Chapter 793 Restoring the old good

At this point, Shayna was on her way.

Melissa gave her the directions to the location.

They hurried to hide when they heard Shayna pull up.

Calvin prepared the flowers and stands in the middle before he turned the the lights off.

Shayna looked at the darkness around her and was a little nervous, but she walked forward, and pushed open the door...

"Melissa, are you there? Melissa?"

Shayna hurriedly called Melissa, but no one answered.

Just as she was about to leave, all the lights were turned on.

And Calvin stood in the middle, holding her favorite sunflower, and the whole room was arranged as a sea of flowers.

Shayna burst into tears, looking at the man in the middle in disbelief.

"You...what are you doing?"

Calvin took a step forward and drew her into the center, saying, "You said you like sunflowers the best because they represent someone who guards silently, just like you guard me silently."

"What are you talking about?"

Shayna wasn’t very moved.

After all, she didn’t want to repeat the same thing.

"I'm standing here today to tell you..."

took a breath of internal energy, looked into her eyes, and said affectionately, "Can

I want the two of us to start over.Will you give me

many times in

was about to speak when Calvin gagged

hurry; I'll wait until

would never have such

broke up with you because I wanted to protect you.I didn't want any of the negative things happening to me to pass on to you.When I was kidnapped, I realized that the most indispensable

a long time, but unfortunately,

with your fans and your Renita, even for me,

speak when Calvin interrupted

stood in the corner and watched, and the two finally

worry, I'll give you time to

that sunflowers are your favorite.It will become my favorite from now on.You have been guarding me before.The one who has been guarding you has been me.I hope

with flowers in hand,

in complete shock that it was finally happening.She was in a trance, unable to believe that everything

wish, I..." Shayna

really hope we can start

saying it, I can't

heart told her to accept him, but her mind was

he doesn't want the tragedy of the past to repeat itself!

to hurt you.I’m standing here not begging for

to kneel on the ground

situation was not good and hurried forward

Murray went to converse with


hurt me again.I can learn to love

nodded, understanding Shayna's

nor to make you decide, but to show you his sincerity.Whether a person can be your future partner or not, first see

stakes with her clearly and knew that Shayna couldn't bear to be hurt

"Melissa, I trust you."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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