Chapter 823 She is capable

After a while, police and more than twenty men from the moving company arrived at Hayley’s home.

When Hayley saw them, she quickly closed the door. She opened the window and shouted at them, “I never said I wouldn’t move. I need time!”

“I’m sorry. The landlord gave you plenty of time to move out. We’re here to clean and prepare for the next tenant.”

By the time Hayley answered, those workers had already dismantled the door, barged in, and begun throwing out Hayley’s belongings.

Hayley tried desperately to stop them but was pushed out of the way. “What are you doing? You can’t do this!” she screamed.

“Ma’am, we can. You have no rights here. You were given notice and refused to leave, “one of the movers explained.

All Hayley could do was call the police, but the movers did not stop. By the time the police arrived, they were almost done.

The police came forward to understand the situation, and Hayley made up and distorted the facts.

“I live here. The landlord is throwing out my belongings without giving me a proper eviction notice,” Hayley lied.

“Aren’t you that entertainer that was in those nude pictures?” the police officer asked.


reported you for trespassing on his house,”

the police officer. Melissa had covered herself in every way. There was no way to get back at her. She had fallen

treat me like this, you

of her belongings were

for Melissa grew as she looked at her belongings strewn across the front

to get your belongings out of the front yard immediately. You’ll negatively

to a person, from asking for 2 million dollars to finding a reporter to humiliate her, and kicking her out,”

do you feel bad for her?” Melissa

could I feel bad for such a

for being too hard on her, don’t forget what she did to me back then!” Melissa stated. She would always strike

belongings in storage. She had no choice but to throw them into the trash. She only kept her

earned in the past few days in order to climb to a higher

to sell all the

sell it all,” Hayley said to

took her jewelry and

a while, the appraiser came back, the smile she had before was replaced with a contemptuous glare. “I’m

“You’re mistaken, these are all valuable


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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