Chapter 879 Bash

Tom’s eyes were dim, he looked at Harley and Nina talking intimately and he couldn't help feeling sad and jealous. It was at that moment that Tom realized that time had passed between him and Nina. Even if the misunderstanding between them was resolved, her heart had been entrusted to another, one which was always there, unlike him. He lowered his head in shame and pulled himself together, trying so much to fight back the tears that were knocking on his eyelids, begging to be freed.

A moment later, Harley went to go through the discharge procedures, Ariana was called by the nurse to get the birth certificate, leaving Nina alone with the baby. Using the opportunity, Tom slipped into the ward quietly. Nina was wrapping the child when she felt someone creep up on her from behind.

“Harley, you’re out of the hospital so soon?” Nina thought it was Harley.

Hearing Nina say Harley's name, caused Tom's heart to rip in half.

“It’s me.” He replied in a low voice.

Nina’s eyes flickered when she heard Tom’s voice. Worried about waking the child, she turned around and made a finger at Tom, lowering her voice and saying, “ True Paul just fell asleep, please lower your voice before you wake her up.”

Tom had no ill will towards the child, and asked with a slight smile, “Is the baby all right?”

Nina nodded and replied with a smile: “Yes. she smiles all the time, and does not fight too much when I give her her milk.”

Looking at Nina’s face full of happiness, Tom was also happy for the child’s bubbling health. “That's good.”

somewhat similar to Harley. Recalling the intimate interaction between Harley and Nina just now, Tom began to feel uncomfortable again. Seeing that Nina was not ready

tell me the truth, have you and Harley

Nina, but she

to know who her father is and experience his love as a child.” Although Tom expected the answer, he was still very disappointed. “Well, then I bless

his eyes, Nina understood that her choice broke Tom's heart. Truth be told, she had never planned to get back with Tom from the beginning. Before giving birth to True Paul, the reason why she ran to see him was just to get rid of the knot in her heart. But since Tom showed he cared genuinely for

me your bank card number? I want to transfer some money to you.,

had not meant the question in a wrong way, but it seemed Tom immediately misunderstood her as the expression on his

do you mean?”He asked in

thank you for your care, and I hope we will be good friends

In his opinion,

pauper, not worthy of a lady like you,” Tom said, scoffing. “But I won't ask for

and left,

approached the ward talking and laughing as they looked forward to Nina and Harley living a good life in the future. Just before reaching the ward, Kasen

He demanded, the smile on his face reduced

words with him so he bowed his head and explained: “Mr. Timothy, please understand. I just came to visit Nina and

doesn’t need you to visit. What background do you have?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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