Chapter 899 Negotiation

With that, Melissa hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Claire Gibson felt very

uncomfortable. If Melissa didn’t come, wouldn’t it be too stressful for her?

Claire Gibson thought for a moment. If Melissa didn’t come, Arno probably wouldn’t come either, and if neither of them came, she wouldn’t have anything to worry about. Nonetheless, she set off to find Melissa.

At the time, Vivian was taking refuge at Melissa’s house, so she happened to meet Claire Gibson as she opened the door for her.

“I’m looking for Melissa,” Claire Gibson announced.

Vivian had been instructed by Melissa in advance not to open the door for anyone, no matter who it was, so she would not be seen.

“My Vivian said she wouldn’t be seeing any visitors today, so please vine back later.”

However, Claire Gibson was annoyed. She couldn’t bear being barricaded from being able to see Melissa so she began quarrelling with Vivian.

Melissa listened to the two of them quarrelling and felt a little regretful in her heart. She knew that Claire Gibson would want to come to see her, so she arranged for Vivian to stop her. But she didn’t expect Claire Gibson to be so stubborn and insist on seeing her.

It also happened that at that moment, Arno passed by the door of Melissa’s house and saw this scene. He couldn’t stand watching Vivian and Claire Gibson quarrel so he quickly stepped in.

“Stop arguing, what’s the matter? Why are you two arguing like

Arno said, standing


fault!” After saying

was going on. He turned his head to look at Vivian for a reply, but she had already returned to the house. Arno wanted to go into the

here?” Melissa’s voice

Arno smiled embarrassedly.


knew in his heart that since Vivian had hidden in Melissa’s house, he would tell Melissa what happened between him and Vivian, so she could

done and then you can come and find

hand and motioned for Arno to leave. But Arno stood his ground. He had finally found Vivian, how could

her, let me explain myself! Are ten minutes too much?”

Melissa mouthed a yes.

let you do it no matter how you plead. He turned and was just about to leave when

known that Arno and Vivian were having an affair, so they came to Vivian. Since Vivian’s parents were also on Arno’s side, Arno believed he had a chance to see her. Even though her sadness was his fault, at least he deserved to be given a chance

saw Arno standing at the door, they understood what was going on. Her mother

I’ll talk to Vivian for

speaking, she walked

originally in the house, turned to scold Arno as she heard footsteps approaching, but when she saw that it was Vivian’s

here.” Mother Liu announced, smiling at Melissa,

you Vivian,” Melissa said when she saw that she

parents and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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