Chapter 770 I care nothing about her

"Eh? Why are you cursing?" The girl asked.

She was instantly dissatisfied, and vented at Melissa in front of so many people.

"If you hadn't come over, would my boyfriend have looked at you? You know why we're arguing, what are you doing here?" The girl asked.

Melissa sneered when she heard this.

"You own this road? I can walk here if I want," Melissa said.

Her eyes were cold, and for a while, the girl didn't dare to look directly into her eyes.

"Okay, dear, don't get angry with this kind of person," the girl's boyfriend said and came to pull his girlfriend away.

"Sir, take care of your girlfriend," Melissa said.

Just then, Murray came out to stop the couple.

"My wife and I were out for a walk, and your girlfriend pulled her for no reason.Do you really think my woman is someone you can easily bully?" He asked.

Murray's aura felt like being in an ice cellar, and for a while, the couple didn't dare to speak.

Murray was a lot taller than the man in the couple, and in terms of prestige, the man was much lower.

"You..." the girl muttered.

She was a little dissatisfied, but she didn’t dare to say anything more due to Murray's warning look.

"Now, apologize to my wife," Murray said.

Hearing this, the couple widened their eyes in unison.

"Why? She was the one who seduced my boyfriend first!" The girl said.

She refused to accept what Murray said, and scolded Melissa instead.

"Babe don't get upset because of such a woman.I care nothing about her,"

The man said in a bid to coax his wife, as he squinted at Melissa.It was rare to see such a superb woman.

"Be careful before I gouge your eyes out," Melissa threatened.

She never imagined that she would meet such a person here.

"Hmph, you are so blatant.Is that how you seduce men?"

The man asked, showing a righteous look on his face, and Melissa sneered.

eyes will only do such

Melissa and he was

under Melissa's eyes.She glanced at the couple

girl eventually said

him a nasty look and he bowed

rolled her eyes, and didn't want to say

and saw a familiar figure in the distance, which seemed to be walking

enough, the woman

the person in front of them was

expecting to

had not seen Leticia since the last

time, even in the painting and visual arts industry,

didn't expect to see

Melissa looked at Leticia Boyd,

her that Leticia

corner of her eye, Melissa looked at the man, and for some unknown reason, Leticia Boyd's


"What are you doing?"

strange, and raised her eyebrows, but

"Why are you here?"


was obviously not for

beside her, and Murray

it's nothing," the man unexpectedly said to cajole

to see that the

girlfriend also felt a

Leticia Boyd's exquisite physique, she felt


Leticia Boyd yelped.

the first time, but seeing Murray close to her, Leticia

said with a friendly

for a long time, and their sudden meeting

"Ah, hello," Leticia said.

no stranger to Melissa, so she spoke to her directly and

know each other?" Melissa asked

even more confused than


haven seen the drama that

she meant, shook her head, and said

"Who is she?"


to ask you who you are," the girl

not happy.She had not finished dealing with Melissa, and another dainty woman had come to disgrace

didn't ask you," Leticia said to the girl, then she looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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