Chapter 814 Troublemakers

Melissa sat on the side, watching Vivian finish recording the entire show.

Vivian's comeback suddenly opened the audience's field of vision. In addition, herprevious popularity had always been good, and she frequently appeared in the sight of several anchors, which refreshed the impression.

The Dewar family saw the various videos of Vivian Swanson's comeback and the public's likes, and they were even more dissatisfied.

"Isn't that the entertainer that was injured? Why did Melissa bring her back? This is a slap in the face,” Arno's father said.

"I can't believe she dares to show her face again. I'll make sure this time to get rid of her,” Sileas said. She had always been hostile to Vivian. The two discussed plans to get rid of Vivian.

Melissa went back to the company to have a meeting with the entertainers. Seeing everyone with smiles on their faces, she couldn't be happier, and she felt very comfortable.

"Vivian, have you finished recording all your shows?" These few days are enough for him to run. He has made five shows before and after, and all of them are blockbusters.

The audience's favorability for her had also risen again, and even

Renita has received a lot more invitations.

After such an injury, Vivian matured a lot and was not as reckless as before.

"It's all over, don't worry,” Vivian responded.

"Boss, there's a group of troublemakers outside, "The security guard rushed over to report.

“Let's go and have a look!" Melissa followed.

but was rejected by Melissa. These entertainers could only be protected

saw two people in the hall. She knew

crowd, there was

security guards were scattered

will there

approached and ordered them to leave. The Dewar couple did not leave and began scuffling with the security guard. Arno watched from the side and kept

Melissa yelled at


head of the company. If you are dissatisfied, you speak to me instead of causing a scene,” Melissa

mean? You are not


parents could finish speaking, they were interrupted by

care about the people

became more and more aggrieved

than you. Go home

definitely persuade my parents

to believe you, and I hope


filthy woman. You don't over

the Dewar family watched Melissa leave and dared to continue insulting Melissa.

door, gave her a look and

I'm sorry.” Vivian

kind of thing in the future, don't be afraid of them. Conduct yourself

said this not only to Vivian, but to the

hearing the end of Melissa's statement. He was, holding a bouquet of flowers in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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