Chapter 870 Stubborn People

After saying this, Arno turned around and left. Melissa looked at his retreating figure, intrigued by his determination. She was happy for the two of them but hoped that Arno meant what he said this time.


Father Kim was taking care of Sileas and helping her take one of her medications while trying to talk sense into her.

“Don’t develop unnecessary hatred for Vivian. Don’t you remember how our son was happy when the two of them were together? Why are you trying to break them apart even more?” Arno’s father asked. He was relatively gentle, as he didn’t want to see their mother and son turn against each other.

“I’m not angry, I’m just worried for our son. That woman is not that easy to mess with.”

Sileas had always felt that Vivian was quick-tempered and wrong- mannered as it was Vivian who was talking behind her back that the relationship between Sileas and her son was beginning to grow weak.

“Let the kids solve the problem between them. We are old people, just coordinating them by the side, watching them live well and be happier than anyone else.” The Dewar family’s father said in his usual soothing voice.

Arno listened at the door, these words felt a little unkind but he kept listening in until he was fed up and walked into the room. Sileas was not so surprised when she saw Arno in person. “Why did you come?” Sileas asked, scoffing.

“I’m here to take care of you. If you thought I would change my mind, you’re wrong because I won’t marry another person except for Vivian.” Arno said, rolling his eyes 1.

Are you trying to claim your

“What are you still going on about? Let the two children deal with it on

“Only God knows how much worse that woman has done to my

of Vivian. It is a pity that he was already convinced in his heart, and

determined to make the obviously wrong choices? Don’t forget that I am your biological mother and I want nothing but

did, he couldn’t change the way his mother saw Vivian. The impression of Vivian in his mother’s mind was fixed and if anyone tried to

very much, but I think your mother who hasn’t seen her recently

Arno agreed.

you two going to unite against me?” His

all, you are the kindest person I’ve ever known,” Arno hurriedly said, catching his

too much, it means nothing to me at all, and I won’t let him go so

belief seems to be confirmed in my heart, no matter how much other

see if what I

made Sileas sit up. “You also think about it from another position.

now, the present day. I think the problem is that you didn’t listen then and you don’t listen to what I say now, as if you think I’ll say everything. It’s like some false accusations against you.” Sileas said, but her son stormed out

and Arno did not visit the ward. It was until Sileas

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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