Chapter 868 Don’t hit my people’s idea

“I plan to get Vivian to sign up with our company for a few days and a few months. I will give Vivian good resources, and I will also let Vivian meet some important people in the film industry.”

The director’s words made Melissa a little at a loss as to how to speak. She glanced at Vivian.

“It is a joyful thing that Vivian is found to be competent by you but please do not neglect the fact that I already have a contract with Vivian. In the film industry, I also know a lot of people that I can introduce her to if things get tight. But who knows? Maybe our company’s resources can also handle it.”

Melissa knew that this man was just trying to find a cash cow like Vivian while she was pregnant. In the entertainment industry, there were many people who had posed as helpers only to trick and use young talents like Vivian and Melissa who had also been a victim of such a thing for some years and were beginning to think the director was one of those people.

“What you said is a bit too mean. After all, I am also very optimistic about Vivian,” The director said, slightly unhappy. He even put down the fork in his hand. “What you said made me a little bit at a loss as to what to do next! Vivian can be a member of our company. If there is something we have made you lose, we can consider it and compensate you, but you have to first consider the terms our company has placed before you.”

This script was not so popular, and the director just wanted to open up the market for Vivian in the industry. But Melissa had already begun paving the way in the market for Vivian’s script. Why would the director then think it right to make irresponsible remarks here?

“Our meeting is not to introduce you to someone to buy it, but to let you help her make more money for her company,” Melissa spoke making the director laugh

“Since you’re not willing to agree with me, there is no need for me to be here.” Having said that, the director got up and was about to leave.

But Melissa knew that if the director was left to leave at this time, tomorrow’s headlines would be their company’s entertainer.

here that makes a lot of sense

“I’m listening.”

not very good. If you hadn’t discovered this script, I’m assured there are not many scripts

and his company is

say I’m surprised. You did thorough research on my company,” The director

continued. “Your current status is indeed worse than other directors in the industry. You are just thinking that my pregnancy will hinder my ability to take

smarter than I thought. I don’t have much influence now, but after this drama airs, I know that my company

I’m afraid your chances of promotion will be very difficult.” Sometimes it was indeed a good thing to use your own identity

director’s expression changed when

completion of the drama today? Why are we

scoffed and ignored him. After a quick silence spell, the director spoke up. “Since we can’t come

up. Melissa didn’t count that as winning, but she was resolved not to let

and awkward for the three of them. It ended early and the director left.

me for ruining your chances

did what was right back

the director of

told, Melissa has already pushed all the information about Vivian to the film directors

to tell you this good news. Another popular director in the industry had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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