Chapter 897 Conditions

Arno saw that Vivian could be so optimistic, and he was happy. After all, there were not many girls who could choose to work hard outside and he could confidently say Vivian’s spirit was very rare.

What’s more, if Vivian gave up her hard work in the future, then it would be true that Arno and her have no future. He knew how clever his parents were and knew he couldn’t be with Vivian until he met the terms of their pact. All he needed to do was work hard for their future with Vivian!

After Arno and Vivian discussed the future, the two decided to go on a little drive.

“Where do you wanna go?” Arno asked Vivian, sitting in the main driver’s seat.

Vivian thought about it. There were a lot of nice spots in the city but she didn’t have any particular place in mind.

“Could you recommend? I’m out of ideas,” Vivian replied.

The truth was Arno had no place in mind as well. He was usually very busy with work and had almost no personal time of his own, therefore he barely knew the popular spots where one could hang out.

At this time, an idea suddenly occurred in Vivian’s mind. All she had to do now was to make Sileas understand that it wasn’t nice to interfere with her relationship with Arno, otherwise, her actions would cause trouble. After the matter was settled, then they could go for a drive to any spot they wished.

“Then let’s go to your house first,” Vivian said, catching Arno off guard.

Arno didn’t expect Vivian to think about going to his own home. But after thinking about it, he knew what was going on in Vivian’s mind.

“I know what you’re thinking but I think my mother is unlikely to agree with you,” Arno advised Vivian.

“If I didn’t think it through, I

cautious in her dealings, whether it is

may speak harshly to you, I must warn you. But if you can’t take it anymore, I can step in and speak for

could prove to be bad at

looked back at Vivian. Vivian’s hands were clenched on her knees and beads of

Arno chuckled.

you were not afraid. I didn’t expect my mother to

surprising to him that Vivian was nervous. Anyone meeting Sileas would be freaking out, talk more of Vivian

and just gave Arno a

can just slam the door

Vivian nodded.

his phone and told Sileas that he would bring

abnormal. She didn’t say much, but simply muttered an “I know.” Her reaction

Vivian noticed his reaction.

wrong?” she asked,

I just told my mother that

say?” Vivian

Sileas, she knew that when

able to avoid the older lady for the rest of her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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