301 A Relative

Seeing this person, Ellis was stunned, “Director Porter? What brings you here?”

He was none other than the head of the New Energy Development Department at Olsen Group!

Director Porter seemed to have just noticed him, stared in surprise for a moment, and then exclaimed, “Mr. Ellis, are you here also to compete for this project? That’s fantastic!”

Ellis was dumbfounded.

Brian scoffed. “Mr. Ellis looks down on our project, saying we’re deceiving people.”

Director Porter immediately became anxious. “Brian, is the project research outcome you just told me about on the phone fake?”

Brian said, “How could that be possible!”

“Then how could it be a deception?”

Director Porter was puzzled.

Brian handed over the project proposal to him.



301 A Relative

“Because Mr. Ellis said, there’s no project worth several hundred million!”

Director Porter was shocked.

He instantly opened the project proposal and after a few glances, he immediately looked toward Ellis. “Quick, Mr. Ellis, sign the contract!”

This was Davis Corporation’s territory – what if they didn’t secure the contract, and it got snatched away?!

Ellis was utterly confused.

Staring at the contract, he was flabbergasted!

Even Ken’s expression changed as he looked towards Brian.

Brian immediately explained, “Director Davis, do you think I would deceive you? Porter and I have always been in competition; surely Porter wouldn’t be deceiving you either, right? But Mr. Wayne just said that they would no longer cooperate with Keera Technology in the future, so for this project, we can only collaborate with Olsen Group now!”

After saying this, he felt incredibly satisfied, releasing a long-held resentment with relief.



301 A Relative

To be honest, working in such a large corporation,

with so many relatives in the company weighing down on him, he had long felt frustrated.

Now, seeing the expressions on Wayne and Ken’s faces, he felt indescribably thrilled!

Ken furrowed his brows.

Ellis then voiced what he was feeling inside. “Is this project really that important?”

Director Porter immediately said, “Mr. Ellis, let me put it this way. Everyone is working on new energy. In the future, who makes money will depend on whose technology is in the leading position. I can say that, among the things currently circulating in the market, this project is definitely the most advanced in technology. At present, apart from Dr. South’s company, there’s no other company in the country that can develop it!”

He leaned in close to Ellis and spoke in a lowered voice. “Mr. Ellis, I see Keera Technology is just a small company, why not spend a few billion to acquire them? This way, the technology will be ours!”

Ellis was shocked.



301 A Relative

He coughed slightly and exchanged glances with Ken.

The next moment…

Ellis and Ken simultaneously said to Keira,

“I offer three billion to acquire your company!”

“I offer two billion to acquire your company!”

Ken, offering one billion less, quickly added, “I can also offer three billion!”

There were rules in the industry.

That was, malicious bidding wasn’t possible, so Ken and Ellis wouldn’t engage in malicious competition here. The price offered was the same, so what came next was to see each one’s sincerity.

Brian watched the two of them, his eyes smiling as h looked at Keira, “Miss South, who do you want to sell


Ken smiled. “Keera Technology, right? I know you’re Mary’s good friend. Although we had some unpleasantness in our cooperation, just now, I’ve withdrawn your family’s lawsuit, hasn’t he?”

The implication was, Ken had given her a break!



301 A Relative

Ellis became anxious, saying, “That was only because of what I said, otherwise, how would you know about this today? Uncle Davis, please don’t compete with me on this project!”

Ken still smiled warmly. “My dear Ellis, it’s not that I want to compete with you, but from their recent conversation, it seems that Miss South was originally planning to work with us on this project, right?”

Keira heard this and glanced at Wayne, whose face had already turned dark, with a smile. “That’s right, but Mr. Wayne rejected it! He even said that he would never work with our company again in the future.”

Upon hearing this, Ken glared at Wayne. “His words don’t count; I have the final say, and besides, it’s all a misunderstanding.”

After finishing his statement, he turned to Brian.

“Brian, you’ve been with the company for over twenty years, and the company has treated you well, right? Now that you’ve found a new job, you can’t forget your old employer, can you? You’re familiar with Davis Corporation, and now that we’ve acquired it, won’t it be even more convenient to work together in the




301 A Relative

Brian just smiled. “Director Davis, this matter still depends on Miss South. Actually, I don’t mind

cooperating with anyone; I’m quite familiar with Porter


“Right, right, right…

Director Porter nodded repeatedly while nudging Ellis.

He didn’t have the guts to argue with Ken over the project.

Ellis then twitched the corner of his mouth.

He came today originally to laugh at Keera and Mary, so how did it suddenly turn into him having to coax Keera to snatch the project?

How quickly his status had changed!

He coughed, and considering how he had always himself above Mary and Keera, he found it quite h to admit his new position.

He could only cough again and say, “Well, Keera, you have some connections with my uncle… Let’s be partners, and the price is negotiable!”

“The price on my side is also negotiable!” Both Ken and Ellis knew they couldn’t compete in price but needed





301 A Relative

to make a statement.

If three billion wasn’t enough, they could add more


Ellis coughed again, ready to speak, when Ken looked towards Mary,” Mary, Miss South is your best friend; you should come and help persuade her!”

Mary was perplexed.

Who was going to tell her what had happened?

Just a moment ago, she was still immersed in the joy that Keera finally didn’t have to repay the massive debt and worried about being pressured and lured by Wayne’s threats when returning to the company. How suddenly, the eldest uncle from the first branch of the family had become so pleasant toward her?

She felt a bit overwhelmed by the sudden favor, “U

Ken, I…”

Keira slowly began. “Actually, if Mary were to be in charge of this project, it wouldn’t be impossible…”

Understanding dawned on Ken, and he immediately said, “Of course, Mary will take charge. You two are good friends; it’ll be easier that way…”



301 A Relative

His tone was quite affectionate now…

Keira then looked at Director Brian. “But Director Brian, you’ve resigned. The person coming to coordinate this project should at least be a director, right?”

Ken instantly burst out laughing. “Well, Mary, Director Brian has resigned, and since you’ve also been with the company for two years now, you should be promoted to that position!”

Wayne’s expression changed.

Mary was so young, but she had become a director, and from now on, he could never press down on Mary’s family again!

Keira was pleased with this. Then Director Da shall we begin…”

Just as the negotiation was about to succeed, D Porter from Olsen Group was becoming frantic, nudging Ellis urgently.

Ellis came to his senses and immediately shouted,

The others all turned to look at him.

11:33 –

301 A Relative

Ken said with a smile, “Dear Ellis, why not? We already have a partnership with Keera Technology, and Mary and Keera have this relationship between them; we’re closely related!”

Ellis immediately retorted. “Keera, my uncle and you also have a close friendship as well…”

“What friendship can compare with a bestie from childhood?”

Ken laughed triumphantly. “Right, Keera?”

Keira didn’t know what to say.

She pulled a face, exchanging glances with Mary, and could see the joy in Mary’s eyes.

Seeing this, Ellis became anxious, and for the sake of the project, he blurted out, “Keera and our family ha an even closer relationship! She’s my cousin!”

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302 Keera and Keira

As soon as Ellis spoke, Keira immediately narrowed her


Was Uncle Olsen truly her father?

She had suspected as much early on, but it wasn’t until Jodie South said she never wanted to see Uncle Olsen again that Keira had confirmed it.

After Ellis finished speaking, he slightly tilted his chin up, feeling certain he would have shocked everyone.

He looked at Keera, expecting to see her overwhelmed with joy – after all, a powerful father had appeared out of the blue! But what he saw was the woman standi

there indifferently, looking at him without any expression.

Ellis was perplexed.

He turned his gaze to Ken, wanting to say something, but Ken laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “How clever, you’re really going all out for this project! Isn’t it common knowledge that in the pursuit of a



302 Keera and Keira

daughter, your father and your second uncle have tried exceedingly hard, yet up to now only seven boys have been born? You’ve had to adopt two female cousins. from a distant branch… where did this cousin pop out


Ellis wanted to say more, but Ken cut him off. “Alright, I know you want this project too. Since it’s such a good project, why don’t our two families work together? Miss South, do you have any objections?”

It wasn’t necessary for the Olsen family and the Davis family to fall out over a project worth several hundred million; a partnership was the best model.

When Keira heard this, her gaze swept over Mary and Ellis, and she raised an eyebrow. “Then let Mary handle the business between the two companies.”

“Deal! That settles it!”

Ken smiled and turned again to Ellis. “Since you brought the contract, shall we discuss the details

“Sure, then Miss South…”

Keira looked down to check the time, “I’ve got some

other matters to attend to, Director Brian, you can

take care of it.”






302 Keera and Keira

“Got it!”

The newly appointed Director Brian suddenly tilted his chin up, feeling a surge of pride.

Since Mary had to stay to discuss the partnership, Keira nodded at her and prepared to leave for a taxi.

She had an appointment with Howard to get a divorce.

Best get the certificate quickly and avoid further complications.

She had barely taken a few steps when she heard footsteps from behind. Turning around, she saw Ellis following her; he was sizing her up. “Keera, you really are my cousin.”

Keira said, “You must be mistaken, right?”

Ellis thought she didn’t believe him. After all, wh could reject such a family background? He then “Forget it. Next time I’ll bring you the DNA test re

Having said that, he continued to appraise her up a


Keira immediately displayed Keera’s characteristic gentleness and timidity.


302 Keera and Keira

Looking at those familiar features but unfamiliar expressions, Ellis thought of the valiant woman he had met in Oceanion and momentarily lost focus.

He suddenly asked, “Did you ever attend Mrs. Horton’s funeral service?”

Keira looked down. “Yes, Howard wanted to build connections, so he took me there and even claimed to others that I was Mrs. Horton’s high school classmate.”

This statement silenced Ellis!

After a while, he suddenly sighed. “Then have you ever

met Lewis?”

Upon hearing this name, Keira felt a tightness in her chest as if an invisible hand had gripped her heart tightly.

For the past month, she had been forcing herself mimic Keera’s demeanor, looking after Amy diligen and reading Keera’s diary at night in hopes of findin traces of the “South family” to save her mother…

She had tried to make herself forget that name.

But now, as Ellis brought it up, she realized that the name “Lewis” were like a thorn embedded deep in her


302 Keera and Keira


A pang of pain would ensue whenever it was prodded.

She lowered her gaze. “Yes, I’ve seen him.”

“Has Lewis seen you?” Ellis asked curiously.

He had had people dig into Keera’s background

thoroughly, so he was sure that the person before him

was Keera and not Keira.

Keira, however, asked back, “Mr. Ellis, what do you mean by that?”

Ellis noticed her displeasure and explained, “I don’t

know how to say this, but ever since Mrs. Horton

passed away, Lewis has been immersed in pain and

hasn’t come out of it.”

Keira was slightly stunned.

She tensed her jaw.

He hasn’t come out of it, probably because it hasn’t been long enough!

There was no wound that time couldn’t heal.

Moreover, he still had to be with his old flame and his




302 Keera and Keira

Ellis sighed. “Forget it, it’s no use telling you. You don’t know them. By the way, where are you going now?”

Keira looked down and said nothing.

But Ellis realized something. “Are you getting a divorce

from Howard?”

Keira paused and nodded.

Ellis misunderstood her expression. “You can’t still be hung up on that scumbag, can you? Keera, I’m really speechless, can’t you be a bit stronger?”

Keira remained silent.

Ellis said disdainfully, “Can’t you hold your head up high? What do you have to be ashamed of? You look like a victim every day… Seeing you with Keira’s face and putting on this act, I’m really not used to it!”

Keira was perplexed.

Ellis continued. “Can’t you be a bit more assertive? After all, your surname is also Olsen. You should be Keera Olsen…”

His words were cut off as he suddenly froze.

Keera Olsen… Keira Olsen?



302 Keera and Keira


He paused briefly, then said, “Forget it. The name

doesn’t matter, just be tougher! Don’t let anyone bully you! Even if you can’t be exactly like Keira, at least show a third of her spirit!”

Keira held back and finally couldn’t help saying, “Mr. Ellis, are you bored?”

Ellis said, “No, I’m not… Are you calling me nosy?”

Mid-sentence, Keira already hailed a taxi, entered it, and drove off, leaving Ellis shouting angrily on the


“Am I not doing this for her own good? And she talks to me like that!”

He assistant said, “Mr. Ellis, the car is here.”

Ellis got into his own car, huffing. “Follow that car.”

The assistant was dumbfounded.

Ellis couldn’t help saying, “She’s my only cousin, and I can’t just watch her go get bullied by others!!”

The taxi soon arrived at the courthouse.

After getting out of the taxi, Keira walked in and



302 Keera and Keira


immediately saw Howard and Cindy waiting for her impatiently.

Howard stepped forward, “Keera, what’s the matter with you? Why are you so late? You don’t want a divorce, do you?”

Cindy quickly said, “Can you be quick about it? Howard doesn’t love you anymore. Why are you still clinging on? You really have no shame!”

Keira took a deep breath.

Be patient.

She must bear with them.

Once she got the divorce certificate, everything would be perfectly resolved!

She didn’t speak and went with Howard to the serv


The divorce certificate was processed quickly.

When the official stamped the certificate, Keira even felt her hand itching…

She finally fulfilled her sister’s first wish. She got


03 Keira, I Know It’s You

Keira looked at the freshly issued divorce certificate in

her hands, feeling that her patience over the past month had not been in vain!

The house remained hers, and Amy was hers too…

If her sister were still alive, she would have surely been overjoyed at this moment.

Thinking of this, Keira’s eyes began to tear up…

Howard saw her like this and suddenly felt a bit reluctant to let go.

After all, with their college romance and her face that evoked such sympathy, it was really hard to let her g now that she was no longer his wife.

He looked at her and couldn’t help but say, “Don’t cr I’ll visit you and the child…”

However, his words displeased Cindy, who immediately tugged at his arm and scolded Keira. “Keera, who are you trying to seduce with that act? Stay away from Howard after the divorce! Do you hear me?!”



303 Keira, I Know It’s You

Howard frowned, wanting to say something, but Cindy glared at him. “What? Can’t bear to leave her? Want to go pay off debts with her?”

Howard immediately shut his mouth.

Cindy then pointed at Keira and said, “Scram, don’t be an eyesore here. It’s all because of you that you’ve spoiled the perfect time for me and Howard to get our marriage certificate!”

Keira knew she couldn’t get physical, as it would not fit

Keera’s character.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t take revenge.

She immediately stepped back and abruptly raised her voice. “Howard, are you planning to do divorced marriage all in one go today?!”

Sure enough, her words drew the attention of around them, and everyone started to look over

They saw Keira and Howard each holding a divor certificate, and then noticed Cindy standing beside Howard. With a bit of deduction, they understood

their situation.

Someone immediately commented, “What’s going on




303 Keira, I Know It’s You

here? Is somebody really that shameless? He’s just divorced and already getting married?”

“That woman must be the mistress who broke them up. Look at how pitifully the ex-wife has been forced

into this situation. It’s so sad!”

“How can someone who’s clearly the mistress still act so arrogant? What are you showing off for?”

Everyone here had come to get divorced.

There were all kinds of reasons for divorce, including infidelity, so there were always people who loathed mistresses. One auntie even rushed up and spat viciously at Cindy. “I despise mistresses like you the most. Proud of stealing someone’s husband, are you How can you have the face to scold the rightful wife

After finishing her tirade, she grabbed Keira’s arm. “Girl, don’t be scared! Join me and curse the scumbag

man and shameless woman!”

sticky and disgusting

to vomit. She

“You crazy woman!”




I Know

an affair with a mistress, was infuriated by the insult. She rushed over to Cindy, grabbed her hair, and

of me! You crazy

police? Then do

you call the police, I’ll post this on the internet for the public to judge.

Cindy suddenly deflated.

Keira’s side. “Apologi this

clenched her fists,

at Howard.

contain himself, Howard pointed at Keira and accused her. “Keera,

you didn’t want to


I Know It’s

to make a scene? Are

was already flying toward him. “You’re the adulterer, and you still have the

he ran out of the courthouse, clutching his head

stamped her foot in anger. “Howard, come back! We haven’t got our marriage

bother now?

so angry she

her disheveled hair before glaring hatefully at Keira. “Wh does Howard’s divorce have

and not getting along with her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law is hell-bent on

older lady didn’t dare to



Keira, I Know

hearing this, she immediately looked toward Keira. “Girl, your mother-in-law really is something else. How

Keira said, “Thank you.”

“Since Howard’s mother likes you so much, I wish your whole family a happy life. You and Howard must hang in

completely spoiled by Keira within

former daughter-in-law like her as

come were bound to

behind, she turned

she would keep her head slightly lowered, but now she lifted her chin, walking with the feeling of embarking on a new

a taxi back to the South


I Know It’s

gazing at the city scenery retreating around her,


he in the hospital

let out a

without a single relative by her side… Finally,

Lewis and a mother…

Jodie South had

for Lewis… he was

ahead, she was

quickly arrived at

saw the hired nanny tidying up the yard outside, while the sound o Amy

“Do we

nodded. “Yes, someone who said

should only



Keira, I Know

there be someone

to face a stranger but, to her surprise, the person playing

man stood with his back to the light and slowly turned around

in from the window, shining

apart, Lewis had grown even thinner, yet

eyes firmly fixed on her face, and he said slowly,

304 A Hug

at his face

she had actually felt very lonely and missed him

shouldn’t disturb

was dead was actually


she knew what he meant, she still said, “Mr. Horton, what are you doing

down, handing her

busy in Oceanion handling affairs for the Horton Group, and his absence, only Tom could keep the first branch of

Amy and went over

lost a lot of weight, looking especially haggard. With each step he took closer, Keira’s heartbeat


304 A Hug

Keira silently stepped back.

suddenly bumped into the living room couch behind her. There was nowhere left to retreat, and she could just watch

at such a close distance, she could

scent of vanilla, the smell of his usual

her jaw,

wanting to divorce in place of Keera, so I didn’t bother you, but today you’re divorced. Keira you come home

Keira’s pupils shrank.

he recognized her

Was it that night?

had clearly chased after her the next day, yet she hadn’t acknowledged him, and


304 A Hug

see through

for a long



couldn’t possibly have

Keera’s fragile demeanor, the past month of pretending having

“Mr… Mr. Horton,

you mean…”

a long silence, and she didn’t notice any change in

before her.

raised her head, wanting to see his

humoring a child throwing

rush into his arms, to tell him she was Keira,

11:34 O


304 A Hug

and to clarify

let him bear the responsibility

thought was


sigh. “Keira, I’ve thoroughly investigated you and Keera over this past month… Keera seems weak, but she’s actually strong inside, truly not like you. She also wanted the

really wanted to

But she couldn’t say.

kept her head down, still

lo voice, “There’s one major physical difference between the two of

her chin, his rough hand



304 A Hug

say that your eyes look different and feel different because I don’t know Keera well. But you have a mole at the corner of your eye, and Keera doesn’t have


rub off the foundation to

his fingers moved, he

there was smooth as ever, with no trace



his hand rubbing forcefully at Keira’s eye corner

still, there was

and he looked at her in disbelief. “How

Keira stood quietly.

course, she knew the biggest difference between herself and Keera, even going so far as to




304 A Hug

to prevent being discovered

and aggrieved. She

Keira forcefully into his embrace. “Keira, I know it’s you. Don’t scare me, okay?

words made Keira’s eyes


out that in the last month, Lewis hadn’t

b he clung to that belief, enduring until today.

should she acknowledge the

inner conflict was intense as if her thoughts had

when she hadn’t decided, her

11:34 O


304 A Hug

extended her arms and embraced


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305 Adultery

knew that an embrace could be so warm, bestowing a sense of

hug, she

heart had

always strong and independent sometimes needed consolation



voice reached her


His voice carried uncertainty.

to confirm her identity when suddenly a commotion erupted from the

she hired was

the South family’s home. How can



< 305 Adultery

“What South family? Who are you? Where’s Keera? You’re blocking us from entering.

also angrily rebuked, “Get out of the way! I’m Keera’s husband, and I’m


a single nanny fend off these two

pushed Lewis away, pointing to a room

gaze grew deeper, but he

her hands

pleading gesture.

were sharp with no trace of weaknes from just

clearly Keira’s


he wasn’t moving,

him into the small



305 Adultery

first floor.

the door, Howard and his

gaze fell on her. “Keera, what’s this about a nanny?

looked at her. “That seems to be none of your business anymore,

divorced Howard, he left with nothing! Did you hide

lawyer clarify how mu property I had, right? What, do you regret it now? Considering today is the first day since the divorce,

and Olsen

hearing this. Howard’s mother




305 Adultery

The twenty million debt is from your parents’ company.

slightly, realizing something. “I get it now. You must have sold your bridal jewelry, right? Keera, you still have debts, and the court will make its judgment tomorrow. Better save whatever money you have rather than spend it. You hired a nanny, but why don’t you just do the household work yourself?

past month, Keira had been compliant with her, and since it was inconvenient to take money from her own account to avoid

money, Keira bought Howard’s mother a variety of nutritional

by her like

her shameless demeanor

we’re already divorced, you’re no


305 Adultery

none of your

extended her finger. “I did this for your own

more, Keira cut off her endless chatter.

today at the courthouse, didn’t you? You made us lose so much face. Cindy went home with stomach pains, and I want you to go and apologize to

as if he


did Keera go blind and marry

unreasonable man?!

you think we’re s

Howard was stunned.

divorce, we have

“Keera, what



305 Adultery

cut ties with me.

is you. I’ve been at home taking care

Howard was speechless.

turned to look at Howard’s mother. “And you, I’ve always prided myself on being a dutiful daughter-in-law to you. Why did you insist on

care of

any woman Howard marries would treat me well. Do you think you deserve cred Not being

lips curved slightly. “Any daughter-in-law can take good

mother tilted her chin up. “Of course, Cindy will only treat me better



305 Adultery

of me even better than

“Is that so?”

Keira didn’t argue.

door. “Stop talking nonsense. I order you to come with me right now to apologize to Cindy. Moreover, I want you to take care of her for a while until

pushed him away forcefully.

the sound of Amy crying came


it seemed like

hearing this sound, Howard’s expression changed drastically. “Well, well, Keera, you really did hide someone! That explains why you were so eager t get divorced! You’ve already found someone

lover during your marriage. Howard, open the door for me now. I want to see what kind of



305 Adultery

Keira’s arm. “Howard, go open the door! Catch him and make that man

tell him what to

to kick it in.

the door opened

a tall and upright

and his mother saw him, they


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306 Revenge

thinking about how Keira had been bullied by this mother and son for the

was Clance, where one

eyes was so intense

stared at them fiercely, his gaze sweeping over Keira before he adjusted his cuffs and said, “A month ago, you set me up, and that account

black-clothed bodyguards

seen such

on the ground, knocking his head and begging. “Mr. Horton, that has nothing to do with me… It wasn’t my idea; it was all Keera’s. Keera was the one who plotted against you, and it has nothing to do with



<306 Revenge


him, her heart filled with

wife to another man’s bed, and in the end,

breath, not wanting


his feelings with her when Howard and his mother interrupted him, and now he couldn’t be bothered to argue with the two of them and simply roared, “Get

When they stumbled over the coffee

crawled out like that.

two of them seemed as if they had gotten their lives back and rushed out in a most

had finally walked a considerable distance, even leaving the neighborhood, that they stopped and. filled with afterthought


306 Revenge

the villa.

“Why would Mr. Horton be in the second bedroom? And Keera, why doesn’t

must have taken a fancy to her. No wonder she could hire a nanny, and she

Horton’s heart!”

will definitely help her fill that twenty-million gap, won’t he? I really… why did I get a

couldn’t help but smack his head. “If you hadn’t divorced, Mr. Horton would still

sleazy expression. “At least

she couldn’t help shivering with fear and said, “Son, how did you have the courage to plot


306 Revenge

terrifying person?”

At that time, without any connections with influential people, he saw

he had been incredibly

what a pity! He had delivered wealth

only stubbornly say, “No matter what, the woman Mr. Horton is sleeping with now

that, as if to comfort himself, he hurriedly called a cab, taking his mother away from there


goes, you don’t cherish what you have

since he had thought it was he who had



306 Revenge

the future, and when


he could still go to see her, as

someone had come to snatch

college. Although she didn’t have a good demeanor, she still relied on

suddenly felt a bit reluctant to let her

saying, “Son, what’s there to miss? That Keera has nothing but a face like a vixen, and she’s seducing

but a worn-out shoe! Mr. Horton even came to our door because of her! Mom, that woman

tired of her!”

a son. Useless woman! She claims she treats me



306 Revenge

talked, they returned

Cindy lived in was a three-bedroom place rented

and the

mess, full of barbecue leftovers from Howard’s feast last night. The disarray seemed particularly out of place in the

their mood.

how neat and clean Keera’s villa was, Howard’s mother couldn’t help but frown and called out, “Cindy, clean up the coffee table in the living room, will

phone. Hearing this, she said, “Mom, my stomach hurts. Maybe you could do me a favor and

you’re faking it! Babies aren’t that delicate. When I was pregnant with Howard, I was still working in the fields! Don’t try




306 Revenge

Cindy was utterly submissive to

but as soon as she said this, Cindy looked pitifully at Howard. “Howard, my stomach really hurts. I’m not lying to

mother became angry at once. “What have I said about you? When Keera was pregnant, she didn’t

that this morning’s used plates were still sitting there, unwashed. This made her even angrier. “Howard and I were out for two hours, and you did nothing

ache. Even if you don’t feel sorry for me, at least feel sorry for your grandson! What



the past at home, whenever there


306 Revenge

Keera, Howard

and, ultimately, turned to her. “Mom, stop making a scene.

can you make me do the work? When have I ever done chores at home? I still have to go out and

along, weren’t you the one who did everything? Hurry

of this!”

pushed his mother out of the master bedroom, and with a “bang,” he

outside the door.

Howard’s mother was shocked.

blankly at the door, her expression frozen, and it even took her a moment to process

might have tolerated it, as she had to depend on her son to live. But after being respected and pampered by Keira for a month, how


306 Revenge

dramatically, and then she began pounding the

Bang! Bang! Bang!

harbinger of doom, come out here! Why should I do the work? Howard, I raised you,

exactly the revenge Keira had elaborately planned for Howard over

moment, in

her with a burning



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Slap in the

his mother away,

looked at Lewis, feeling

revealed her identity… Now, even if she denied

if she admitted

couldn’t be

from outside. “Keera, Keera! I’m here to keep you

words, Mary burst

the door.

seeing Lewis, she was

face, examining it for a long time before she finally spoke with confusion.

quickly said, “Mr. Horton, if

you can leave





I have things

is from the

also from the Davis family; she should be Mary’s paternal

didn’t resemble the other

That was why Mary thought

He clenched his jaw, stayed silent for a long while, and eventually said, “Keira, I don’t know what you’re up to, but

these words behind, he strode away with his assistants and bodyguards in

a win “Keera, who was that guy? Is he interested

course, it was

her Keira,

and asked, “What are

here for?”


Slap in

get divorced? Tonight, I’m

warmth in

knew Mary was afraid Keera would

laughed. “That won’t be necessary. I still have to

understandingly, “Mommy, you go have fun with Mary.

The place we’re going to tonight is also suitable for Amy. Let’s go, your godmother

headed out, leaving Keira with no choice but

realized that Mary had brought her to an indoor amusement

park wasn’t only suitable for children, but also for adults

“When we were little, we often

that when



in the

I’ve wanted to bring Amy here for

later on…”

lost contact and

her eyes. “Mary, I’m

were still alive, she would have said the same

why say such things? Amy, come on, I’ll take you

“Yay! That’s awesome!”

colorful balls. There were slides to go down from above. Mary

too young and wou be scared to slide, but they hadn’t expected the litt one to fall in love

smiled, then

one passage,


Slap in

shouted loudly; after sliding down, she got buried in the

moving the balls aside

watched and couldn’t help but

was moving the balls aside, suddenly a chubby five-year-old boy threw a

it wouldn’t hurt. Besides, everyone was throwing them around in the ball pit,


boy erupted in anger. “Why

throw it at me!”

by his shouting and said timidly, “So-sorry… I thought you

could finish, the little boy burst into tears, crying out, “Mommy,

sensed something was



in the

with Mary also emerging from


reactions weren’t fast

woman dressed extravagantly suddenly rushed over and slapped her across the face,

off the

instantly terrified and began flailing her arms in the balls, crying

same time. They scooped her out of the balls, and

past month they had spent all their time together, and Am

felt tremendous affection

that moment, she quickly tried to calm her. “Amy, good

was used to being mistreated by

11:35 )



Slap in the

home and hadn’t been hit or

so though she was initially frightened, she stopped crying when she heard “don’t cry” and clamped her mouth shut,

ached at

was staring at the aggressive woman. “What are

who had pushed was just comforting the chubby boy, and when she heard Mary, she turned around and sneered. “That’s the question I should be asking you, isn’t it? Someone get

as she point Amy and scolded. “What kind of riff-raff are you? dare you come here to play? You have no family discipline at all! Who gave you the right to throw

hearing this, someone immediately whispered a

Olsen, the niece from

it’s her no wonder she’s



always wished for a daughter but never had one, that’s why they brought in this distant niece to be raised in the main branch, pampered from a young age… And her brothers are not

better apologize quickly; otherwise, this won’t end

you are, this is a matter between children, and it’s not right for an adult

if I hit her?


was so angry her face turned iron blue. T moment, Keira patted her on the

see the usually timid Keera,

Amy to Mary with a voice that



in the

understanding her intention,

her eyes widened



first cominent to this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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