Chapter 758 Openly digging people

"We are investigating," the police said and pointed at the doctors next to him. Melissa nodded in satisfaction.

Then she pointed to Marcia and Nora.

“These two are from my company. I have been looking for good resources for them these days. In order not to delay their work, the doctors will check them quickly," Melissa said.

On hearing this, Marcia and Nora were shocked.

Not to mention they were members of the girl group that were accused of doing drugs. They had been together for a long time, and it was inevitable that some residues in the system would remain.

The situation was cringey.

The policeman was a little embarrassed. Seeing that Melissa was giving preferential treatment to them. o

Melissa naturally thought of the fact that there could be some form of foul play while the test was going on, so she decided to bring her own doctor. She was skeptical.

"This is the old doctor of the Gibson family. He has been working for the family for more than ten years. I want you to trust his medical expertise.. Let him check them," Melissa suggested.

As Melissa had said so, it was difficult for the police to refuse.

After all, a global family like the Gibson family used nothing but the doctors with the highest medical skills.

"In this way, for the sake of fairness, let's randomly select two people.” Melissa suggested.

She raised an eyebrow, worried that her purpose would be too obvious, so she took the initiative to make this request.

The police reluctantly agreed, and then proceeded to draw lots, and it fell on Marcia and one other of the members of a budding girl group.

After a while of testing, the report came out.

"It says that there may be residual drugs in the other girl, but not Marcia,” the doctor announced.

Melissa frowned.

"It seems that someone wanted to play a fast one on them.. I think the police comrades should know this truth?”

and the

investigate carefully,” the

pointed at Nora who was beside her,

company, then they can leave already. We

quickly got out of

on thanking Melissa

come to help us out." Nora said to

if it weren't for you, we wouldn't know what to

was crying. If she was checked by the doctor at the police station, as long as there was some amount found in her, she would be taken to

you are among the company's entertainers, so I should help you,”

and patted

were frightened today, go back and have a

Melissa suggested.

“Hmm! Thank you Meli,”

Melissa called a taxi and sent them

watched the vehicle go away, and her heart

the same text message

other, and then asked the driver to turn

car stopped in front

deep breath, and then strode

expecting you people,” Quentin said as he came to

was a senior in the entertainment industry, they had to bow and say hello when they

besides there is

you called us here?"

they also knew what Melissa could do for them

and Nora were newcomers after all. If they refuse to adhere to Quentin calling them over, they will be

nothing. I just wanted to invite you guys to have afternoon coffee,"

little puzzled. There

replied with a nod, and then took the coffee in

the police station, what's the matter?" Quentin suddenly

little stunned. They wanted to know why a character like Quentin could focus on their newly debuted

hummed and smiled awkwardly. "Mr. Tacke, you can find

the ladies couldn't say anything, and Quentin didn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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