Chapter 892 Setting up

As for Arno’s father, he was certain that when the time came, he would explain Arno and the boy would listen.

The corner of Sileas’s mouth showed a smile, and she couldn’t help laughing at the thought of his son’s bright future. After Arno was gone for a while, Sileas quickly found him after her quarrel with his father was over.

“Mom, what’s the matter, you came to me in such a hurry?” Arno asked in surprise as she barged into the foot without knocking.

He was surprised because he knew that his mother was a naturally calm person. Even when faced with great distress, she never proved to be dramatic. Her countenance made Arno a little scared.

“It’s all right, Mom is just a little worried.”

The statement drove Arno into deep thought. He couldn’t understand what Sileas meant by “worried.”

“Mom, why did you come to see me? If I did something wrong, just say it already,” Arno said, smiling nervously.

“Your father’s health is beginning to depreciate. After we discussed it, we just want to see you and the Stark family’s female heir marry. That way we can unite the two families,” Sileas said.

In truth, most of Sileas’s words were made up at that moment, well except for the obvious fact that her husband was getting healthier by the day, which was a common symptom of ageing. Apart from that, the decision for the two youths to marry was made by Sileas alone.


I’ve said it time without a number that I don’t like Ms. Stark. It would be great if you guys stop forcing

arguments with him, Arno knew his father wouldn’t agree to such an agreement. In fact, his father had said he had withdrawn all his involvement and that Arno would be

for a long time, you should still consider it.” Sileas repeated, his eyes began to wet with tears threatening to pour. Her acting was so good that Arno was beginning to buy it. “I came to you today, and it’s not for anything else. Don’t you like Ms. Stark? I arranged for the

got in and beckoned Arno to come with her. Arno was so stunned by the quickness with which she acted, so without further argument, he got in

went in, he knew something was wrong. He was

Arno kept on going. He just wanted to see what Sileas brought him here for or who are you coming to see. Soon they made a quick turn into the hallway and entered a private room which was

are we here

not respond but

of them sat down, the private room door was pushed open and in came three persons Arno dreaded to see; the parents of the Stark family and Ms. Stark. He began to feel a little uncomfortable when he saw that they were there. It was quite

a calm voice when they saw that the two of

Sileas smiled.

Stark family is not still angry because of what

chose silence as a

promise that after this, Arno will no longer be in a relationship

the purpose of the meeting was his marriage to Ms. Stark. But why didn’t his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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