Chapter 821 Why should I help you?

“Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be here,” Hayley responded. To get ahead, most people worked hard while others took shortcuts. Hayley didn’t want to work any harder than she already had been. She was going to take a shortcut.

“Now that you’ve chosen, let’s get started.”

Hayley has been here for a long, long time, and Melissa had been unable to contact her for three days.

The variety show was also put on hiatus until Hayley returned. Melissa was in the office and was only a few moments away from losing her temper over the situation.

At this moment, the assistant rushed into her office in a hurry, “The boss has been unable to contact Hayley, what should I do? The director has already started asking questions.”

Melissa didn’t know what to do about the situation. Hayley was very upset when she left their home and threatened her. She didn’t think she had the power to affect her; however, Melissa didn’t think that Calvin would’ve been kidnapped.

“Wait, maybe there is news,” Melissa suggested.

As soon as Melissa finished speaking, the sound of her mobile phone disturbed her. When she turned around, he saw that the director had called directly.

“I put this person in because I trusted you. Where is this girl?” the director said.

“Yes, I know. I apologize. I’ll find someone to replace her and send her right over,” Melissa apologized.

frowned and squeezed her phone tightly


with anger and ordered, “We will

hours passed without an appearance from Hayley. Hayley did not pick up Melissa’s phone

in touch with will choose

her, but it was as if she vanished without a trace.

sorry. I have already explained it to the director. Don’t arrange new variety shows for me recently. I picked up a TV series myself, and I will join the group in a few days,” Hayley explained.

to take on a TV series, you need to discuss this with me first,” Melissa responded. She calmed herself for fear that his anger would affect the

You said you can’t give that to me, so I am figuring it out on my own,” Hayley said nonchalantly. Hayley believed Melissa shouldn’t be

contacts. I will not allow you to develop through

indifferent to her, Melissa didn’t say anything else.

she obtained for Hayley. All kinds of scandalous news came out about Hayley but

really bad,” The assistant stated, rushed over to

You’re going to give me a heart attack with your dramatics,” Melissa scolded, rolling her eyes

out, “Now there are all kinds of negative news

news and said, “I warned her, but

of Hayley. Her face was clear. It

are already here asking for a statement,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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