don't worry, I won't touch you!” he said.

The culprit claimed to relate with Jennifer immediately.

you are a clean freak. Don't worry, I will definitely stay away from you!" he promised. Melissa

you do

it's for you." the

to hold a concert, and I couldn't get front row tickets, and I also would not see clearly from the back, so I thought of

he said

like this next time," Jennifer

was very helpless. For such a fan, she didn't dare to

I was wrong. It's my fault that you

The culprit looked guilty.

matter was so bad that the police had

Meli, I didn't think that this

apologized to Melissa on

didn't know if it was a

in a car and returned


Jennifer and Melissa entered the company, Melissa

and saw that it was Marcia and

to Melissa, and then

They were both depressed last time, but

after the recent incident, other companies in competition

I finally

and complained

said that you're not around, and now we've finally found you,” Marica said with good cheer,

I fell ill a while ago, and I only had time to come back

around, and saw that it was too rowdy around her. It was obviously not a good

me, there are too many people

followed Melissa to the reception

"Sit down," Melissa chirped.

pair had debuted with the competition company, their contract was for only three years, and they would love to return to Star

Melisaa, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to stay with our company any longer, "Marcia said, and Nora stood up and bowed to Melissa. "If you didn't help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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