Chapter 825 Melissa’s Plan

Star Entertainment’s website crashed due to the traffic.

The manager of the PR department hurried over to Melissa’s office.

“Boss, you didn’t say this to her, did you?” the manager asked.

Melissa knew that it was synthesized as soon as she listened to the recording. She didn’t expect Hayley to be such a conniving person who recorded every conversation.

Too bad, Melissa was also very careful and recorded everything as well.

“Notify the PR department of a meeting in ten minutes,” Melissa said. She looked at Shayna on the sofa, with a hint of teasing in her eyes, “The show is about to begin.”

Several people from the public relations department sat in the conference room one after another, and everyone frowned, and the whole atmosphere was very depressing.

After Melissa came in, she first made everyone a cup of coffee, and then placed the small cakes she ordered in front of everyone.

This move made them very puzzled.

“Boss, why are you doing this?” one asked.

“Yes, boss, we need to be working to correct this situation,” another said.

for you to come up with a solution. What you have to do now is to

this now. She would keep escalating to get Melissa to respond and then it would backfire on

movie to ease and calm

didn’t respond at all, Hayley wondered what Melissa was doing. Was she really not

another fabricated recording, the post achieved the expected results, and more people began to

her even more puzzled was that it had been two hours since the article was published,

movie, Melissa’s assistant was waiting anxiously


this, the public relations

food for noon. It will be delivered in a while, let’s eat it,

series of actions left them confused. Melissa never allowed them to eat in the conference room before. Was

admit their mistake, “I’m sorry, the boss is that we didn’t do a good job.

I be angry about that?” After Melissa finished speaking, they began to eat. Even

around downstairs,” Shayna told her as

in the hot sun. They could not

everyone let’s get to work,” Melissa said as

knew that they would have to deal with the situation as soon as possible, otherwise, they will not be able to

public opinion has always been to support their side.

at an email in her mailbox and smirked. She

this information and act

a sham. It listed all the plastic surgery procedures she had done, her work history, and all the aliases

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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