171 Save Him

Everyone was stunned.

When Chasing Wind leaped over the railing, the whole horse almost seemed to fly.

Its pale golden fur shone with a brilliant luster under the sunlight.

Such speed and height made everyone’s hearts leap to their throats. An average person would surely be thrown off the horse’s back by such a maneuver, and even the riding coaches couldn’t guarantee their own safety!

They could almost picture Keira being tossed off, crashing heavily into the ground, and then having her ribs crushed by the horse’s hooves…

That bloody scene made everyone unable to bear watching!

Some of the young ladies of the rich families exclaimed in shock, subconsciously covering their eyes.

Others who were braver watched intently, worrying



171 Save Him

about Keira…

But the anticipated gruesome scene didn’t occur. Keira’s entire body was flat against the horse, and she was pulling the reins with one hand. The moment Chasing Wind leaped and landed, she remained firmly seated on its back!

Her figure merged with that of Chasing Wind, making her look like an equestrian deity descending from the


“Holy shit! It actually worked!”

A rich young man who had been riding with Ellis exclaimed, unable to help himself. “That illegitimate daughter is kind of badass!”

The coach nearby breathed a sigh of relief but then frowned with worry. “This is just the first obstacle. The main thing is to see what happens next…”

His words made the people who had just relaxed tense up again!

Yes, jumping the railing was only the first obstacle. The most important part was catching up to Ellis’s horse, and then figuring out how to soothe it and make it calm down!



171 Save Him

Currently, the horse was in panic mode, and a non-professional horse trainer would never be able to

calm it down quickly.

Everyone frowned again.

Ellis felt he was done for.

He had tried all methods he knew to calm the horse, but still, he couldn’t get it to stop. He could feel the horse’s violence and unease from under him.

The speed of the horse kept increasing, and his body was being jolted so violently that even clinging to it tightly did no good.

At this speed, if the horse went berserk…

There was almost no chance of survival!

Ellis frowned tightly, but he didn’t regret taking the illegitimate daughter seriously.

She relied on a good marriage to bully Mrs. Olsen and her daughter, and he would teach her a lesson next time to take up for Mrs. Olsen!

He just felt some regret that he hadn’t lived long




cave Him


He hadn’t found a wife for his third uncle yet…

And he hadn’t managed to trick Lewis back home to marry his cousin…

What he regretted most was that he had come all the

way to Oceanion and hadn’t even met that legendary horse trainer!

What a loss! His life had been too much of a loss.

As Ellis was thinking about this, a neigh suddenly came from behind him. With a slight turn of his head, he saw Keira, her face tense, rushing up beside him like a


Ellis immediately frowned and said, “What are you doing catching up?”

Keira’ frowned as she stared at his horse. “Hold on

tight. Grab the reins…”

Ellis was immediately astonished, “You want to save me? Stop joking around. With your skills, you’ll just be sending yourself to death too!”

Keira gave him a cold glance and didn’t speak, still observing the horse.




171 Save Him

Horses wouldn’t just go mad for no reason, especially

those from the Horton family. Apart from Chasing

Wind, they had all been tamed and were very gentle by


There must be something that agitated this horse. Keira observed to find the root cause…

Yet Ellis scoffed. “What? Are you afraid that if I die, I’ll bring trouble for you? Then carry some guilt and stop bullying Mrs. Olsen and her daughter in the future! I despise nothing more than seeing others smugly triumphant!”

Keira said, “Shut up!”

Ellis went on. “Right, can I ask you a favor?”

Keira still said nothing.

Ellis coughed. “My idol is that mysterious horse train from Oceanion. If you meet her, please tell her I

admire her.”

Upon hearing this, Keira suddenly showed a strange look in her eyes.

She gave Ellis a long look.

This man wasn’t bad, actually. Even when he forced


171 Save Him

her into a horse race, he had remained by her side, shielding her. Otherwise, Keira wouldn’t have bothered playing the saint to save him

“Your horse riding skills are actually pretty good. You ride so fast yet so steadily. It seems you’re not just a pretty face. Lewis does have some taste… But don’t chase after me. Don’t overestimate yourself. You’re risking your own life…”

Keira sighed, then sped up once more!

Chasing Wind caught up with the other horse…

Ellis panicked. “Hey, what are you doing? You’re not intending to die with me, are you? It looks like you’re preparing for a lovers’ suicide, which is entirely


Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes widened in shock.

To his surprise, the woman in front of him suddenly stood up on horseback, hanging off the side of Chasing Wind like a circus performer, and with a burst of speed from Chasing Wind, she leaped up!

Then, Ellis felt a weight behind him. She was already sitting there her arm reaching past him to grab the



171 Save Him

horse’s reins!

Ellis was shocked.

He was horrified. “Hey, illegitimate daughter, do you have a death wish?! Even if you jump over, it’s useless. You can’t calm this horse down… This is practically suicide! You…”

There was no saddle or stirrups in the position behind him, and with the horse moving so fast, Keira would immediately be thrown off!

He instinctively looked aside and heard the woman’s crisp, calm voice of disdain in his ears. “Shut up, you’re so annoying!”

Ellis was speechless.

Just as he was about to say something else, the woman’s voice came from behind him again, “Sit tight

and hold on!’

Before he could understand her intentions, Ellis felt his waist being embraced, and then the woman’s body soared, performing a side flip from behind him to his front.

Next, Keira grabbed the reins and took control of the




171 Save Him



She leaned down, gently stroking the horse’s head, then pulled back hard on the reins while simultaneously lying down to touch the horse’s belly…

“It’s no use. I’ve tried that all already! If you jumped over just to do this, it’s really unnecessary. Do you think you’re my idol?”

Having his reins taken away, Ellis could only grasp Keira’s slender shoulders. He had been on the horse the whole time and was acutely aware of the horse’s agitation and acceleration.

Since the horse began panicking, he had constantly tried these comforting gestures, but they were of no


Therefore, seeing Keira making the same moves as he did, he couldn’t help but frown and speak out.

But to his utter disbelief, almost immediately after he spoke, he felt the horse beneath him gradually calming down!!

172 It Won’t

Ellis was stunned.

It had to be an illusion!

The horse was still galloping but the speed at which the scenery on both sides was receding was indeed slowing down…

He looked at the girl sitting in front of him in astonishment.

Keira was bending over, still stroking the horse’s head and body. She was still whispering something,

seemingly comforting the horse.

Chasing Wind had also caught up with them. It

gradually slowed down, leading their horse to a stop.

Keira finally sighed in relief.

And Ellis was already dumbfounded, looking at Keira in


She actually managed to do it?!

How could this be…

Caught in his amazement, Lewis and several other


C172 It Won’t

security personnel came galloping over on horseback, surrounding them and were immediately stunned by

the scene.

Lewis’s gaze immediately fell on Keira, and upon seeing that she had no visible injuries, he finally relaxed.

Then his cold eyes fell on Ellis’s hands had on Keira’s shoulder, and if looks could kill, Ellis’s paw would have been butchered a thousand times over by now!

He rode forward and coughed. “Ellis, haven’t you had enough riding? Are you not afraid the horse will get spooked again?”

Only then did Ellis snap back to reality and immediately dismounted.

Lewis then looked toward Keira. “Keira, you…”

“I’m fine.” Keira didn’t dismount but continued to gently pat the horse’s head, soothing its emotions.

Someone couldn’t help but ask, “Mrs. Horton, was it you who calmed the horse down?”

Another person chimed in. “The horse was in such a bad state just now, and it got calmed down like that?”



172 It Won’t

“No, that can’t be possible, right? Under that condition, even a professional horse trainer might not be able to manage it… There have been several cases like this, ending in both human and horse deaths…”

“A similar situation occurred in Oceanion before, but at that time, it was resolved by that impressive, mysterious horse trainer…”

“The horse trainer? Mrs. Horton, you’re not saying that

you are…?”

Everyone gasped.

Lewis’s eyes widened.

When Keira felt the horse beneath her was calm, she straightened up and let out a breath. Hearing everyone’s speculation, she glanced at Ellis and saw that he had already widened his eyes in surprise…

Keira chuckled lightly, neither denying nor confirming it. “This horse got spooked because there was a wooden splinter on the whip, which Mr. Olsen had inadvertently dug into the horse’s backside.”

After saying this, she turned her palm over, revealing a wooden splinter.



172 It Won’t

This was why she had flipped over to Ellis’s back before calming the horse down from the front; when she landed behind Ellis, she pulled out the splinter


Everyone saw the thick wooden splinter and gasped, then immediately turned to look at Ellis. “Mr. Olsen, how did such a large splinter get there?!”

Ellis was also dumbfounded and didn’t speak for a


Keira said indifferently, “Mr. Olsen, you were hitting the trees with this whip, weren’t you?”

Ellis was dumbfounded.

He suddenly remembered that he hadn’t been hitting trees with the whip, but when he was bullying Keira, he had used the whip to strike her horse’s backside, and upon pulling it back, he had carelessly hit a wooden post…

That was truly a case of shooting oneself in the foot!

Ellis suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed.

For a moment, no one spoke, and there was an awkward silence.


172 It Won’t

At that time, Jake and the others, some by car and some on horseback, finally arrived at the scene.

Without having seen clearly what had happened, they immediately gathered around Ellis. “Mr. Olsen, are you alright?”

Jake also started accusing Keira right away. “Keira, why are you being so serious with Mr. Olsen? If you hadn’t raced with him, such an accident wouldn’t have occurred! Uncle, I think you must give an explanation to Mr. Olsen today!”

At these words, Ellis felt even more embarrassed.

Lewis scoffed. “Ellis, what kind of explanation do you


Ellis quickly touched his nose and hesitated. “Well…”

He cleared his throat, “Today, Mrs. Horton saved my life, so I owe her a favor. Lewis, Mrs. Horton, if there’s anything you need help with in the future, as long as it’s within my capacity, I’m willing to lend a hand once.”

Upon hearing this, Jake was surprised.

The distance was too great from where they were

09:27 –

172 It Won’t

standing, and he hadn’t seen what had happened clearly. Did Keira save Ellis? How could that be possible?


When did her horse riding skills get good?!

Leaving those words behind, Ellis then got into the car to head back. “Alright, it was just a small matter. Let’s return to the party and have some fun…”

Jake wanted to say something but knew it wasn’t the time to question it and immediately followed Ellis back.

After getting into the car, Ellis’s gaze stealthily shifted toward Keira.

Now what should he do?

He now owed this illegitimate daughter such a big favor. How could he help his uncle to protect Mrs. Olsen and teach Keira a lesson?

That was really too much!

A group of people quickly surrounded Ellis and left.

Keira, on the other hand, rode her horse alongside

Lewis on their way back.



172 It Won’t

The two of them rode side by side, chatting as they went along.

Lewis looked at her and suddenly asked, “You said you couldn’t ride horses.”

Keira immediately coughed and looked away evasively. “I didn’t say that. I just said horse riding was quite


Lewis laughed, “Yeah, I was just a bit curious…”

“Curious about what?”

“I’m curious if there’s really anything my wife can’t do?”

Keira stiffened.

He called her “my wife”!

His voice was deep, and the two words he uttered were very magnetic as if something swept across her


Keira’s cheeks turned slightly red, and she smiled with a smirk. “There are still things I can’t do.”

“Like what?”

“Well, I can’t… pee standing up?”



172 It Won’t

Lewis was dumbfounded.


Keira turned her head back with a smile, raised an

eyebrow at him, then accelerated past the cars and ran toward the equestrian field.

Lewis watched her from behind, smiling indulgently, and sped up to chase after her…

Keira returned on horseback faster than they did by


After dismounting with a flourish, she tossed the reins to a staff member and walked over to the rest area, then picked up a bottle of water and began to drink.

After riding for around two hours, she was indeed a b


Just then, she saw Frankie rushing over with Rebecca.

Upon seeing her, Frankie immediately sighed in relief. “Rebecca insisted on coming over, so I went to the entrance to pick her up. When we came back, I heard that Ellis caused you trouble? Are you alright?”


172 It Won’t

“I’m fine.”

Keira looked toward Rebecca.

Rebecca had already run to her side and took her arm. “Miss Keira, do you want to continue playing?”

“I’m done playing,” Keira stretched out a bit. “I’m tired.”

“Then come with us. It’s dusty and boring here. Let’s go back now, brother. Mom and Dad are waiting for Miss Olsen!”

Keira said, “Okay.”


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173 Photo

Keira finished responding and then looked toward Frankie.

He looked into the distance and saw that Ellis and the others had also returned by car.

Frankie said, “I’m going to say goodbye to Ellis.”

In the distance.

Ellis hadn’t gotten out of the car yet when he spotted them. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, “Isla, does your illegitimate daughter actually know Frankie?”

The Allen family in Clance may not compare to the Olsen family but it still held a certain status.

Upon hearing this, Isla’s eyes flickered, and then she said, “Previously, Keira did Miss Rebecca Allen a small favor and became friends with her. It’s said that she has asked Mr. Allen for many favors. She established a company, and Mr. Allen gave her a lot of raw materials for free…”

Previously, Frankie had held up Keira’s raw materials,



173 Photo

and after the misunderstanding was cleared up, to compensate for the harm he had done her, he gave those raw materials as an apology gift without asking

for a cent.

Keira didn’t refuse.”

For people like them, money wasn’t the most important thing; favors were.

Being able to pay off what they owed with money was the most comfortable way.

However, Isla’s words made it very easy to give people the wrong impression.

Sure enough, someone who didn’t know the full story immediately said,

“She knew Miss Allen’s identity, so she helped her on purpose, right?”

“Of course, isn’t that obvious? Otherwise, why would she cling to the Allen family after just a small favor? How shameless can this woman be!”

“After all, she is an illegitimate daughter. She’s been watching us who live better lives since she was a kid and wants to leap over her class!”




173 Photo

“Suddenly, I think she’s so scheming. We all know that Frankie adores his sister. Rebecca is his Achilles’ heel, and this illegitimate daughter got to know Frankie through Rebecca. It’s terrifying to think when you think about it. It’s like she’s scheming step by step; isn’t she too calculating?”

“My god, I was wondering why this illegitimate daughter was desperate to save Mr. Ellis. It turns out she wanted him to owe her a favor!”

“She clung to the Allen family after just a small favor; Mr. Ellis, now that you’ve granted her a lifesaving favor, you better be careful!”


In the midst of the crowd’s discussion, Ellis frowned

He had just changed his opinion about Keira, and now he stumbled upon this affair.

He immediately darkened his face and let out a cold laugh.

After getting out of the car, he walked up to Frankie, Keira, and Rebecca.

Just then, a staff member from the equestrian field



173 Photo

came to thank Keira. “Mrs. Horton, we really owe you one today; if something had happened to Mr. Ellis at our equestrian field, none of us could have borne the consequences!”

Keira waved her hand. “It was just a helping hand.”

Rebecca, the “Keira fan,” upon hearing this, immediately exclaimed in amazement, “… You just saved Ellis? In the midst of horseback riding? I can’t believe I missed your moment of glory! But Ellis is very skilled in horseback riding. If your riding skills outshine his, you must be the best in Oceanion, right?”

Ellis burst into laughter upon hearing this, “Best in Oceanion? She’s just showy with no real skill, and just happened to see a thorn on the horse’s backside! Rebecca, are you that simple? You believe whatever people say?”

Rebecca and Ellis were sworn enemies. At his words, she glared at him. “Then why didn’t you realize there was a thorn on the horse’s backside? Ellis, is it that hard to acknowledge someone else’s excellence?”

Ellis sneered. “Excellence? You must not have seen what truly impressive equestrian skills are like. I heard



173 Photo

THE horse trainer is in Oceanion; tonight, I’m going to meet my idol! Rebecca, being able to ride doesn’t mean you’re good at equestrianism!”

After saying that, he paused as he passed by Rebecca. “Also, here’s a piece of advice for you. Grow some brains, and don’t let that illegitimate daughter take advantage of you!”

Rebecca was dumbfounded.

She stamped her foot in anger.

Next to her, Frankie frowned, then, glancing at Isla in the crowd, he immediately understood something and said, “Ellis, I think this piece of advice suits you better! Grow some brains, and don’t let yourself be used by others! Some things aren’t as simple as they seem

the surface!”

Ellis immediately looked at him. “Frankie, everyone limits to how much they can spoil their sister. At least know who the legitimate heiress is and who the illegitimate daughter is. Is your sister confused between right and wrong? Do you think we’ll socialize with an illegitimate daughter? Are you kidding me? Lowering one’s status like that, you may enjoy it, but I



173 Photo

certainly don’t!”


him, anger

anything. He just cast a cold glance at Keira and left with the

down, silent

gone far away, she

bitter smile.

determined from birth, and the label of “illegitimate daughter” might

an ordinary person, others wouldn’ bring up her status all the time, but unfortunatel had married Lewis of a grand

is simply too much! How can

stomped her foot in

deep breath and

we going to have dinner? What shall we eat



173 Photo

moment was Keira, so she quickly changed the subject. “Seafood, do you like


changing room to change her clothes, then went out to greet Lewis, who had just stepped away to

Mr. and Mrs. Allen because, for

and Keira and Rebecca

staying in the hospital was inconvenient, Frankie generously purchased a small villa here. By coincidence, this villa was in

glance at the Olsen





173 Photo

never set foot in the Olsen residence again

soon stopped. The three of them got out and entered the

already waiting for them in

come back earlier. You just had to go to the

Keira at noon!”

head to take the scolding,

bear it and intervened, “The peop from Clance came, so how could Frankie not be the You’re always in such a hurry… We’ve seen

hearing that, Mr. Allen looked at Frankie and reached

the folder in his

Allen immediately took out the photo and handed it to Keira. “Keira, take a look at


173 Photo

you resemble


lust comment for


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left to


174 It’s True

the photo with

at it.

it, as the pixel quality wasn’t very sharp, and it seemed a bit darker than a

subsequent restoration.


young man was in his twenties and bore some resemblance to Frankie, leading Keira to immediately conclude that it

standing beside Mr. Allen made Keira

of the old photograph, she appeared to





174 It’s True

that this person

in demeanor, but

remembered her

Olsen family, upon seeing Isla and her, they would subconsciously say she resembled Mrs.

mother and daughter, they would laugh it off, saying there was

her own reflection in the

even if just one feature on her

similarity, not her

or even her mouth…

feeling of disappointment gradually took

Keira’s heart.

imprinted Mrs. Olsen’s facial features deeply into her



174 It’s True

years when the baby fat on her face was gone, and her features more defined and

someone said this person wasn’t related to her by

looked at Mr. Allen with astonishment and

“Who is this?”

frowned in thought for a moment, “That should


his brows, pondering carefully. “It’s Mrs. Olsen’s

Olsen’s mother… Keira’s mind seemed to

her. If she looked so much like Mrs. Olsen’s mother, could

swallowed hard, stunned in

it couldn’t be,

fantasized countless times that Mrs.



174 It’s True

was b

be that

she was now

couldn’t help but look at

then pinched herself hard.

That hurt…

was a

“Miss Keira, why are you pinching yourself? If

pinch my

Frankie was speechless.

His brow twitched.

Allen. “Uncle Allen, Aunt

noticed Keira’s agitated emotions, so he coughed and looked at Mrs.

closer to her and said, “Keira,

so I won’t



174 It’s True

ask you, have you ever suspected that you aren’t the biological child of

harsh on you, I really can’t understand a mother’s rationale

Keira frowned.

not have doubted

was taken away at the age of four, the police conducted a DNA test upon her return to ascertain her

No, that wasn’t right.

Poppy’s sample, and it wasn’t until after the results confirmed her as the mother

that sample

her fists, “Mrs. Allen, what you mean is,

couldn’t realize for so

unable to

opened her mouth to speak, she heard



174 It’s True

and take


that maybe Mrs.

voiced this response, Keira’s

began to fall uncontrollably.

Olsen was

Was that possible?

confusion, and

suddenly crowded into her heart,


happiness was almost too


if she


a low hiss came from beside her, and Keira turned to see Frankie frowning

“Frankie, does

looking into Keira’s bewildered eyes, he pursed his lips and played

“It hurts.”





174 it’s True

“It’s true.”

I assure

moment before breaking into a

still couldn’t stop the

her head to wipe her tears. “Sorry, I lost my composure a


found out we’d been deceived, we’d definitely be more upset than you. Keira, don’t think about it for now. Come and have some food with us. As it happens, the Olsen family lives in the same district. After dinner, your aunt and I will

Keira stood up abruptly. “I’m going

the photograph and walked straight

stunned, “But you


174 It’s True

you to discuss it after dinner, but you refused. Now that it’s been spoken aloud, who

on her

Allen hesitated for a moment before

Frankie held her hand back, “Stay at home; don’t add to

the Olsen family might end in an argument, and obediently nodded. “Frankie, remember, don’t let our Miss Keira be wronged

“I know.”

replied impatiently and walked out

night in Oceanion

she stepped outside, but the cold



174 It’s True

ahead at

jaw, and

raised her head

the door.

Comment D

the first


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to the

in a half-basement of the Olsen household, always looking


lived there, she could never lift


the main gate, she

she would occasionally sneak back, and as

was so oppressive that she

time she knocked on


“Who is it?”

voice came through, followed

09:20 =



railing door at

nanny immediately showed a look of

fell on the several people behind Keira, and she hesitated slightly. “Mr.

family had

Mrs. Olsen before, so

Allen, along with Frankie, walked up briskly

please tell Mrs. Olsen

to visit and see if it’s alright


say anything more and merely bowed her

the Allen family stood outside the door, unable to enter before receiving

felt a sense

in such cold weather, she



to the

beginning to sweat nervously.

peach blossoms, were

peered through that window, witnessing the

Olsen wasn’t sitting


she was probably dining,

suddenly the sound

the Horton family parked by the curb. Then the car door opened, and


got out from the driver’s side and immediately

Ellis alighted from

walked to the trunk of the car, opened it, and saw several gifts




Return to

so kind of you to visit my mother.

to come empty-handed when visiting an elder. Moreover, I’ve heard… I heard that Mrs. Olsen has suffered from a chronic cough over the years, so I specially brought

wanted to say more, but Jake held her arm.

Isla’s gaze darkened.

Jake begun to show her such


respectful attitude toward Mrs. Olsen that made


lips curved into a slight smile, and she nodded:

of them turned around, and only then



Return to the Olsen

seeing them, her chin tensed up. “Keira, what are

the backing of Ellis, she went from addressing her as

her gaze

“Keira, Isla is speaking

“Miss Olsen is in a bad mood right now,

say something but not daring to say

in Isla’s eyes

family, she realize that Jake wasn’t the best choice in

had been limited to Oceanion; so many people in Clance were more formidable than Jake. If she hadn’t married Jake, maybe she

would have been




to the

all the fault of

past, causing her to make the

arm, “Jake, let’s not talk about it. Now that Keira has my uncle’s support, and also the support of the Allen family, doesn’t she get to enter the Olsen family

tensed, and his

hand, frowned and

how she had

Isla clenched her

“Keira, my mother hasn’t been well lately. It’s getting


then did Keira look straight at

of the photograph with Lady South’s

lot of resemblance to her



Return to the Olsen

she saw that Isla looked like Taylor, but Isla’s face bore not a trace of


became, the more everything seemed to point in that

Keira remained silent.

I’m begging you, could you not disturb my

Keira still said nothing.

world, determined only to see

no one could

“Miss Olsen wants to

Mrs. Olsen, the matter of the photograph still needed to be approached

seeing this, Isla turned to look

directly at Frankie. “Frankie,



Return to the

daughter so much?! Have you decided to aid and

at him. “Ellis, the affairs of the Olsen family aren’t as they appear. I advise

“Mrs. Olsen’s matters are my… they’re my business, and I will meddle in this idle matter! Today,

right up to Keira and said coldly, “Illegitimate daughter, you’re not going to disturb


looking at

always had a good relationship; how could Mrs. Olsen possibly not want to see Miss Olsen? Besides, this

the nanny who had just entered hurriedly walked

09:28 E

176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

had ignored the quarreling all

her eyes lit up,

this, blocking Keira’s path. “Hey, illegitimate daughter, I said you can’t come

him no mind, only looking at the nanny,


took Ellis aback for a

off since all illegitimate daughters generally didn’t get along

being a bully, relying on others’ power all day today, which made Ellis subconsciously

here to make trouble.

boasting on Keira’s face; her inquiring words


176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

emotion… didn’t seem

Olsen had gone to sleep early today, so she won’t see you,


Mrs. Olsen ill? Why would she sleep so

Isla interjected. “Keira, how could my mother possibly go to sleep so early? That’s just an excuse. Can you


then remembered that during the birthday banquet, Mrs. Olsen nearly fainted

her health was getting

“What exactly is going on

“The lady is, she’s… fine. It’s just that Mr. and Mrs. Olsen are having dinner right now, and Mr. Olsen doesn’t want you to enter. He said every time he sees you, nothing good



176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

gets so worked

hearing this, Keira breathed a

good to hear

have something important to discuss with her and that

nanny frowned, wanting to say something, but seeing so many people at

too domineering. My mother has trouble sleeping at night; can you please not create a scene at our

Keira. “Don’t think just because you married my uncle and are now a senior, you can do as you please! Keira, Mrs. Olsen clearly doesn’t want to see you, don’t you get it? Can’t you stop making the elders angry

at them.

want to see

who had



176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

good; standing here, she

darkness had descended outside, but the dining room was lit up, and she could see that once the nanny had entered, before she

Taylor waved his hand and then followed

whole time, Mrs. Olsen, who was eating, had no idea

Isla and Jake, he appeared slightly startled. “Isla, why have you come back? Why are you standing at the

at Keira and began in a feigned manner. “Aren’t we waiting for the

to ask permission to come back to

words made Isla look at




176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

her gaze was clear. “This is

I can come and go as I please.

clenched her jaw tightly and balled her

and tentatively inquired, “And

the Mr. Olsen from the

the words “Olsen family,” Taylor’s pupils shrank slightly as his gaze fixed on Ellis, his

and then he let out a wry smile. “The Clance Olsen family… It’s been over

the group of

them, prepared to enter as

into the courtyard, Taylor’s angry





176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

before, the Olsen family doesn’t welcome you, and you’re not to appear in front of

“I have something very important

Shirley is

command, “Now get out of here

took another step forward,

“You ungrateful creature!”

strike dow hard on Keira when Mr. Allen stepped forward and spoke, “Mr. Olsen, Keira is a woman. How could

and Taylor had to show them respect. Thus, upon hearing this, he could only lower his hand, and then he said with a frown, “Mr. Allen, what do

truing to intirnidato me




176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

always been sensible. Today, she truly has something important to

matter. Isn’t it just that she married Lewis Horton and has come home for her dowry? Let me tell you, everything in the

darkly at Keira, “Don’t waste your

you see

“What if I insist


enraged he pointed at her and couldn’t speak, cursed

my life today, that’s a separate issue. I really can’t stand this anymore. If you dare

Keirn took another



Ellis was dumbfounded.

to make a move on Keira, but suddenly, she flashed

used him as if he were a revolving door, spinning him around twice

“Ungrateful creature!”

Taylor shouted in anger.



Olsen showed even the slightest irritation, he

door, and immediately he was stunned by the sight

the dining room and saw the gentle Mrs. Olsen, surprised, looking toward the door. Upon seeing




176 Meet Mrs. Olsen

and expression seemed not


Ellis was dumbfounded.

the thoughts of those behind her. Upon seeing Mrs. Olsen, she quickened her steps to her side. “Mrs. Olsen, I’m sorry to

this, she handed the photo she was

Comment @


the first comment for this


177 Recognition

years, so when the villa of the Olsen family

it was the living room or the bedroom, soundproofing


Olsen didn’t hear any noise outside the door while she

at this

after hearing Keira’s voice did she begin to look at the photo in

at her earnestly, her

her actions today were somewhat impulsive, the best course would have been to do a stealthy DNA test with Mrs. Olsen first,



177 Recognition

But she couldn’t wait.

looked so similar to Lady

if they were cast from the same mold,

sure that she was

as she carefully watched


the photo, showed a trace of surprise on her face. She looked up at Keira, and then at Mr. Allen who had

Allen spoke first. “Mrs. Olsen, do you

puzzled as she glanced again at

the photo and Keira, her

Allen once again probed. “Don’t you think Miss Olsen and the person in the photo

at Keira again, and after



177 Recognition

her gaze downward, slowly saying, “The person in the

Considering the age, Keira, is this


the implication in Mrs. Olsen’s words and froze on the spot. “Mrs. Olsen, you, you don’t recognize the person in the

asked in return. “Should

puzzled, to

Allen, clearly stunned by this turn of events, looked

frowned immediately. “You mean my mother? No,

Keira was instantly bewildered.

cold water, extinguishing

back at Mr.


177 Recognition

flabbergasted, staring at the photo in disbelief. “This isn’t Lady South? How can it not be

a bitter smile. “How could I possibly not recognize my own mother? This

stood by her side, quickly stepped forward to glance at the photo and shook her head. “This isn’t our Lady South. She

the photo, then back up at

and the woman in the photo didn’t

alike at all…

frowned tightly. “What’s going

his arm, and pinched it hard. “You couldn’t possibly have remembered the

Allen was

this person isn’t Lady South, there must be




177 Recognition

be your

they couldn’t possibly look so

“What nonsense are you

Allen then realized she

subconsciously at Taylor, then at Keira, and suddenly leaned into Mr. Allen, whispering, “Don’t you find it strange? Keira also doesn’t look


this point, both were a little afraid to speak, considering

her chin tightened, not

at the

in the photo, who looked very similar to Keira, gave her an inexplicably familiar

was all




177 Recognition

just about to say something, when she suddenly

Olsen was slightly

Ellis Olsen from the Clance Olsen family. My third uncle sent me to extend

Third Uncle, Olsen…

losing her balance, but she

with astonishment, her eyes suddenly becoming a bit

if looking through him, she saw his uncle… the man who masterminded everything with great

Olsen’s complexion turned two shades


from Taylor brought her




177 Recognition

visit. When my third uncle found out, he sent me along to have some fun… Mrs. Olsen, are you well-acquainted

observed Mrs.

third uncle, a man who had never married, with a peculiar temperament and



women, but he specifically instructed Ellis to greet Mrs. Olsen and casually chec if she was doing

did the

pondered this, he saw Mrs. Olsen’s face turn slightly pale, yet

your third

clenched tightly inside her



177 Recognition

on Isla; he then looked down and said lightly, “Mr. Olsen, while you’re here in Oceanion, let Isla

as these words were spoken, Mrs.

her, and whispered in a voice only the two of them could hear.

than twenty years ago, when she

Clance and came to Oceanion with

complexion grew increasingly pale, and she

good health today, so

Mro. Olgen



177 Recognition.


behind while

made their way

turned around in a daze, ready



her heart yearned for never responded; it was all

lowered her head and

full of guilt, felt that he had been too

hesitated, wanting to apologize, but he didn’t

Mrs. Olsen watched them.

next to Keira, walking side by

Mrs. Olsen remembered something…

the nhata

177 Recognition

was Ellis’s third uncle’s

Ellis’s grandmother!

how could this

Olsen’s pupils slowly contracted

unbelievingly looked toward Keira!!

South had shown her the DNA test report of Keira

had already puzzled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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