Chapter 939 Inspection

Melissa said ruthlessly all those words towards Claire.The assistant, who was standing next to her,couldn’t help clapping her hands in excitement.

Claire stood there in a daze. Then, Melissa left with her assistant.

After Renita left, they began to discuss the identity of Claire.

“Our boss is so shrewd that she won’t allow her relative to work under her nose. And I think it is just a good thing because that woman seem not to respect our boss at all.”

Renita and others chatted for several minutes..No matter what they said,they were thinking about Melissa.

“Look at that arrogant woman.He is so disrespectful.I don’t know who even introduced her to this company..”

“Didn’t she say that his surname is Gibson?Shemight be a relative of Mr.Gibson.But why did he send her here?”

Several employees were confused about what had happened today,but they couldn’t reach an agreement.

When Claire came over,they were still discussing the voice.Claire had such a loud voice.

“I didn’t expect my sister-in-law to know that there are so many gossipers in the company. No wonder it’s an entertainment gossip company,”Claire said one time.It was obvious that she was trying to look down over Melissa and her company.

“What are you doing here?This is the area of Renita.I don’t think it belongs to you,”Renita Wang was a capable assistant of Melissa and the first one to follow Melissa.

“Of course it was my sister-in-law who asked me to get familiar with the business.Send me all the materials of the entertainer in your hands and all the materials of the company.”

Claire asked them for the information as if they were inspecting something.

had never said

Melissa very well. They wouldn’t let

all the entertainers in

that the people under Melissa would be so

I asked you for it,”Claire changed to a humble attitude. She looked more sincere,but there was no lack of arrogance

to bother to help “Don’t forget that I was brought here by Melissa.If you offend me,it means

and burst into laughter in front of

laughing at

employees burst into laughter but didn’t say

Claire, “Ms. Gibson,this is the information my boss asked me to give you. Please be familiar with everyone’s information today. The exam

she left

saw all the documents.She had thought that she could live through this day peacefully,

look.If you have any questions,come and ask me.I will treat you as my

employees laughed

never been

the scene on

want to keep this kind

excellent employees in their company. Why did they find such a rich Ms.Gibson who was good for

a light voice.”Only when she gets tired and keeps

office,facing piles of documents on the table. His

me how much information you need in

far as she knew, Melissa’s company was just established.In less than five years,how could there be

offered many entertainers.Since you want to know the whole company,you need to know all the

official words

no choice but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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