Chapter 801

I don’t want to see you In the early evening, Harley suddenly received a call from a friend.

Hearing that Nina was temporarily staying in a hotel, his stomach dropped.His friend provided him with the address and Harley hurriedly drove over.

Arriving at the hotel, he confirmed that Nina did live there, and walked into the elevator impatiently.

"Nina, please give me another chance, I'll definitely handle the Sylvia thing..."

In the elevator, Harley rehearsed his speech to Nina.

As he thought more and more about it, Harley knew that more than likely Nina would still reject him.

Harley was flustered and confused, it felt like a first date with Nina.

While Harley was going over his speech, Nina was preparing to call her parents.

Mr.and Mrs.Paul learned that she was staying in a hotel to avoid Harley and were continuously trying to persuade her to come home.

Seeing that his parents were worried about her, Nina felt guilty, and finally promised to come home tomorrow morning.

But before the call ended, Nina heard someone knocking on her door.

"Hold on Mom.Let me call you back.I think this is the food I ordered,"

Nina put her phone on her bed and went to the door with her hand on her protruding pregnant belly.

Opening the door gently, she looked up and was surprised to seeHarley.

Nina regretted immediately not opening the peep hole.


Nina started and in an instant, the smile on Nina's face faded.

Stunned and nervous, Nina subconsciously wanted to close the door in Harley's face.

slipped in sideways before Nina could slam the

I miss you so much these days!" Harley

Harley was so excited that he opened

reaction was the complete opposite.She

and resisted against him while saying, "Let


don’t have any feelings for Sylvia.She and

painstakingly, hoping this time Nina

has been thinking a lot about the drunken night recently and has

also occurred over the course of the past few

never done anything withNina, let

he stands, Harley will never be able to prove his

some time to prove myself,

that it was a conspiracy, one that

and the protection of

sound, Nina was stunned, she stopped struggling, looked directly at him and asked, "You

face softened, Harley saw a glimmer of hope, and said with joy, "No, we will not break up, when Sylvia

Nina is reluctant to stall for

wasn't Harley's? Nina asked in a cool and collected manner while laughing indifferently, "Does that make sense? How will you be able to demonstrate that you did not have a romantic relationship

at the

Nina down, he said, "When the paternity test report arrives, I will urge Sylvia to declare that everything is

eyes darted around as he said

has is that she and him do not become strangers while Harley waits

hear Harley's words ,

more reasonable, in her opinion, to show Harley some compassion and give him a chance, despite the fact that her common sense

a child together, and their soon-to-be-born child would serve as a constant

because her thoughts were furiously competing with one another."Nina, promise

Harley begged again.

was being said but was stopped

swallowed the words in her mouth, and her face returned to its

to answer at first, but when he turned around, he saw

you going

his pocket, he saw that

phone with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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