Chapter 828 Got trapped

“Did you hide my stuff, why did you do it, why did you take my stuff?” Mrs. Gibson accused Murray on the other end of the phone.

“If I didn’t take these things from you, there is no telling what you would do next. Probably come here to my home and try to ruin my life again,” Murray retorted.

“You ungrateful, disobedient brat. You’ll regret this.”Mrs. Gibson warned.

She knew that Murray couldn’t keep her away.

Mrs. Gibson knew that if he wanted to return to U.S, there were other ways besides the formal procedures.

Or she could directly declare that her things have been lost, but it is more troublesome to handle abroad than in the U.S., and there were more procedures.

Mrs. Gibson took the money and crouched at the door of the embassy, wanting to see if anyone would come to help him.

She waited all morning for the embassy to open.

At this time, a man came over, looked up and down and asked directly, “Are you applying for a visa?”

Mrs. Gibson nodded desperately.

“That’s good, I can handle it for you.” The man looked very happy to help.

“You’re not going to lie to me?” Mrs. Gibson asked, warily.

The man took out his work badge that showed that he worked for the embassy.

ID card. Can you help me get new one? Don’t worry I have money.” With that, Mrs. Gibson put it in his wallet. A stack of dollars came out

needs to go to work during the working day. If you are in a hurry, you can choose to rush delivery. You can leave your contact information to


Mrs. Gibson

a full week with no results,

abroad was poor, so she came back

she quickly stopped them and asked,

make a mistake?” the

standing at the door a week ago.. He said he could help me get a

have a work permit. How could he possibly apply for a visa for you?” the man explained and wondered how this

was still in disbelief, thinking that the staff was sent by Murray to


believed it. She argued with the staff for a long time to no

home, Mrs. Gibson still had a glimmer

Mrs. Gibson’s situation

about her, you just

every day to wait, but she never saw

the last of her savings. She literally had

notice for scammers was posted on the embassy door. The face of

hid in the room alone, crying and smashing things, but no matter what she did, no one

in for fear that she

mean?” Mrs. Gibson yelled as she burst into tears, and when she

on me, right?

whatever you want. Even if you smash the whole room, someone will come in with a new items tomorrow, so don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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