Chapter 947 I will protect you

After saying that,Melissa turned around and saw Murray.Their eyes locked,although she didn’t want her to be there but she inwardly appreciated his presence.

After a while he gave her a thumbs up,as if he knew how nervous she

“”The reporters are already here. We will start in a few minutes. Go and prepare for that first.”

It was the year’s end meeting and Murray didn’t go to his office.

It was a make or break moment. The press conference was to sustain the company’s reputation and Melissa couldn’t risk that.

“”I will join you!”A stern voice came from behind.

Melissa turned around and saw Murray was standing there. This time he wasn’t asking her but telling her. He was that powerful support that everyone would have wanted but unfortunately she didn’t.

“No,thanks.”Melissa refused subconsciously.

Without delay,she went downstairs directly.

When she reached the venue she saw many reporters were surrounded by security guards.A rush of adrenaline went into her.

Earlier she was nervous but seeing them like that she was slightly scared.At that time a hand rested on her shoulders.

The touch was enough to comfort her and calm her mind.

She didn’t need to look up to know the person as she knew that it was Murray..His tall back was like a hard support, blocking people to reach Melissa.

“Security guard,stop them from coming near Melissa.”Murray shouted loudly.

When these reporters saw Murray coming towards them, they turned in the other direction. They were scared by the sharp look that Murray was giving them.

The security guards followed the instructions given by Murray.In a short while,everything get into place and the chaos was handled well.

Meanwhile all the reporters were recorded inside and they sat in their chairs.

Melissa was reluctant, Murray still followed her to the backstage as he wasn’t ready

her and whispered

When those reporters came into sight,Melissa closed her eyes and took a deep

Melissa.”She motivated herself and put on a fake professional smile

much for coming here.As you know I

come to the point.I know a car accident of our new employee has grabbed quite a

give closure to some curious and fictitious minds let me clarify that our company has nothing to do with it and we have no reason to cover it up

eyes were more convincing and

this accident.As you might think that Claire has some personal grudge

presented like this. But let me tell you that before making

out her phone and put the microphone on the

her conversation with Claire which she had in the hospital.She

surrounding. Although everyone felt that it was Valire but they were unwilling

sighed and started discussing in front

Claire do this to herself?”There was an

hell did she risk her own life?”Not only them but Murray couldn’t believe

Claire had made some major mistakes in the past.But everyone deserves a

and killing each other

Melissa stopped talking and looked up. The amazement on everyone’s face was worth

heard that truth is always hard to accept,and trust me,I wasn’t able to believe it either.I know there must be lots of doubts.It’s so strange that members of Gibson’s family do such tricks to deal with the person they don’t

was so unbelievable that even Renita and other people in the Public Relation Department of the company couldn’t believe their eyes and ears.Now they got to know the reason why

were trying to find evidence, Melissa had them.As nobody

know the better picture of that incident and they started seeing Melissa in a

to listen to another recording. You may know the person in it or you may not.Please decide that

delay Melissa clicked on the conversation that

didn’t want to involve them in this whole chaos,she didn’t have any

were so sincere and

were baffled and they were speechless.Everything was unbelievably true.A few minutes ago,everyone was sympathizing with Claire and now it was changed in the blink

of Claire Gibson.How can she fake her accident just to frame

the questions bombarded

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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