261 Help!

Taylor halted; he put down that bleeding hand and looked again at Mrs. Olsen, meeting her calm gaze, knowing that any further argument was useless.

He clenched his fists, letting out a bitter laugh. “Shirley, I did it all for you!”

Mrs. Olsen felt she was going insane. “For me, you wanted to kill my daughter? Taylor, you maniac! You…”

The next moment, Taylor was on top of her, pinning

down both of her hands.

Mrs. Olsen had been unconscious for two full days; she now lay there powerless, looking at Taylor as he suddenly leaned in, panic rising in her voice. “You, what are you going to do?”

“Shirley, we’ve been husband and wife for 22 years, and you’ve never let me touch you… I’m not going to do anything; I’m just exercising my rights as a husband!”

After saying this, he buried his head in the nape of her


261 Help!

At this moment, he trembled with excitement

throughout his body!

No one knew what it felt like for such repressed love, when it was finally about to be obtained, after so many years!

He took a deep breath, showing a twisted and satisfied smile.

Mrs. Olsen struggled. “Taylor, you’ve lost your mind! Let me go!”

“I haven’t lost my mind!”

Taylor said with suppressed agony, “To melt your heart, I’ve waited for 22 years! Even a stone should have warmed up by now, but you haven’t… Shirley, you’re the one who’s too heartless!”

Mrs. Olsen closed her eyes. “When you first wanted to be with me, I told you, my heart would never stir for


Taylor laughed. “I did say that all I wanted was to be with you, that seeing you every day was my greatest happiness. But Shirley, people change… When I got to see you every day, I wanted more… Especially when I

COT JOU with a crowing hally with Sam’s child getting




261 Help!

bigger every day… Do you know how crazy I felt? I

always thought how wonderful it would be if that child

was ours.”

Mrs. Olsen was pinned down by him, unable to move her body.

But hearing these words, she suddenly understood something. “You knew early on that Poppy had

switched the babies?!”

Eyery baby born would have a bracelet.

In theory, such an error was impossible in hospitals. Poppy was struggling even to afford meals back then, so how could she have had the means to do such a


By now, Taylor had nothing to deny anymore.

He lowered his eyes. “I just hinted to her that only if the child was yours, I would acknowledge it; otherwise, hers was just a bastard. It was her idea to swap the babies, and I was just helping her cover it up.

Otherwise, with so many nurses in the hospital, what if they saw her?”

“Maniac, you maniac!!”


261 Help!

Mrs. Olsen was so furious she grit her teeth, tears. rolling down her face.

She could never have imagined that this man, who had always been so accommodating and seemingly devoted to her, who had been by her side for more than 22 years, taking up almost half of her life, could do such a thing!

“I am a maniac, but you drove me to this madness.”

After uttering those words, Taylor started to tear at

her clothes.

A chill passed over her body, and Mrs. Olsen felt an overwhelming sense of shame and rage.

She struggled fiercely, but was utterly unable to break free from his oppressive grasp…

Taylor seemed to be seeking years of retribution from her body, torturing her bit by bit…

Yet he never went through with the final act…

What was meant to be an intimate act between lovers

only made Mrs. Olsen feel wave after wave of coldness.

Taylor looked at her. “Shirley, it’s been many years


261 Help!

since you last did this. Do you… want it?”

In Mrs. Olsen’s eyes, however, there was no trace of


She was still so lucid.

She looked straight at Taylor. “I just feel disgusted.”

The word “disgusted” made Taylor stiffen slightly.

He let out a cold laugh and suddenly stood up.

Mrs. Olsen immediately breathed a sigh of relief, eeling that at least this man wasn’t completely heartless and deranged.

But in the next instant…


A vicious slap landed across her face, leaving Mrs. Olsen feeling dizzy, and her vision blurred!

were ringing…

‘s voice seemed to come from afar. “Shirley, my company can’t win your heart, let’s see if nwashing can do the trick! Do you remember Keira fore she turned fifteen? How well-behaved she was

the Olsen family! Hahaha…”


261 Help!

Upon hearing these words, Mrs. Olsen’s vision flashed intensely with the situations Keira faced at home…

The glimpses she had occasionally caught…

Poppy would slap Keira without any reason, or withhold food just as arbitrarily.

And that was only what she had seen; she had heard from the servants that, in private, Poppy was even more ruthless!

She had also heard about a whip Poppy owned, used specifically to lash Keira…

The helpless child, devoid of self-preservation, would curl up, hoping only for Poppy to be in a good mood and spare her…

Those painful memories made Mrs. Olsen clench her fists tightly. “Taylor, you monster!”

She tried to rise from the bed, aiming to rush to the


But Taylor caught her around the waist!

The door to the ward was right before her eyes, yet she couldn’t get out at all!


261 Help!

Mrs. Olsen yelled toward the door, “Help! Nurse, help!”

Taylor just laughed and said, “You were so agitated just now; I’ve already informed everyone that you couldn’t handle your daughter’s passing and that you’re not in a good mental state. Shirley, keep yelling; even if you scream your throat raw, no one will come…”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Olsen felt her strength leave her, and she collapsed to the floor.

Taylor loomed over her from above.

In the past, he had always looked up to her, but now, this woman had finally fallen from her pedestal.

A flicker of excitement arose within him.

If he could tame her…

Just then, a cell phone rang.

Mrs. Olsen turned her head sharply, looking toward her own phone-it was a call for her!

As she moved to grab it, Taylor snatched her phone, finding that Sam had sent her many messages on WhatsApp.

“What’s up?


261 Help!

“Talk to me.

“Are you okay?

“I’m going to the hospital to see you!”

Seeing she hadn’t responded for a while, Sam sent her a voice message on WhatsApp, but she didn’t pick up, and now he was calling her.

on seeing the caller ID on the screen, Taylor’s pupils onstricted.

He turned fiercely to Mrs. Olsen. “After all these years, you still have his number!”

  1. Olsen didn’t say a word,

or immediately hung up, then furiously took off his

r belt and lashed it against the side-

Tayloned maniacally/ “Shirley, do you want to


it’s like to be whipped?”

me time, in the lobby of the hospital.

ar came to a screeching halt, and he jumped anning frantically toward the upstairs ward!

262 Something’s Wrong

Uncle Olsen’s face was etched with urgency as he rushed upstairs to the hospital room without pause.

Mrs. Olsen never asked for his help.

The last time she did, it was because her daughter was

in trouble.

And now she was asking for help again… something must have gone wrong again!

He had been frequently sending her messages and calling her, but Mrs. Olsen hadn’t replied or answered. Was the killer who murdered Keira back to kill her


This thought accelerated Uncle Olsen’s pace even


He pushed open the doors to the hospital room with both hands and just as he was about to enter, he saw Taylor blocking the doorway.

Uncle Olsen stopped in his tracks.

Taylor slowly said, “Sam, what brings you here?”


262 Something’s Wrong

Uncle Olsen asked anxiously “Where is Mrs. Olsen?”

Taylor coughed before responding, “She’s taking


Uncle Olsen was taken aback.

Taylor then showed an embarrassed expression.


“Shirley has been sick for a long time and hasn’t bathed in days. She just woke up and is now taking a shower. It’s not convenient for you to enter…”

Uncle Olsen’s gaze fell upon the VIP room’s bathroom.

Through a frosted glass door, the sound of running water could faintly be heard.

He couldn’t see inside the bathroom.

Mrs. Olsen, in disarray, had her hospital gown torn to

shreds. Her mouth was stuffed, and her wrists and

ankles were bound, making it impossible for her to


Hot water poured down, soaking her entire body.

She tried to emit faint cries for help, but they were drowned out by the sound of the water.

Outside, Uncle Olsen hastily withdrew his gaze, but


262 Something’s Wrong

something felt off. “She just sent me a message asking

for my help.”

Taylor nodded. “Right, we sent the message to you together.”

He pointed outside.

Uncle Olsen took a step back.

After Taylor stepped out and closed the door, he looked straight at Uncle Olsen. “You and Shirley had agreed to never see each other again. The last meeting was already a violation of that agreement. Shirley has just lost her daughter, and she’s not in a good state of mind. She asked me to tell you, can you please go back to Clance immediately and never come to Oceanion again?”

Uncle Olsen was stunned by these words.

He instinctively looked toward the hospital room


Taylor, however, blocked his way once more, “Sam, this is her only wish and request now. She hopes you won’t stay to revel in her misery.”

Uncle Olsen clenched his jaw tight, gripping his fists.


262 Something’s Wrong

Taylor continued. “You just promised her that you

would agree to any request. Sam, are you going back on your word?”

Uncle Olsen immediately looked at him. “You saw the messages between me and Mrs. Olsen?”

Taylor said, “I’ve been married to her for 22 years, and our relationship is deep-seated. We have no secrets

  1. Sam, please don’t disturb our lives.”



on’t disturb her life.

sindeed always Mrs. Olsen’s request of him.

than 22 years.

knew she was in Oceanion yet never set foot here, earing it would make her uncomfortable…

Even to know if she was doing well, he had to ask

Lewis to check for him.

Olsen felt Mrs. Olsen was truly heartless…

she had always been this way.

e hadn’t changed.

hinking of this, Uncle Olsen took two steps back and

forced a bitter smile, his voice tinged with a hint of

262 Something’s Wrong

loss. “Alright, I’ll leave this place. If Mrs. Olsen needs any further assistance, feel free to ask.”

Taylor nodded. “Thank you, Sam, for your care. Now that Keira has met with misfortune, Shirley is

extremely worn out. As long as you don’t come to

disturb her peaceful life again, my wife and I will be


My wife….

Uncle Olsen felt as if an arrow had pierced through his heart once more.

He managed a faint smile, nodded, and turned to leave.

Watching him leave, Taylor revealed a meaningful smile. Only then did he go back inside, locking the

door behind him.

Next, he walked to the bathroom door, pushed it open, and turned off the tap. He took a bath towel from the side, and began drying Mrs. Olsen’s hair.

“Shirley, make sure you’re dried off thoroughly. Don’t catch a cold…”

His voice was as gentle as it had always been, yet Mrs.



262 Something’s Wrong

Olsen shivered intensely!

Taylor carried her out of the bathroom and then placed her on the hospital bed, removing her damp nightgown and tossing it into the nearby trash can.

After drying her off with a bath towel, he noticed the startling whip marks on the pristine skin of Mrs. Olsen’s back.

He immediately took out the ointment and gently started to apply it on her.

He said tenderly, “Shirley, does it hurt? Let me blow on it, and it won’t hurt anymore…”

Mrs. Olsen closed her eyes in pain, and the cloth that

had been in her mouth was removed. She asked in a

low voice, “Taylor, why don’t you just kill me.”

“How could I bear to kill you when I love you so much! Shirley, everything I do is to prevent you from leaving


Taylor meticulously treated the wounds on her back and then took out her regular clothes. “Shirley, I’m taking you home. It’s inconvenient here at the hospital with so many people around…”

262 Something’s Wrong

Mrs. Olsen’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If she could leave the ward…

Just as she thought about this, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her arm!

Mrs. Olsen turned her head and saw a syringe there, then felt her body go limp and fell into Taylor’s


“What have you… done to me…”

Her tongue felt heavy, too weak to force the words


Taylor smiled. “Shirley, this is a muscle relaxant. It’ll help you relax so you can be a good girl and listen to


Mrs. Olsen’s pupils constricted.

She watched helplessly as he dressed her like a puppet on strings and then picked her up and strode out of the room.

A nurse saw them and immediately asked, “Mr. Olsen, what’s wrong?”

Taylor sighed. “Shirley just woke up and said she

262 Something’s Wrong

wanted to go home. She doesn’t want to stay here, so I’m taking her back…”

The nurse nodded. “Mr. Olsen, your love for Mrs. Olsen is so deep. Mrs. Olsen, you should cheer up. If something were to happen to you, what would Mr. Olsen do? You have no idea, last time when you fainted and almost didn’t wake up, Mr. Olsen stayed by your side without eating or drinking. Je moved everyone in the hospital!”

After that, she looked at Taylor. “Mr. Olsen, you must also take care of yourself.”

Taylor nodded gently. “Don’t worry, I won’t be so foolish. I need to take care of Shirley, so we can grow old together…”

Listening to these words, Mrs. Olsen suddenly understood something.

The feelings Taylor had for her over the years might be real, and that was why he managed to deceive

everyone so well!


He didn’t only fool the outsiders, but even she had failed to see through the darkness in his heart!

So how could anyone suspect that he was the

262 Something’s Wrong

murderer of Keira?

All he could do was watch in dismay as Taylor carried

her downstairs and into the car.

Nobody noticed, but in the parking lot, Uncle Olsen

frowned as he watched them leave.

After a while, Uncle Olsen opened WhatsApp and found his young friend. “Little friend, something doesn’t feel right about Mrs. Olsen! Can you please pay her another visit?”



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263 Meeting Again

Ellis saw Uncle Olsen’s expression and couldn’t help himself from asking, “Uncle, since Mrs. Olsen said she didn’t want to see you, why don’t you just go back? She’s heartbroken now, and your presence here is not making things any better.”

Uncle Olsen glared at him.

Ellis immediately realized that his comment might have

been too harsh.

He coughed and then said, “You just mentioned something was amiss, so what is it that’s not right?”

Uncle Olsen lowered his eyes. “Miss South has always been strong-willed. Her daughter has died, and the murderer hasn’t been found. Would she ask me to leave? When she sent me the message, my first thought was that she would want me to avenge her daughter.”

Jodie South was never a weak character.

Her health wasn’t good, and she was fainting frequently, but a person’s nature wouldn’t change.

263 Meeting Again

Ellis couldn’t help but ask, “Then why don’t you just barge in and ask her directly?”

Uncle Olsen gave him a sideways glance.

Ellis immediately understood something. “No way, no way, have I stumbled upon something? Ha! Uncle, you’re not afraid of anything, but you’re afraid of Mrs. Olsen getting angry?”

Uncle Olsen was speechless.

He wondered what he should do with this idiotic


He did fear that it was Jodie’s wish for him not to

interfere, and if he disobeyed and barged in, Jodie might end up hating him.

Uncle Olsen silently sighed and looked down at his phone.

Unexpectedly, after sending out the message, there was still no response from the other side.

It was just like last time when they made plans but he had to rush off with Jodie to the sea to search for someone, and while waiting for the retrieval process, he remembered the appointment and sent her a

203 Meeting Again


The young friend also didn’t reply at all.

At the time, he thought the young friend was angry, but now that he thought about it, when they met at the Horton family’s condolence visit, she didn’t seem to hold a grudge against him!

Uncle Olsen was puzzled and scratching his head, but he quickly thought of something, opened WhatsApp, found “Howard,” and sent a message. “Where are you


Howard indeed replied immediately. “Four Seasons Hotel. Uncle Olsen, is there something you need?”

Uncle Olsen. “I’m coming to find you. I’ll take your whole family to dinner tonight.”

It was a gesture to make up for missing the appointment with the young friend last time.

After seeing Mrs. Olsen, Keira gave several orders to Samuel to find the murderer as soon as possible.

When she ultimately parted with Samuel, and he asked, “Boss, when will you be able to reclaim your


263 Meeting Again


Keira knitted her brows and said, “We’ll talk about it

after the murderer is found.”

Only when she knew who the murderer was and why they wanted to kill them, and could ensure her own safety, could she live under her true identity again.

Keira arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Just as she found the private room where Howard and his family were staying, she saw Howard and his mother excitedly preparing clothes. Howard’s mother even took out Amy’s dress to dress her up beautifully.

Glancing at Keira, Howard lifted his chin and scoffed. “You’re just in time to come bac for dinner. Hurry up and change into something more formal. Don’t embarrass me tonight!”

Keira paused slightly. “Dinner?”

Howard then excitedly opened his mouth. “Yes, today Uncle Olsen and I hit it off immediately. Do you know who Uncle Olsen is? He’s the one in charge of the Clance Olsen family, one of the five major families of Clance. He just sent me a message saying he is inviting us to dinner tonight!”


263 Meeting Again

Howard’s mother chimed in right away. “Son, you are so capable, to think that coming to Oceanion we could encounter such distinguished people, and you’ve managed to get connected! My god, that’s the Clance Olsen family! Normally, we could only see such people in financial magazines, and he has taken a fancy to


When Keira heard Uncle Olsen’s name, she was slightly


Before, Uncle Olsen had frequently wanted to meet her, but she hadn’t gone to see him, and now that she had become Keera, she suddenly got the opportunity.

But how could someone like Howard ever get in touch with Uncle Olsen?

She glanced at Howard and saw that he was indeed handsome, with a refined and scholarly appearance-a truly good-looking fellow. It must have been this handsome face that had charmed Keera!

Little did anyone know he was just an empty suit!

The look of disdain in Keira’s eyes made Howard chuckle. “I told you, I’m really good at business. Today, I had a chat with Uncle Olsen about the future


263 Meeting Again

economic trends, and he listened patiently throughout.

Now he has invited me to dinner, which must mean he thinks highly of my insights! Alright, let’s go, we can’t keep Uncle Olsen waiting!”-

Keira didn’t bother with idle chit-chat.

Since she had decided to investigate her sister’s death under the guise of Keera, she would play along with them to avoid complications.

She bowed her head and changed into a suitable tweed


Then she went into the bathroom to carefully wash off

the iodine on her face…

Although the color wouldn’t fade immediately, at least it wasn’t as yellow as it had been during the day.

Once they were dressed, they headed downstairs.

Howard chose Fragrance Hall on the car’s navigation and started the vehicle.

Howard’s mother asked, “What place is Fragrance Hall?”

Howard immediately replied with pride, “Fragrance Hall is a famous private restaurant in Oceanion. I’ve


263 Moeting Again

just heard about it. It seems to be owned by Mrs. Horton, and it’s hard to get in without a reservation!

The elites of Oceanion love to dine here. Uncle Olsen inviting us to eat here shows he really values me!”

Howard’s mother immediately glared at Keira. “Son, I have always known you are destined for great things. You’ve always been the most impressive in our village. What a shame to marry Keera! Speaking of which, your status don’t sound good when you mention it. Keera, on, say you have married into our family, got


at little wretch, once we return to Clance,

ately change her surname to Howard’s,

wise, I won’t acknowledge her as my ddaughter!”

oward immediately said, “It doesn’t matter if a girl hanges her surname or not. Keera, when you get back to Clance, just transfer the company shares and legal representative status to me, and add my name to the property ownership certificate…”

Keira ered inwardly but didn’t speak.

was going to assume her sister’s identity, she d reclaim everything that belonged to her sister!

263 Meeting Again

But for now, she couldn’t be bothered to argue about these things.

Seeing Keira’s lack of response, Howard’s mother became irate. “What kind of attitude is that? You are eating Howard’s food, living in Howard’s house, and even dining in a private restaurant like Fragrance Hall, all thanks to Howard’s connections! You must change your name once we return! Have you heard me?”

Keira’s expression turned cold, and Howard intervened. “Okay, Mom, that’s enough, we’re here.”

Howard’s mother gave her a fierce look, “Take care of that burdensome girl, and make sure to behave properly later. Don’t get dazzled by the wealth and humiliate my son. If you do, I’ll punish you and that burdensome girl severely afterward!”

They parked the car and had just gotten out when someone greeted them, “Is this Mr. Smith’s family? Uncle Olsen has been waiting for you in the private

room for a long time.”

Howard immediately smiled. “Yes, that’s us, please lead the way…


The assistant to Uncle Olsen held a different status in



<263 Meeting Again

Clance, and people like Howard couldn’t afford to act superior in front of him.

The assistant smiled and walked ahead.

Howard and his mother entered the grand Fragrance

Hall first.

The place was elegantly decorated with a classic feel, and there were little streams and bridges. The whole atmosphere was distinct.

Howard and his mother cautiously surveyed their surroundings, and his mother even whispered a warning. “Keera, hold that burdensome girl tight. Everything here is incredibly valuable, and if you accidentally break something, selling you wouldn’t

cover the cost!”

Keira snorted to herself.

to the private room. Howard nervously adjusted his clothes, and after proudly glancing back at Keira, he

looked in indifferently and caught a glimpse of a mature



263 Meeting Again

and upon hearing the door open,

movements exuded an aura of nobility, inspiring

please, and his mother

paused for a

“Handsome Uncle?”



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264 Father and Daughter

move forward when

mother was so startled that she trembled and

heads sharply, looking at Keira

mother scolded in a

are you

nonexistent cold sweat from his forehead and said to Uncle Olsen with a flattering smile, “Uncle Olsen, she, she hasn’t seen much of the

these words were spoken, they saw Uncle Olsen suddenly stand

on the spot, and immediately turned around to glare furiously at Keira. “You ignorant wretch, what are you yelling about?

his surprise, as soon as he



264 Father and Daughter


past him and approached Keira. “Kid, I sent you WhatsApp messages, but why


had already cursed Keira

was preparing to punish Keera and Amy

were dumbfounded, looking at Keira and Uncle Olsen with ignorance and

also wide; she subconsciously took out her phone, then realized her phone had long since been lost to the sea, and the one she was currently using

subdued expression, “Um, the account that

we add each

took out his phone

the OR



264 Father and Daughter

Howard was utterly dumbfounded.

was the hardest

Olsen yesterday and had tentatively asked once, and

initiative to add Keera

the cold-hearted, iron-fisted, and mysterious Uncle Olsen

at his phone,


mind associating with him when she didn’t know he was Uncle

a stranger.

now, she knew he was indeed Uncle Olsen,

South, didn’t even want to

it would be embarrassing

her phone and they added each other on

watched them, wiping the nonexistent

on his forehead, “Uncle Olsen.



264 Father and Daughter

Keera South?”


Uncle Olsen’s gaze darkened.

to say something when Keira said, “We

slightly, and

on Howard’s mother…

“very good” mother the kid

didn’t seem to

withdrew his gaze and invited them

sit down.

Keira’s face and asked, “Miss. South, is it? Do you have the surname South because it’s your father’s name or

Keira paused briefly.

She really didn’t know…

surname South was indeed

knew that Keera had

on the ananifing


264 Father and Daughter

need for her to answer, as Howard immediately said, “Her foster father’s surname


Olsen was taken aback, “Foster

by her foster parents. Afterward, she lived near Clance. Later,


her foster parents had

also slightly

had been bullied by Howard

without any relatives. coming to her defense!

fell back on Keira’s face. Seeing that

North Sixth Ring of Clance, and




264 Father and Daughter

“What kind of business is

this year? We’ve just recruited a few people and are

Howard eagerly looked at Uncle Olsen, hoping that if Uncle Olsen could grant them

was Uncle

had already noticed the discord between Keira

simply took a couple of sips of tea and then passed the teacups to


their tea, the

to eat. Once everyone had done so, his gaze nonchalantly swept

at the delicately cooked

Olsen, the food here

We haven’t eaten such authentic Oceanion Quicina in monnal In this mada hu the hand shot


264 Father and Daughter

Fragrance Hall?”

she was a student, who taught her everything he knew, which is why the food she makes is so delicious. But Mrs. Horton only cooked one meal a

lowered his

had always been

after the news of Mrs. Horton’s death came that the

and sighed deeply before looking at Keira. “How

Olsen hasn’t

“She has woken up,”



<264 Father and Daughter

me a message, saying

was stunned,

see her when I went to the hospital, and


is frail. Why would she be discharged

noticed her tone, took a

and coughed. “I just think it doesn’t

“That’s why, if you’re available, kid, I’d like

immediately stood up. “I’m available right

Before she could speak, Howard immediately waved his hand.

Uncle Olsen. Go ahead!

nodded and left


264 Father and Daughter

the news of her being alive from everyone else, but she couldn’t hide




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265 Save Mrs. Olsen

Hall, Keira hailed a cab on the roadside and headed straight for

It was already late.

night scene of Oceanion,



was to find the

normal life.

arrived at

of the

door was quickly

opened it was

slightly bewildered upon seeing Keira. “Who



265 Save Mrs. Olsen

who the murderer was, no one

be trusted.

down. “Hello, I’m a classmate



Keira nodded.

the house and soon returned, relaying Tr’s message, “Mrs. Olsen has

to come back uring the


taken aback.

the time. It was


Olsen was health-conscious, this wasn’t er


and ne from a long distance. I just want to pay a Mrs. Olsen and then leave;


her insist, Aunt South turned



265 Save Mrs. Olsen.

a rejection. “Our lady is unwell, and it’s not suitable for

something was off. “If she’s unwell, why not stay in the hospital? Why was she

you questioning me? What right do you have to question

about to speak, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

what about me?”

startle, and she swiftly

behind her without notice.

cheeks and brows tightly knit together. His sharp and

were piercing.

enveloped in a

his usual gentlemanly demeanor, replaced



265 Save Mrs. Olsen,

day, Lewis had been inside that restaurant, watching his men check the surrounding surveillance footage, trying

But there was nothing…

street had been emptied, no surveillance cameras

had been abducted into the


planned to continue searching the sea that evening; the body, to him, felt strange and unfamiliar. Yet, as soon as he’d heard Mrs. Olsen was discharged, he had rushed over

opened up

known the

in her heart.

even when his grandmother was sick. He had felt a twinge

he was determined to take good care of Mrs. Olsen



265 Save Mrs. Olsen


thought about this, he

woman beside him.

It was her again!

high school


for Mrs.

arrive, Aunt South immediately exclaimed, “Mr. Horton, please

but she wouldn’t dare


door, and as he. passed by Keira, he

careful look at her.

cap was worn a bit low, hiding her eyes, and the mask was tightly

make out her face.

height was

this, Lewis

seeing this, Keira immediately


265 Save Mrs. Olsen


shouted, “Hey, who


immediately pointed at Lewis, “I came in



Keira, still unable to discern her

him that this woman wasn’t

no harm

his lips and finally said, “Let her

a sigh of relief and followed


just happened to see Taylor hurriedly

Olsen? Why was she suddenly

sighed. “This afternoon,



265 Save Mrs. Olsen

that Keira wasn’t dead. He was

refused to stay in the hospital. I had

The reason was flawless.

how he himself couldn’t accept

his lips. “May I see

Taylor’s gaze flickered immediately.

he took action against Jodie South, he had been a bit

taking a bath, and she’s asleep now. Please come back

the future, one must never strike where

could be seen.

felt that something

finger on what was

to say something, when the woman beside him suddenly bent


265 Save Mrs. Olsen

voice, “Sir, sorry, but I, I ate something bad today and need to use

restroom. May I?”

immediately scowled. “And you

a friend of

brow furrowed slightly when he

with her other hand. “I’m sorry, I really can’t hold

looked around and asked

South, “Where’s the restroom?”

downstairs bathroom, just about to speak, when she heard Keira


Aunt South was dumbfounded.

expression changed slightly. He immediately turned around.

could move, however, Lewis blocked his way. “Father-in-law, this friend of mine


265 Save Mrs. Olsen

Please don’t take it

face tensed

his jaw and

girl zigzagging in the corridor, heading nowhere else but straight to


also rushed

Keira merely paused briefly, then narrowed her eyes and


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Take Off the

dark; no lights

someone on the bed, so she immediately turned

incandescent light

spotted Jodie at a

closed, sleeping. Her hands rested peacefully on her chest in a prim and proper

a step forward, intending to take a closer look, but the sound of hurried footsteps came

Taylor charged into the room,

and lowered

doing barging in

Get out now!”

move. Instead, she approached Mrs. Olsen, observing carefully. “I just happened to come




can you be so impolite! What kind of classmate are you?! Really, you are…”

if you don’t leave now, I’m going to call the

he said this than Lewis

the wrong room. There’s no need to make a

fists, looking helplessly at Lewis. “Mr. Horton, what do you mean by

shock has led

should hurry out and not talk here in case we

her doubts. “I heard Mrs. Olsen is a light sleeper. With so much noise.

“Because the

details for? Who exactly are you? Are you related to the murderer

Miss Keira?”





didn’t seem like that of a


also looking at her with

them, she suddenly felt

then did Keira realize that even Lewis

at her.

as if he

stating calmly, “I’m a high school classmate of Keira,

visit Mrs.

as “Uncle

people in the



clenched his jaw

however, gave her



Take Off

withdrawing his

you’ve seen her now, and there’s nothing wrong with her. Can you leave now? Please do not

first to step back, leaving the

Mrs. Olsen will wake up. If she doesn’t get better, he has a doctor prepared and would like to bring him to

was an insistent

and his

reaction, Lewis suddenly lowered his

clenched his fist and

unable to be there, it implies her condition is serious, so maybe I should take her to the


a devoted husband to Jodie

Furthermore, his


Take Off the

Jodie was ill left no one in doubt that

would surely take his own life. Such marital


had ever considered that

that Mrs. Olsen’s strange condition

Shirley is much

his gaze, knowing he had

added,. “Before going to sleep, kept

no matter what. We’ll be

look. “Alright,

neral tomorrow.”

Horton. I’ll walk you

this, Taylor didn’t move but looked


reluctantly left


Off the

back as she

from the Olsen family home, standing on the street, that she still found herself gazing up at the

curtains blocked the view inside… She couldn’t see what was

made an excuse to send Aunt South away, and then he finally

Jodie’s face. “Shirley, did you see that? The love I’ve had for you for so many years has made Aunt

will help you, so just be obedient,

pressing it against

closed his eyes contentedly. “I know you can hear everything. Shirley, don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll take you to the funeral to send her off, but the person who will be going is just you. You can’t move. Don’t blame me. I’m just afraid they will take

saving these words he lifted the blanket



Take Off

down beside Jodie.

stretched out his arm and held


tears streaming from

all the noises outside. Others might not have noticed, but having watched Keira grow up since she was a

was unable to respond because she

of the man beside her filled her with

humiliation. It

her arm, to

closed her eyes

wish had finally been fulfilled. Just the thought

He soon fell asleep.


Take Off the

even breathing, suddenly

assumed a different identity

most likely to guard against


just remain imprisoned; she had to


that the murderer was Taylor, to let

could she

body couldn’t muster any

a small slip of paper, which felt smooth and unlike ordinary paper. It

to her by Keira just

flicker of hope suddenly shone

for printing receipts; scratching it with a fingernail reveals a mark. Being small,



Take Off

suspected something,

she left her this.

said, she was going to Keira’s funeral tomorrow…

be there too!

a chance to be

her strength to write a few words on the piece of


withdrew her

he had protected her mother for over twenty years and had never

rushed to the bedside and quickly left a small piece of

long as she could

a message…


Off the

all her concerns were overblown, that certainly would be

in trouble, this would offer a

turned back, she saw Lewis watching her intently in the dark, “Miss Keera, right? Please take off

his tone was not up


suspecting something, his tone demanding confirmation. She narrowed her eyes in

“I’m sorry, I have


stepped forward, his figure overshadowing her. “Then, Miss Keera, could you please explain to me how you are so

Olsen residence?”

Mrs. Olsen’s room upstairs meant



Take Off



excuse, the man moved suddenly, reaching out



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267 Note

eyes were

hospital, he was immersed in his pain and grief,

puzzled him further was why, if Keira was still alive, she wouldn’t come to

today, he ran

ordinary; even if she claimed to have been sent by Uncle Olsen, the

she was Keira!

there was the

to hear her

that face beneath the mask was the

for in

his fingers barely

perceptive Keira stepped back.




267 Note

That voice…

eyes suddenly reddened.

Keira paused momentarily.

suspected her and recognized

speak, Lewis blurted out

don’t know what you’re


to say more, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

a nearby car, his gaze hostile as he scolded Lewis. “Who is this? What


raised an eyebrow

at him,

marched directly in front of Keira. “You, a

of behavior is this? Who


267 Note

explain yourself to

“Exactly, Keera, you seem like a decent housewife usually, but who knew you’d be so

healed, and here you are seducing


baffled by the couple’s

feigned a vulnerable, aggrieved demeanor, “Howard, Mom,

everything! You were pulling at each other, nearly embracing! And now you say it didn’t

forcefully and snatched Amy from Howard’s arms, scoffing. “Damaged goods, see? Your mother is so lowly;

to be like her!”

not understanding these words,

reached out to Keira. “Mommy, hug,

“It’s not like that. he said


267 Note

around with a mask on, and he told

take it off…”

Howard finally asked, “Really?”

seemingly afraid he wouldn’t believe her,

clear this up quickly? Otherwise, my

gazed at

and cap, her expression obscured, but Howard and his mother, and even the two-year-old child, didn’t seem to be

woman wasn’t

Of course…

which was still at home, and he had been the one

truth, forever in denial…

without speaking, Lewis looked a bit dazed as if he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the


267 Nete

able to live in this community, he must belong to the smaller circles of Oceanion’s

off right

back at

Covered in iodine…

hint of yellow

exposed beside her mask.

s was

A deep

se of


s fists


in Lewis’s heart;


and walked away.

and sad, a

a fuss over nothing.

he is.”

y, and he immediately snapped. “What are


267 Note

he would never be


she had no

in front of him to simply glance at him indifferently and then turn around, holding the child

a chill in the depths of his

so mysterious. Who knows

she’s up to now!”


Amy that night and making Howard leave, when

Keira was surprised.

when they were

Howard had booked two double

going to share a room with his



267 Note

Howard’s mother snicker, and with a slight lift of her chin, she

home, Howard always sleeps with me. How come

to sleep with you?”

Keira was shocked

passed away early. Since I was a child, I’ve always been sharing a room with my mom. Don’t make


the mother and son before

and headed straight

children before, Keira looked up information online, only to find that Amy was surprisingly easy to

fussing, and at the age

with a towel.



267 Note

she would take the bottle to bed herself. Then, with a light pat on her own bottom, she would lull

her, Keira’s heart

the clearer it became that she must have suffered a great deal at

It wouldn’t happen again…

she would absolutely

suffer any longer!

started tossing and turning, her thoughts returning to Mrs. Olsen whom she saw at the Olsen family today. For some reason, she always felt that

brows were deeply

well at all

about Mrs. Olsen.

today was the day

to be cremated and

Olsen family.

14:52 w


267 Note

South away to help Mrs. Olsen pack

Olsen’s body was metabolizing the medication, and she was gaining some strength. She

he said gently, though his tone was devilish, causing Mrs. Olsen to shake her head, her eyes

in front of her, looking at her with an expression of reluctance. “Just bear with it a little

were tender but sent a chill

then mercilessly injected the contents of the syringe into

cold liquid entered her body, and Mrs. Olsen,

eyes reddening, she stared fixedly at


267 Note

her face and kissed her lips, “Shirley,

moved down her body, abruptly

the man’s eyes,

tear slid down

it, gently wiping away her tears. “You still don’t want to be mine? Shirley, when will you

words fallen than his

look up at him. He then


caused Mrs.

be heard, “Mr. Olsen, Mrs. Olsen,

looked at Taylor with

smiled, patting her face, “Let’s go see Keira



267 Note

we come back, I’ll


fists clenched tightly as if she could

just smiled

take her outside.

notice the piece of paper tightly

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