Chapter 906 premature babies can’t live

“Let’s go back.Don’t disturb the children’s rest. “Murray helped her up and guided her to leave.

Melissa waved her hand in front of the incubator.Although there was a glass between them, she could see the children’s situation.She reached out to touch them,as if she could make them feel her existence in this way.

She made up her mind to have them back safely.

Melissa stayed there for a long time before leaving the hospital.

As soon as she got home, she locked herself in the room,ignoring other people’s call.

Murray went to the company to deal with some business, leaving the servants at home.

Vivian was worried about Melissa,so she visit to have a look.As soon as she entered the room, she heard the nannies shouting upstairs, “Mrs.Timothy, are you feeling better?Come out and have some soup.”

But there was no response from the inside.

“What happened?”

The servant told her everything.Vivian became anxious immediately.She looked around and said to them, “You can leave now.I’ll take care of this and find the key to the room!”

The key was usually kept by Murray, and no one else knew where it was hidden.

Helplessly, Vivian had no choice but to call Murray.After

the key and opened the

saw Melissa sitting in

a blanket covering her

hugged her.”Don’t be

support system and sobbed Since her babies was born, she had been thinking about them all

a terrible situation, she could only imagine how pain they were under.As a mother, watching her children in such status was

in a soft and tender voice.Seeing her friend like this, she couldn’t help but hate Sileas a million

gone weaker.She gently helped her up and laid her

were red and

mistake as before,

to ask if she needs medicine. “Seeing her cry every day, even a cold hearted man like Mourray could

wife who

good.I have added tranquilizer in her soup,but your wife refuse to take even a


her to drink it and let her sleep a little longer?It’s better than waking up and have

refused, “It doesn’t work like that.It’s not good to take too much

Melissa had a

was still

had an idea and pulled Murray to

cautious Vivian was, Murray asked,

agree or not.”After all,it was risky to say her thoughts and it might affect


your children.We can continue that for a whole month so she could recover.Meanwhile, the twns will also recover and we could exchange them after that. What do you think??”Vivian had been thinking about it for a long time.It would definitely need the consent of Murray to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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