Chapter 886 was rejected

Harley had spent ten days writing the script and had mustered the courage to go to Jasmine for help, all for the sake of Nina and his daughter. Now he had sold the script and chosen a suitable house but was ruthlessly rejected by Nina.

Harley couldn’t figure it out. He didn’t understand that he had always been on Nina’s side, but the two of them were still on the verge of falling apart.

“Nina, talk to me, can’t we take care of the baby together?” He asked. Her silence was eating him up so he stepped forward and held her hand, only to have his hand gently pushed away.

“Sorry Harley, I’m so exhausted from everything. I just want to rest here.”

Maybe this is how their fate was meant to be. No matter how they seemed perfect for each other, they just couldn’t be together.

Seeing her determination in Nina’s eyes, Harley drew a deep slow breath. He still wouldn’t give up.

“Give me a chance, okay? I promise to give you a peaceful life in the future, and I promise not to let the baby…” Harley trailed off as the sound of True Paul’s crying echoed through the room.

“I’m going to check on her,” Nina announced and walked towards the bedroom.

Harley followed closely, watching Nina pick up their daughter and pat her on the back to comfort her. It was a joy to see his daughter, but he noticed that the baby was a little thinner than a normal baby would due to premature birth and the previous illness, so he felt more distressed. He stood there and watched Nina coax the baby but after a while, he was tired of being a bystander so he stepped forward and held out his hands.

me hold True Paul,” Harley asked gently for fear of

handed the baby over to Harley, sighing and saying: “True Paul was frightened two days ago, and now she drinks very little milk powder every meal. Every time

reason why her daughter was frightened must be related to her previous miscarriage of Sylvia. But now, he did not pity Sylvia in the slightest and put all his emotions and attention on Nina’s mother

I told you about is in a good location. I rented it and I promise you’ll like it. That

the baby which

before she could respond, the sound

and fish so she took the daughter from Harley’s arms. “It’s better for me to hold her. you

so many vegetables!” Harley exclaimed the first thing on his mind, with a teeth-baring smile, as he saw the

slapped by Carlee, and decided

My daughter is either suffering from stress or suffers humiliation in your house,” Kasen Paul said

mother slapped half of Nina’s face swollen. You didn’t take it seriously, but her father and I felt distressed. Since Nina was born till now, neither her father nor

and what was missing that his mother didn’t tell him

I’m willing to apologize to you for my mother,”

Paul pulled him in, seeing the embarrassment of

your affection

“You better take care of your own family first, otherwise we will

Paul’s refusal, Harley was sad. He knew that his family was really

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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