Chapter 773 Who are you in the end


Megan roared, opened her mouth, and wanted to bite down on Murray's arm.

But Murray was quick-witted, he took out a ball of paper, and shoved it into her mouth.

This time, Megan was even more speechless, and she froze to the ground.

After a long time, Melissa came out of the elevator.

"What happened?" She asked urgently.

She saw that Megan was tied up and was thrown into the corridor at will.


Megan muttered and struggled to untie herself, and soon, Melissa helped her.

"Megan, how are you?"

Melissa gently asked, but Megan rapidly left the hotel as if she was running for her life.

"Megan," Melissa called at her, but Megan didn't look back.

Soon, Megan returned to Malcolm Clench's room.

"Honey," Malcolm said when he saw Megan.He was going to walk up to her to get cozy, when he saw the marks on her body.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

Malcolm Clench darkened his eyes and looked at the scars on Megan's body, and there were bruises on her hands.

"Wow, stop talking!"

Megan spat angrily.She started to cry in front of Malcolm, covering her face and looking very aggrieved.

"What's wrong?" Malcolm asked with a worried tone.

He was anxious.

Malcolm Clench darkened his eyes and looked at the scars on Megan's body, and there were bruises on her hands.

"Wow, stop talking!" Megan spat angrily.

She started to cry in front of Malcolm, covering her face and looking very aggrieved.

"What's wrong?"

Malcolm asked with a worried tone.He was anxious.

to him, but I did not know that he will..." Megan

done talking, she started to

"What? You..."

pointed at Megan


did not comfort Megan,

of which, Megan

I supposed to know that he

what, you shouldn't provoke

of Murray, Malcolm

looking at his wealth and despising me for being

you say?" Megan

teeth and was

and Megan had to book another room to sleep

how serious the

could Megan meet Murray in the middle of the night? It was obviously

mind, Malcolm Clench went and made a phone

Soon, Melissa answered.

what's wrong?" Melissa

"Melissa," Malcolm muttered.

was embarrassed, to say

just said that she met Mr.Gibson earlier. I don't know, what happened between them?"

raised an eyebrow,

Mr.Malcolm," she

be unbearable, after all, they were

don't know her, she is usually like this, with

asked with a

known each other for a long

said and thought about

of effort to catch her. After thinking about it, it has

Melissa asked with her

your first love?" She

"Oh, yes," Malcolm replied.

reasons, and we lost contact, but it was a blessing for

Malcolm Clench was hopelessly

such a woman, it was obvious

about what purpose she is

had another reason

known her for so many years, is that not

Melissa shook her head.

Clench wouldn't believe

from Megan's behavior, something was obviously

back to find Malcolm Clench? She shook her head and decided

way, even if it's her fault tonight, I know that Mr.Gibson's temper is not very good.How about asking her to apologize to Mr.Gibson tomorrow? Then


good." she

wrong with that?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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