Chapter 811 Paternity Test

When she saw the two of them, Melissa laughed and said, "Hello, boss."

The office was filled with their laughter.

The influence of public opinion on the Internet iswas growing, although it was focused more on the the elderly couple than on the twin sisters.

Some people even tracked them down and revealed their address.

When they got home, they saw the door of their house had been vandalized with the word "Shameless" painted across it.

The elderly couple hurriedly cleaned the door. While cleaning, a group of people arrived at their home to mock and harass them.

"You are terrible people. You're torturing those women and refuse to do a paternity test!"

"What are you hiding?”

"I bet they aren't even their parents!"

The group of people continued to accuse them and launch things at them and their home.

The elderly couple have lived for most of their lives and have never suffered such grievances. This time, they were suddenly dealt with like this, making them both feel unsafe

"You have no idea what you're talking about! Get away from us before we call the police!”

The elderly couple had no choice but to take the initiative and contact Jill.

"We are willing to do a paternity test," the elderly man said, "You can arrange a time and place."

with Melissa, she arranged a very private agency, and even sent

old people again after many days, theywere a

also had to deal with social media effecting my personal life, but it'll get better.”

Melissa comforting them. They brought this on themselves by making a statement about her and

old man just smiled awkwardly and followed them

was very fast, just draw a blood, and the

come in and I will notify you when we get the results," Melissa said before sending the elderly couple on

center that would be doing the paternity test. As soon as she walked in, the doctor on


I get the

"The fastest, tomorrow afternoon.”

Seeing Murray waiting at the

the maternity check, did you forget??" Murry

she had forgotten and said, "I really forgot, there have been too many things

in hand around the

felt more at ease. Melissa



"Peanut, isn't that

with a girl?" Melissa deliberately

Peanut will be just fine," Murray responded with

test results came in a day later,

Melissa in person.

Murray came with her.

It's really an honor for our hospital!” The doctor's eyes lit up

more than half of the hospital's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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