Chapter 921 who is my child Pneumonia?

She had never heard of this disease from Murray. The date of the diagnosis the doctor said was on the same date Murray brought back their kids.

Melissa was stunned and didn’t know what to believe in.

She remembered when her kids were taken back home. How could it be pneumonia?

“Can I have a look at these two kids?”Melissa asked the doctor suspiciously.

The doctor took her to the incubator and asked the nurse to take the two children out.

The first time she came to see the children,she was also in this room. Seeing the nurse approaching Melissa,she couldn’t help but feel nervous.

The nurse put the two children in the baby stroller and said, “These are your children who are well taken care of. Now, the operation for the baby boy is also very successful. He may be discharged in about half a month.”

What the nurse said confused Melissa even more. Why didn’t they say the same thing as she saw?

Where on earth was her real child?

Melissa looked at the two sleeping children carefully. They looked very soft and not crying..

It suddenly occurred to her what Marc said. She took off the clothes of the two children by accident and saw butterfly birthmarks on their shoulders!

Melissa was stunned. Was this her real child? Then whose children had she raised for so many days?

Melissa looked at the two children in disbelief.

The doctor next to her explained, “The two children were personally observed by Murray.We have taken good care of them.Please rest assured that they will be discharged as soon as possible.”

Melissa’s mind was in chaos and she couldn’t hear what they said.

She sat on the ground limply. Fortunately, the nurse beside her helped her up.

“I’ll bring back the two kids inside first!”

Melissa still couldn’t believe it.So far,she particularly believed in

Murray’s words.

think that Murray would lie to

was the best way to

objection. He took Melissa to have a

her former attending doctor on

saw Melissa,his face changed dramatically



the condition of the two

this,his face darkened and he immediately

the baby’s condition;not the doctor in charge of the baby.I know everything you

He didn’t want Melissa to misunderstand too

Melissa didn’t know


at the back of Melissa,the doctor panicked. She had never encountered such

to her office

having a

her?How can you

Murray scolded the doctor.

didn’t know that your wife would come back to the

explanation and rushed to

had taken the test and was waiting

happened and she had been with these two

two children.If the test result was false,maybe she

the kids,she always felt a kind of inexplicable sadness in her

she had been taking care of were not

over all the possible explanations, but couldn’t

an hour later,their test results

nurse call her name,

time, Murray’s car arrived at

the biological mother of

the sky had collapsed. She didn’t know whether she

had raised the children for more than a month, but it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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