Chapter 942 official business

When Uncle Gibson was saying that, Melissa was confused.She didn’t know what to say and what not as he wasn’t in a position to listen to her. And her words weren’t working on him either.

“”I know you aren’t in a position to listen to me.But I still repeat myself,l am not someone who holds personal grudges at work. In Fact I was feeling restless when I got to know about this accident.

I can’t imagine hurting her or anyone else.”Melissa tried to explain herself.

Meanwhile Murray kept standing there with a long face. He wasn’t able to comment on anything.

“Boss,many reporters gathered outside the hospital.I don’t know from where they got the news but they are waiting for your statement now.”Renita rushed towards Melissa and her eyes were fixed at her cellphone’s screen.

Unfortunately everyone had already started blaming Melissa.

Although they were aware that they needed to deal with the reporters,they never knew that they had to do that in such a shorter period.

“We need to go downstairs and give the explanation.”Renita said to Melissa.

All this while the only thing and the person who was hurting Melissa the most was Murray.His words and attitude was undeniably rude towards her.

So she gave him a last look and went downstairs without looking back.

When they reached the entrance of the hospital.Reporters ran in their direction and surrounded them.

Air was filled with ’number of questions. The sight was scary. Meanwhile Melissa was thinking about the source of their information.

“Only few people know about the accident.So the person is definitely someone from the inner circle.”She thought.

“Melissa,I heard that the patient in the hospital is the cousin of Murray.She used to like him.Is it an accident or a planned murder?”

One of the reporters shouted after seeing her standing there.After that all of them followed the league.

“Melissa,I heard that you have a personal grudge against Claire Gibson.Did offering her a contract in your company be your first move towards your strategy?””We are waiting for your statement. Why are you still silent?”

to take advantage of the whole situation.Someone had already revealed the inside

was creating a major problem



Melissa gave birth to her child. Her

injurious to health. The information you got is not true as the only person who knows the truth is Claire and she hasn’t gained consciousness so you have to wait

to worry about anything.Another company is going to issue a statement and hopefully it will

tried to calm them

reporters didn’t care what Renita said. Unfortunately they only wanted a controversial statement to spice up their prime time news

for us and everyone who is waiting to know about the truth.Please Ms.Melissa come forward and

understand their purpose and thoughts,but she didn’t have much energy to deal with

the position to say anything for now.Let Claire regain her consciousness then I will speak on this matter,not before that.

of Renita,she walked back

Gibson and Murray sitting

know they will not stop.So I don’t want to hear any absurd comments based on your assumptions.”.Melissa said this to warn Uncle Gibson that no matter how

have an idea

with our family affairs.”Uncle Gibson said and asked them to

had never tried to

heartbroken, but she tried to stay

must be a lot of reporters outside the company now.I can’t go back to the company now. You have to take care of

began to arrange

is what exactly happened there?Especially the fact that Claire was talking before the

like somebody had staged it and

do after reaching the company is make a statement..We have nothing to do with this matter.From the moment Claire came to the company, from our first meeting

cover up the whole thing in the most

company,I will handle everything. By the way,I was worried about other entertainers signing up. May not they get

things get

our company is in trouble now and they need to support us. So now I am giving you the responsibility to

all she was afraid of was

want to be the one to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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