211 Mama’s Girl

At that moment, Mrs. Olsen thought of many things.


She had always lived in Oceanion under a pseudonym and never even revealed her identity or connections to Isla, causing Isla to take a roundabout path to marry into a wealthy family.

Now it was Keira’s turn…

Her status was higher than Isla’s, and her situation was even more difficult.

How could the matriarch of a top-tier family like the Horton Group come from an ordinary middle-class family?


Mrs. Olsen lowered her gaze.

The matter between her and Uncle Olsen was after all

a grudge from the older generation, which was

unrelated to Keira.

Keira had the right to know who her biological father




< 211 Mama’s Girl

Uncle Olsen had remained unmarried for so many years; if he had a daughter, he would surely love her twice as much. With the Clance Olsen family as her

backup, Keira would be able to set her footing in the Horton family quickly.

Mrs. Olsen’s lips curved into a mocking smile.

In the end, it seemed that even top-tier families like these were still particular about marrying equals…

Seeing her relent, Ellis raised an eyebrow at Keira. “Your mom has agreed. Shall we set a time and place?”

But Keira looked at Mrs. Olsen and said indifferently, “Sure, my mom said yes, but I know she didn’t really

want it.”

Mrs. Olsen was taken aback.

Keira continued. “Mom, if you won’t see him, neither

do I need to.””

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Olsen gazed at Keira and saw her standing there with an air of casual grace. She suddenly laughed.

She had been mistaken.

Isla had always been someone who chased fame and



211 Mama’s Girl

fortune, which was why she blamed her, but Keira was


From her childhood, Keira had always relied on herself;

she took to heart the words Mrs. Olsen had once taught them, never changing over the span of more

than twenty years.

Mrs. Olsen laughed. “Then we won’t meet.”

The mother and daughter shared a smile as they looked at each other; a deep understanding lay hidden between them, not needing words to be


However, Ellis couldn’t accept this. “Hey, you can’t go back on your word like that. Mrs. Olsen, you have no idea how difficult Keira is having it in the Horton family right now!”

He pulled up a chair and sat beside Mrs. Olsen’s bed. just got wind of something. The illegitimate daughter from the Horton family’s first branch has made contact

with the Cobb family in Clance. If their union

succeeds, the first branch will surely dominate. By then, Lewis’s position as the family head and as CEO of Horton Group might well have to be handed over!”




211 Mama’s Girl

Keira said with a smile, “Mom, don’t listen to his

nonsense. It’s not that serious. Lewis definitely has other plans.”

The man’s strength was unfathomable; Horton Group wasn’t all he had.

Ellis’s mouth twitched. “You’re quite confident in him.”

“Of course, my mom likes Lewis too.”

Ellis’s eyes flickered, and he said, “What about the clinical trial spot at the Clance Research Institute? Old Mrs. Horton’s dementia is getting worse; you should be exploring options and preparing to get a spot for the old lady to try again, right? Let me tell you, my family has connections in that area too!”

Keira was perplexed.

She frowned slightly and looking at Ellis’s expres she finally understood why they needed her to personally choose the trial spot in Clance.

The officials at the Clance Research Institute could withstand the temptation of money, but not the pressure of power!

Could they resist caving in if a family like the Clance

12-11 4

211 Mama’s Girl

Olsen family applied pressure?

Seeing Ellis’s confident demeanor, it was clear it was impossible.

They had thrown a hot potato at her.

Keira stroked her forehead and twitched the corner of

her mouth.

Her demeanor, however, led Ellis to misunderstand. He immediately said, “The illegitimate daughter from the first branch of the family leveraged the Cobb family in Clance to secure a spot. Do you really think she’s showing filial piety to old Mrs. Horton? Just you wait. Once the medicine is used, she’ll demand a king’s ransom! If Lewis doesn’t transfer five percent of the shares to her as a dowry, this deal won’t go through And with an additional five percent, the Horton family’s first branch will hold fifty-four percent of th company shares, and they’ll call a board meeting and oust Lewis from his position!”

Ellis raised an eyebrow. “So, Keira, come with me to see my uncle. With Uncle Olsen stepping in, everything will be fine.”

Keira tapped her chin. “Is the Clance Olsen family that




211 Mama’s Girl


“Of course, we are one of the top five families!”

Ellis was extremely proud. “My uncle probably wants to take you in as his goddaughter. With the Olsen family backing you, you’ll be able to do anything in Oceanion from now on!”

Keira laughed. “Well, thank you very much for that!”

Ellis excitedly stood up but heard Keira add another line. “But really, there’s no need; having my mom is enough for me.”

Ellis was dumbfounded.

He blinked, stunned, and then his face darkened. “Keira, don’t be an ingrate! Do you know how many people in Crera want to cozy up to my uncle? This i the first time he’s actually going out of his way to of

a favor to someone!”

Keira said seriously, “Then you can’t let him be

humiliated like that.”

Ellis was shocked.

Why were her words so infuriating?!



211 Mama’s Girl

He was almost jumping with agitation. “How can you

be so clueless!”

Keira spread her hands. “Born this way. Can’t help it.”

Ellis was dumbfounded.

He stared at Keira and then glanced at Mrs. Olsen, finally realizing something. “All this talk about your mom. It turns out you’re really a mama’s girl!”

Instead of getting angry at this remark, Keira’s eyes lit up. She suddenly found the title endearingly reassuring and smiled sweetly.

Ellis was speechless. How starved of affection was she, to be content with just her mom’s love? It was just unbearable to watch!

Then he heard her voice, cold yet tinged with excitement. “Do you have any other business? If not, please don’t disturb my mom’s rest. She just woke up

and she’s still weak.”

Ellis was thus chased out of the hospital room, and standing at the door, he watched Keira. She was devoid of that prickly attitude he’d sensed at their first




211 Mama’s Girl

meeting. She was now compliant and adorable.

“Mom, want some water?

“Mom, it’s time for your medicine…


All her “Mom” made Ellis feel like he was seeing his five-year-old nephew, who would incessantly call out to his mom at home and drive his sister-in-law crazy every day.

Yet Mrs. Olsen would always look at her daughter with

a gentle smile, showing not a hint of impatience.

Dragged down by his thoughts, Ellis returned to the hotel and entered Uncle Olsen’s room. He then ranted

and jumped about how Keira was “unable to recognize favor” and ended in a huff. “Uncle, she’s not your daughter, so there’s really no need to spoil her!”

Unexpectedly, upon saying this, he saw Uncle Olsen smile. “Her temperament is indeed very much like Miss


A sudden sense of foreboding washed over Ellis. Sure enough, the next moment he heard his uncle say, “Since she’s unwilling to meet me, then I’ll have to go



211 Mama’s Girl

to her.”

Ellis was stunned. “Where will you meet her?”

Uncle Olsen pondered for a moment and then smiled. “I cannot go to the Olsen residence, but the Horton’s, I can still visit, can’t I? I heard their old lady is ill. I’ll pay

them a visit tomorrow.”

Ellis was shocked.



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212 Support

Keira didn’t leave the hospital ward that night.

Even when Taylor came back in the evening and Mrs. Olsen asked her to return to the Horton family, Keira didn’t agree.

It wasn’t until the next morning that Mrs. Olsen’s health had fully recovered.

Keira handled her discharge procedures and after sending her back to the Olsen family, Mrs. Olsen once again pressured her to return to the Horton family..

Old Mrs. Horton was still seriously ill, and Keira was also full of concern. Seeing that Mrs. Olsen looked healthy and was unlikely to fall ill again, Keira finally went back to the Horton family.

When she arrived at old Mrs. Horton’s courtyard, Keira found Nathan, Oliver, and Jake still standing guard here, and she immediately noticed an additional woman in the living room.

Oliver was talking intimately with the girl; beside her, the look in Jake’s eyes was almost fiery!



212 Support

Keira immediately knew that this girl was likely Selena.

She bore a resemblance to Oliver, looking as if she

could be Jake’s sister.

Oliver was complaining. “…I heard that Isla has been sent to a psychiatric hospital, and I don’t know if there is still a way to sign the divorce agreement. Your brother’s marriage has completely disgraced our family!”

Selena was laughing and comforting him. “Dad, you

can file for divorce now. Her mental illness is a premarital concealment of facts. As long as you sue, the court generally grants the divorce, don’t worry. Besides, Jake is the legitimate eldest grandson of our Horton family. How could he marry a woman from such a minor household?”

Oliver immediately said, “Who in Oceanion could compare to our Horton family?”

Selena laughed. “When I marry into the Cobb family in Clance, I’ll keep an eye out for Jake.”

Jake immediately looked at her, saying coldly, “Don’t


Roforo Colang could resnand Olivor alrondu scolded



212 Support

Jake. “Ungrateful creature, how can you speak to your sister like that? She’s so concerned about you, and yet you show her no respect!”

Jake wanted to speak, but Selena had already patted Oliver’s chest. “Dad, don’t be angry. Jake is young and doesn’t understand, I won’t hold it against him…”

Oliver immediately nodded. “Selena, you’re so sensible. I’ve already discussed it with your grandfather. When you come back this time, you’ll stay with the Horton family!”

Smiling, Selena tactfully declined. “Forget it, Dad. It’s not suitable for me to stay at home… Moreover, Jake doesn’t want to see me, and I don’t want to have

conflicts with him.”

Jake was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Oliver said, “You are my daughter, how is it not suitable? If Jake dares to disrespect you, I’ll be the fir to not forgive him!”

Keira wasn’t interested in these matters of the first

branch of the family, and she headed straight to old Mrs. Horton’s bedroom, wanting to see how the old lady was doing.



212 Support

Unexpectedly, Selena changed her tune and directly targeted her. “Actually, I have an idea that could avoid conflicts with Jake, but I’m not sure if you, Aunt Keira, would agree.”

Keira was perplexed.

She paused slightly in her steps and turned her head to

look at Selena with a frown.

Selena was around twenty-six and older than Keira, but she called her “Aunt Keira” without any hesitation.

She looked at Keira with a smile. “I was thinking of moving into Great-grandma’s courtyard to help take care of her more easily. I wonder, Aunt Keira, do you

think I can do that?”

As soon as these words came out, Oliver immediately glanced at Nathan, then smiled and said, “Your Uncle Lewis also lives here, and as a woman, it might not be convenient for you, right?”

Selena sighed, “True, Uncle Lewis is about my age, and – he and Aunt Keira are newlyweds… So what should I


Almost immediately after these words fell, Nathan

looked at Vaira “Vou nook un Vou and I aurig will move



212 Support

to the main house, and let Selena take over this


Keira’s gaze instantly sharpened.

She immediately looked at Selena and suddenly understood what the first branch of the Horton family

was thinking.

Old Mrs. Horton was suffering from dementia, her mind foggy one moment and clear the next. If Selena was in charge of this small courtyard, who was to say she wouldn’t trick the old Mrs. Horton into signing over her shares without Keira or Lewis’s knowledge?

Selena indeed had more cunning methods than Jake.

Keira didn’t trust leaving Old Mrs. Horton in the care of such a scheming woman, so she said, “Sorry, I don’t

think so.”

Nathan frowned and, gripping his teacup, hurled it straight at Keira. “Who allowed you to speak to me like


Keira dodged, and the teacup whizzed past her, then smashed on the ground behind her.

Nathan pointed at her and shouted angrily, “Coming




212 Support

from a humble background, you really lack any

manners! Your grandmother was gravely ill and yet you didn’t come home all night! Do you have any concern for the elderly in your heart? I was not discussing with you just now, I was giving you an order! Pack your things right now and move to the main house! From now on, Selena will be solely in charge of this courtyard!”

Keira frowned but did not move.

Oliver immediately scowled and said angrily, “Keira, how dare you disobey Dad’s orders?! In this household, the man is the head!”

Selena hesitantly said, “Aunt Keira, old Mrs. Horton is my family too. You don’t think I’m incapable of taking good care of her, do you?”

Oliver immediately sneered. “What right does she have to doubt you? You’re the one who secured such an important clinical trial slot for Grandma. You’re now the biggest contributor in this household!”

Selena waved her hand. “Dad, don’t talk about

contributors or non-contributors. I’m just being a good daughter.”



212 Support

Then she looked earnestly at Keira. “Aunt Keira, it’s not that I insist on living here, but I have no choice. Since Great-grandma is using a drug that’s not on the market, the Clance laboratory needs to send someone to take samples from her because they need the follow-up observation data.

“They agreed to this only because of the Cobb family’s influence. When they arrive, they need to observe old

Mrs. Horton’s reactions at all times, which means they must stay in this courtyard. It’s inconvenient for you and Uncle Lewis to stay. After all, they’re my friends,

and it’ll be better for me to host them! You and Uncle

Lewis would understand, right?”

Keira looked at her and scoffed. “The Clance

laboratory would never allow for a situation where slots are given based on connections. You sure do think highly of yourself!”

Last night, people in Clance sent her the list of applicants, and she was still in the selection phase; there was no way Selena could have truly invited

anyone over.

But at these words, Oliver became angry. “Keira, what do you know? Selena’s fiance is from the Cobb family

12:11 —


212 Support

in Clance! Do you realize what power and status the five major families in Clance have? How could a mere laboratory be too much for them to acquire!”

Nathan also said coldly, “I’ve long said Lewis’s wife won’t do because she comes from a small family. Do you really think the world is all fair? You’ve never seen real power and only imagined it. How naive!”

Oliver sighed, “This reminds me of a story about ancient peasants chatting in the field, speculating what life was like for the emperor. Guess what they said?”

Selena played along. “What did they say?”

“They said, the emperor must use a golden hoe to farm, and he probably eats nothing but finest white rice. He’d eat one bowl and toss another…”

After saying this, Oliver looked mockingly at Keira. “Lewis’s wife, you understand nothing. Better not to embarrass yourself further here!”

Keira felt the ridicule.

Did these wealthy capitalists truly believe that money gave them the right to do whatever they wanted?




212 Support

Nathan frowned. “Women know nothing! I really don’t understand how Lewis could fancy someone without a proper background like you! I’ve always said marriage should be between equals. With your kind, Lewis will grow tired of you sooner or later!”

Oliver also threatened her. “Keira, I advise you to follow Dad’s words obediently. That way, you’ll have some support in this household. Otherwise, if Lewis wants to divorce you, it’d be just a matter of a contract! With your family being powerless, if you get kicked out and stripped of everything, there’ll be no one to stand up for you!”

As Keira was about to retort, a cold voice suddenly came from the doorway. “Who says she has no one to back her up?!”



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213 Director Nora

Keira suddenly turned her head, only to see a tall figure wrapped in the cold wind, entering the room.

The weather had turned cold, and the man was wearing a black woolen coat that made him appear tall and straight.

As he entered, his gaze quickly swept over everyone before landing on Keira. He approached her, his voice deep as he asked, “How is Mrs. Olsen?”

Lewis who had returned.

He had messaged Keira last night, informing her that although his grandmother hadn’t yet woken up, her life wasn’t in danger, which reassured Keira to remain with

Mrs. Olsen.

Keira answered, “She’s been discharged from the

hospital. Don’t worry.”


Only then did Lewis turn to look at Oliver and Nathan, his voice grave as he said, “I don’t need you to worry about my marriage. My wife is my responsibility! Even



213 Director Nora

without a powerful maternal family to back her up, my support is more than enough!”

Nathan sneered. “Do you think I want to worry about you? Cold-hearted people like you marry undutiful wives! Your grandmother didn’t wake up last night, and we were all here on vigil, yet she was absent!”

Lewis explained, “Mrs. Olsen was also hospitalized. She was accompanying Mrs. Olsen at the hospital!”

Oliver immediately scoffed. “Having married into the Horton family, she’s now the Hortons’

daughter-in-law! She’s only just recognized her mom- does she fear that she won’t get an inheritance if her mother dies? How shortsighted! Can’t she distinguis between the weight of her mother and her great-grandmother?”

Keira clenched her fists tightly. Inheritance?

That was a curse and an insult to Mrs. Olsen!

Her eyes immediately turned icy, and Lewis’s gaze became sharp as he said, “Shut up!”

Nathan frowned. “Who are you telling to shut up? He’s your brother!”

12.11 C



213 Director Nora

With a steely look, Lewis retorted, “If I hear him insult Mrs. Olsen again, then you had better consider how

his inheritance will be divided.”

His heedless demeanor caused Oliver to immediately shut his mouth.

He knew full well that his brother meant what he said!

Fuming, Nathan slapped the armrest of his chair, getting ready to speak when Fiona walked out beaming with joy. “Old Mrs. Horton is awake!”

At her word, Keira and Lewis immediately left the first branch of the family behind, heading toward Old Mrs.

Horton’s bedroom.

There, they saw the little old lady looking radiant from her sleep, smilingly watching the doorway and saying to Lewis, “Brat, where did you go?”

Lewis immediately walked up to her. “I stepped out to

take a phone call.”

“Oh, okay.”

Old Mrs. Horton then turned her gaze to Keira, immediately grabbing her hand. “You must be my daughter-in-law, Miss Davis, right? That brat doesn’t



213 Director Nora

know how to cherish someone. If you feel wronged, remember to tell me, and I’ll definitely side with you! Don’t just walk away in a huff, alright?”

Keira was taken aback!

She subconsciously exchanged glances with Lewis, and then both of them simultaneously turned to look at old

Mrs. Horton. “Grandma, who are we?”

“Ah! Brat, I’m your mother! Why are you calling me Grandma?”

Old Mrs. Horton smacked Lewis lightly.

Lewis was instantly stunned.

He stared blankly at old Mrs. Horton, then suddenly clenched his fist tight.

Old Mrs. Horton then held Keira’s hand again, “Miss Davis, don’t just stand there, sit down. You’re carrying a baby… It doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl. After you give birth, I promise to love them for a lifetime!”

Lewis’s eyes reddened slightly.

Even though Grandma no longer recognized him, she was still concerned about him.



213 Director Nora

was thinking about this, the members of the first branch of

added, “Of course. After all, Dad, you’re her only son! She may dote on Lewis, but it’s only because Lewis

upon hearing

her one grandchild, paying no heed to him or the


stepped up to old Mrs. Horton,

Horton immediately

you are still alive? Did you rise from the

Nathan was dumbfounded.

corners of his mouth. “Mom,


of joke is this?!” old Mrs.





at Lewis as she said. “My son is handsome and dashing. How could you be that old codger! Just by looking,

no good!”

Nathan was shocked.

suppress their laughter, except for Keira, who frowned

worse, her

medication was

she took out her phone and prepared to message the person in charge in Clance, when she received a WhatsApp message.

to deliver

in called her

a sigh of relief; it seemed

had this thought, Selena said, “Grandpa,

followed by a sigh. “I



213 Director Nora

know if she can

had feelings for old Mrs. Horton;

his own

was his mother who raised him single-handedly. The Horton Group initially started out with his mother’s hardware trading business, and later, when Nathan and his mother had differences in company management, she voluntarily

several of the company’s veteran figures

once her subordinates.

Horton held thirty percent of the shares in the Horton

take control of the Horton Group immediately after returning to

had a love-hate relationship with

looked directly at Selena, “That

does it



213 Director Nora

medicines, and the ones that have been launched

drug was reportedly studied by

spoke, her

immediately exclaimed with joy. “Grandpa, the laboratory staff from Clance are at the door.

saying this, Selena left

unable to help himself from scoffing. “You two better

for your

owe her a favor!”

quite right. Mrs. Horton is just Lewis’s great-grandma. Isn’t

truly found

immediately glared at her. “Such

you haoktalk when




213 Director Noral


said, “Dad, don’t be angry. I think Lewis’s wife feels

you could be like Selena and find special medication for your grandma, I would be biased toward you as well,” Nathan scoffed. “But you, with neither connections

at this. “Who says

in the

institute from the doorway.



comment for this

214 Uncle Olsen Visits

Lee, this

the man called “Mr. Lee” unconsciously glanced around him. He was first stunned by the luxurious decorations before him, and only then did he turn his gaze

they finally settled on Keira with a slight

been fortunate to see Nora once

it was only a

of him bore a


also looked toward the person from the research institute,

the Clance Research Institute was

whom she had always known and who was the one to bring her medication, but why was this unfamiliar Mr. Lee the

pondering this, Selena had




214 Uncle Olsen Visits

“Grandpa, Dad, Uncle, this

the cousin of my boyfriend and currently works

their selection and don’t allow pulling strings. Truly, that’s the case. Just now, Mr. Lee was telling me how the Clance Olsens, one of the five major families of Crera, suddenly asked for slots from their Dean. Fearing a conflict of interest, Dean Mills got so frightened that he rushed to Oceanion overnight, so this time the trial drug slots are

come by!”

hearing this, Mr. Lee quietly let out a sigh


Nora wanted a slot, wouldn’t she just need to say the word? Why would there be any need to submit



with a smile, “Mainly because the medication developed by




214 Uncle Olsen Visits

of which are personally chosen by

Miss Horton’s devotion to her

to give me

said, “I really can’t thank you enough, Mr. Lee. I know how hard it is to obtain this slot; you’ve really done our family a

Nathan also promptly

Lee, Keira glanced at the case

Then she sneered softly.

that she ha developed,


was involved in underhanded

said, “The medication Nora developed this time is very

a dose



214 Uncle Olsen Visits

it a

stepped aside, allowing Mr. Lee

of the special medicine and slowly

watched intently and, as she did, she began to

intelligence while asleep. There’s no need to panic;

everyone breathed a sigh of

smile, “Mr. Lee, there are so many people in Great-grandma’s room. I

and promptly said, “Right, the patient needs peace, so everyone, please go out. I need to stay here to monitor the patient’s condition continuously. Just leave Miss Selena to assist me, and that’ll be

12:12 C


214 Uncle Olsen Visits

her eyes. Were they planning to keep the old lady under


“Whatever data you need, I can help

how can you be so thoughtless? The institute’s patient data is strictly confidential, and that involves its core technology. Only their own staff can record it. Aren’t you making it difficult for Mr. Lee by

a risk to secure this slot for your family’s matriarch. The da must be submitted. If Miss Keira isn’t cooperative, perhaps the slot should be given to

interrupting for? Get out at once! Do you want

to Great-grandma. Even though she has made a will stating that after her passing, all her company shares would go



214 Uncle Olsen Visits

do this on

was taken by Lewis, who

Keira out the door

Oliver then

and your wife should move

everyone but

think that’s what should

Lewis, he considered how to

to retort, but unexpectedly, Lewis agreed outright.

stunned at first but

some thought.

was always meticulous in his actions,

to this, it meant he




214 Uncle Olsen Visits


Keira followed Lewis out of

door without further comment.

she saw Tom

she looked straight at Lewis. “Spill it. What are you up to?


Outside the Horton estate.

car was parked there with Uncle Olsen in the backseat. Ellis immediately hopped off the car and knocked on the large iron

shouted the

Lewis that Uncle Olsen




the first comment for this

215 Hard to Trick

in the yard

Mrs. Horton’s yard from a


her question,

I’m at ease.”

Keira was taken aback.

lowered his gaze. “Selena is so concerned about Great-grandma’s illness because of her shares, so she’ll definitely see to

moment of realization upon

stating that

changed her will, the first branch of the family would for

to live on!


She had thought




215 Hard to Trick

Selena really cared about the old lady, but, in the end, everything was still driven by

ago; he’s genuinely an employee of the Clance Research Institute, and indeed it was the Cobb family in Clance who found this connection for Selena. We’ve confirmed the medicine he brought is real. If they can actually save grandmother, what’s a



person is too enigmatic, and her whereabouts are unknown to this day. Corey Mills from the Clance Research Institute has made it clear he won’t make exceptions; he’ll rigorously select trial subjects based on patients’ conditions. Boss thought of various ways to pressure him, but he

glanced at




215 Hard to Trick

the medication. But before any action could be taken,

this, so as to prevent her from knowing the boss’s involvement in

did this Mr.

his chin. “I

couldn’t believe

She was shocked!

claiming it was Nora who personally chose the trial subjects. He could manipulate the situation, buying medicine designated for a patient at a high price – after all, the Cobb Family in Clance isn’t short on cash! That Nora, supposedly

in the

Keira was shocked.



215 Hard to Trick

Alright, she understood now!

supervise those at the research institute

Lewis. “Aren’t you afraid that once Grandma wakes up, they

don’t care about those shares,”

“Besides, do you really think Grandma is that easily

Keira was perplexed.

Keira’s arm and hazily followed her home the moment she saw her. Wasn’t she easy

smirk when

struck her…

home twice to look for Keira, and although her mind was befuddled each time, she indeed

said indifferently. “The



215 Hard to Trick

Grandma. Do you really



and open a surveillance app, and the


Oliver said that the illegitimate daughter would bring a researcher with her,

camera in Grandma’s

Keira was speechless.

was quite

she could say anything, she

the camera feed.

been at the door

before she turned back to close the door with a smile at Mr. Lee.

about to marry my cousin,

Selena approached old Mrs.




215 Hard to Trick

calling softly, “Great-grandma? Great-grandma…”


still looked somewhat confused as

expression in her eyes.

are you?”

was very


Selena. My father is Oliver from the first branch of


Mrs. Horton immediately realized. “Oh, you

Selena was speechless.

around and asked, “Why are

went to great lengths in Clance to finally secure a spot in the clinical drug trial and brought it back especially to treat you!

Mrs. Horton took a moment to

12:12 –


215 Hard to Trick

My mind is much clearer, and I

Great-grandma, I begged my boyfriend for a long time for this, and my cousin here has essentially stolen it. The consequences would

Mrs. Horton was immediately touched.

Family in Clance, but my dowry seems a bit meager. Great-grandma, I heard that when the younger family members get married, you gift them shares… When it’s my turn, will you treat me



didn’t know what

confusion on old Mrs. Horton’s

let me ask that brat… oh, I mean your uncle about this. If it’s true, we can’t let such

like you be mistreated!”



215 Hard to Trick

Selena was dumbfounded.

feeling a bit sleepy? Dear child, don’t disturb me. Let me rest

speechless expression on the phone, Keira

old lady really knew

as she was thinking about this, the butler ran over, panting. “Mr. Horton, someone is

Keira and then said promptly, “Please let him



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216 Please Come in

hurried off

but then he stopped in


skills from Uncle Olsen,

mentor to me.”

Keira immediately understood.

Uncle Olsen, so he took special care to explain that he

to see him.

understanding. “Got


squeezed her hand

of the room.

while, then looked at her phone and saw the

Nora, I’m at the gate

Should I come and pick up the medicine, or should the guard let me

at the message




216 Please Come in

Lewis was aware of the

was better to keep

identity of Nora was just

years, everyone had been paying more attention to health, and

over the world.

the drugs she had developed over recent years were too effective, and she had almost become a target for many big shots, to the extent that she saw on the dark

didn’t want to spend the rest of her life restricted and used as nothing more

research machine!

mother and encountered love, feeling that life was

the message, sending the

“Let’s meet




216 Please Come in

had to talk to Corey Mills about the problem of some

put down her

the noise outside, and both stood up excitedly

shrugged. “Seems

really is him; he’s an honored guest in

one of the five major families of Clance, a family that could

Horton Group was walking with the Allen

power of the Allen family couldn’t compare to that of the five major families, so if the Hortons could get connected with Uncle Olsen, they wouldn’t have



involuntarily purse her lips.



216 Please Come in

and he coughed before asking, “Uncle Olsen didn’t come

Keira thought it unlikely.

a busy man have

Olsen family; just look at

Keira said, “No.”

breathed a sigh

Mrs. Olsen and backed up Keira, wouldn’t that put the first branch of the family at a disadvantage

help but ask, “Uncle Olsen came to the hospital before specifically for your mom. What’s their

expression cold in an instant. “What

dangerous aura of menace emanated from


216 Please Come in

comments about her were okay,

at her reaction and stepped back, stammering, “If it’s not, then it’s not. Why are you getting so agitated? Besides, your mom’s past


to Oliver’s face, making his

was furious. “How dare

your older

woman! I have

her understand what modesty and virtue

guards outside, upon hearing this, all looked over

last time, those guards who had laid hands on her were still

to lov a



216 Please Come in

group hadn’t moved, Keira said with a cold gaze, “If I hear you insult my mother again, I’ll hit even

was also stunned by her

kind of daughter-in-law threw punches so

they couldn’t

a fit of anger, he stormed off. “Oliver, we have important guest arriving. Let’s go welcome him. We won’t hold her accountable for now! After everything is over,

even felt his teeth loosening. He could taste blood in his mouth, which made him

he could only glare

he struck

beaten? Is this how you act as someone’s son? What a waste! If your sister were here, she would



216 Please Come in

and nail to protect

anger, Oliver felt somewhat relieved and followed

a fleeting glance

with her came to light, Jake had been in a state of decline within the Horton family. Like now, he took a slap

promptly turned his head away with cold

paid him no mind


She hesitated a bit.

to seize the

had come out of nowhere and, although she was quite satisfied with her unexpected husband, she always felt like a

of thought,



216 Please Come in

bedroom door.


personally ushered Uncle Olsen

Uncle Olsen asked, “I

relative, I thought I


him, Lewis asked, “Are you sure

course,” Uncle Olsen said candidly

far from that of a liar.

her filial duties at your grandma’s bedside,

didn’t know what to

knew Uncle Olsen’s

visit the family.

a moment’s thought, he stepped


scorned for lacking a powerful backer, and now




216 Please Come in

Nathan and Oliver witness Uncle


this house would dare



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217 Goddaughter

quietly in front

upon seeing her,

calmly, “I have something to discuss with Grandma; could you please step

hearing this, Selena’s expression

examination on Great-grandma and recording data; it’s not

“Is that so?”


notebook, arrogantly nodded at her. “Yes, please excuse

Keira sneered softly.

glanced around the room until her eyes briefly settled on a potted plant on the balcony. She smiled and asked Mr. Lee,

12:13 0



217 Goddaughter

Grandma’s room?”

immediately said anxiously, “That

been cultivated to the highest quality! If sold, it could

Selena’s eyes flickered.

remembered that Mrs. Cobb was particularly fond of Clivia, and gifting

gave Mr. Lee

room isn’t ideal;

could affect

let’s move

nanny who stayed behind to take Selena’s orders immediately went to move

expression as she looked



217 Goddaughter

her eyes, finding Selena to be truly

no effect whatsoever on Grandma’s condition, yet she made such a righteous fuss about it-was it not just

chin thoughtfully, then stepped

room first? It couldn’t escape

whether Corey Mills and Mr. Lee were colluding, she would

could only suppress her distress and watch as they moved the

eyed the potted

always told her to stay on good terms with old Mrs. Horton, the founder of

private wealth was beyond count, and even a




217 Goddaughter

slipping through her fingers would

Selena to show off!

this thought,

wandered through this room not long ago, and although it was merely a bedroom, it contained many

carelessly left on


with a smile, “Let me tidy up Great-grandma’s room to

items in the room, “This, and this, as well as this, and this…

just watched as Selena cleared out all the valuable things from Old Mrs. Horton’s room, thinking this person really had no


can watch over it for old Mrs. Horton.




< 217 Goddaughter

of Great-grandmother’s valuables, but after all, you are an outsider, whereas I am a member of the

She turned to Mr. Lee, “Does this safe emit

mainly a brain issue. I see we have an electroencephalogram recorder here, which we

a safe in the

called someone over “Then move this into my

“Miss Selena, don’t

all this for Great-grandmother’s health. Fiona, as a housekeeper, don’t you wish for her to regain consciousness soon? Or have you stolen from Great-grandmother, which is why she’s scared

left speechless in shock! She had been with old Mrs. Horton for so many years,




217 Goddaughter

she had been accused of

disbelief and turned

her hand. “I

eyes, Fiona spoke in a low voice. “The documents in this safe are too important;

eyes flickered

“The safe is too heavy, you probably can’t move

the security guards to

Keira raised her eyebrows.

take long for Selena to call two security guards

they turned to see Keira standing cheerfully beside the safe, and their

safe is too



217 Goddaughter

Selena was dumbfounded.

“If you want this safe, you and Mr. Lee can

she spoke cheerfully, “The safe probably doesn’t have


the parking

Oliver had already

immediately smiled at Uncle Olsen, “Uncle Olsen, to what do

back at him and then said lightly, “I heard Keira, Mrs. Olsen’s daughter, married Lewis. Thus, it is only right and proper for me to visit old Mrs. Horton, and also to see how Keira is

said this, Nathan and Oliver’s faces

They exchanged a glance.

wary look in their eyes




217 Goddaughter

“What? Is there

recent confrontation with Keira and the fact that he had insulted her mother, Oliver couldn’t help wiping the cold

eyes as he walked toward old Mrs. Horton’s courtyard, casually mentioning to Lewis, “Mrs. Olsen and I are old classmates, and her daughter-I came here today

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218 Reunion


forehead was covered in even


a powerful patron, what hope would the first

did Lewis find such a wife? She was an illegitimate daughter to begin with, but her status soared

looked to Nathan

message to Selena, have her tidy up old Mrs. Hor ‘s room a bit, and wait for our

understood his meaning and quickly took out his phone to send a message

he heard Lewis ask, “Uncle Olsen, are you havin

said. “I heard that

Oceanion called


218 R

218 Reunion


looked toward the courtyard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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