Chapter 901 Divorce

“Mrs.Timothy, I negotiated with you today with the intention of getting a satisfying result.It’s my idea to move out.I also asked Melissa to help me.If you don’t appreciate it, then this will be the end of our families relationship”

After saying that, Vivian felt much relaxed and comfortable.

“What do you mean?”Arno got flustered.The relationship between the two of them just eased a little.How could it end up like this?

“Let’s get divorce! See you at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning in the City Hall!”

After saying that, Vivian left.

The Swanson couple left the Dewar family with their daughter.

“It’s all your fault.Let’s see what’s going on.I already said that we should try to fix our relationship.Why don’t you reconsider it?”

Arno was so angry that he punched the sofa.

Sileas didn’t want to end up like this,but she was too angry to speak it out.She didn’t even think about the consequences.

“I didn’t expect that Murray would come here.I know his terrible temper and capability!Melissa is already enough!”

Sileas knew that the power of Murray was greater than the sky,but she wasn’t aware of Melissa’s capability.

“Apart from Murray, Melissa is a famous hacker.She never relied on Murray in terms of her company and finance.Furthermore, she is the president of a famous university.”

He knew too well about the reputation of Melissa.Back then,he was afraid of Melissa, so he kept a good relationship with Vivian.

Sileas’s jaw dropped in fright.”Really? Is she really that powerful?”

time, you did not only offended Melissa,but also Murray.Judging from his

right.In less than half an hour, Arno’s

father frowned and

father angrily dropped his phone.Sileas had never

“What happened?”

with Melissa for no reason? If they

has been bought off?”Arno seemed to have guessed it.This was the usual way of Murray

company’s shares have been bought off and was transferred to the Gibson family. The shareholders have also transferred their shares to Melissa,making her the biggest shareholder of the company and can

Arno.He didn’t know what had happened.It all happened

Gibson family,and

move was too perfect and agile.It was simply out of his

should we do now?”Sileas

should we do? Go and apologize

packed up their things in a hurry and went

too angry.But she’s eight months pregnant,so she had to be more careful.After all,her baby was

you will lose your own principle.!”Murray poured

that stupid to use such method to achieve other people’s goals?”Melissa also knew that the Dewar family used a vicious method to make them compromise.Otherwise, they

such a risk

Dewar family came to Melissa’s company.When she was about to enter, she saw a notice at the door,which read, “Dogs and the Dewar family are not allowed

you be so vicious?”Sileas criticized Melissa

guard stepped forward and said, “You can go back now.You are not

want to talk to her. There may be some misunderstandings between them.”Arno’s father humbly

written clearly!”The security guards were also dutiful.The words on the notice were vivid.They dare not to cause

called Melissa until it got

really didn’t mean that!”Arno

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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