Chapter 351

Keira rushed to the rooftop entrance, trying to push through the crowd, but someone blocked her way.

“Miss South, Miss Allen wanted to jump off the building because of you, what are you going to do now? Aren’t you going to make things worse for her?”

The speaker was Frankie’s assistant.

As soon as he said this, it confirmed many speculations, and everyone turned to look at Keira.

“What is the grievance between her and Miss Allen?”

“What’s going on with this woman? She drove Miss Allen, a prominent figure of the Allen family, to jump off a building… This is outrageous!”

“Right, and now she still insists on pushing forward. Is it because she thinks Miss Allen isn’t jumping fast enough?”

Amidst the noise of the crowd, Victoria and Ellis, hearing the news, also hurried over.

Ellis immediately scolded. “What nonsense are you talking about?!”

But Victoria said, “Ellis, actually, they’re not wrong.

abler 351

But Victoria said, Eins, actually, they’re not wrong.

Miss Allen has been targeting Keera, and even because of the bridesmaid issue, there was unpleasantness this


Having said this, Victoria looked directly at Keera and sighed. “Keera, Miss Allen is already somewhat frail, and you keep making her angry… How good it would have been if you were more considerate of her today?”

With these words, everyone was misled to believe that it was Keira who deliberately provoked Rebecca.

Ellis also frowned. Although he wanted to defend Keera, he couldn’t be too biased. “What is the conflict

between them?”

Victoria then said, “I’m not very clear, just that today she upset Miss Allen. When Miss Allen sent her out, she smashed a chair and even threatened us…”

After saying this, she quickly added. “Also, I think I saw her flirting with Mr. Allen. I don’t know what they were talking about, something about collaboration, I guess, and then it angered Miss Allen…”

Hearing this, Ellis immediately looked at Keira. “Are

you really that short on cash? After collaborating with the Olsen family and the Davis family, weren’t you no


Chapter 351

longer lacking in projects? Why go out of your way to provoke her?”

Ellis knew about Rebecca’s condition and felt some

sympathy for her, hence his words were somewhat


Keira couldn’t be bothered to argue with them here and just looked ahead coldly. “Let me through. I can save Rebecca!”

“Miss South, you are really impolite, aren’t you? Calling Miss Allen by her full name so directly. Are you that close to her?”

Victoria’s remark caused everyone to turn their eyes on Keira, their looks filled with condemnation.

“Exactly, is Miss Allen’s name something you can just call out?”

“Don’t think that just because your best friend married Mr. Ellis, you can rise above your station and become part of the five great families.”

“Check your own status. You’re completely shameless

Keira was speechless.

Chapter 361

She took a deep breath and said, “Whether we’re close or not, it’s none of your business. I’ll say it again, move


Victoria looked at Ellis. “Ellis, do you see? It has been her attitude since this morning. She’s so arrogant. It’s no wonder she made Miss Allen so angry…”

Ellis frowned, about to say something, but Keira had already stepped forward, preparing to bypass him.

But at that moment, Ellis grabbed her arm. “Keera,


“Rebecca is jumping because of me, and only I can save her. Any further delay could cost her life!”

Keira whispered furiously.

That anxious look, for some reason, reminded Ellis of

Keira back in Oceanion…

Though they shared the same face, Keira’s eyes always held a cold and brisk sharpness, whereas Keera always seemed delicate and fragile…

Now, the look in her eyes overlapped with that of Keira’s…

This made Ellis unable to help believing the person in


Chabtor 351

Now, the look in her eyes overlapped with that of


This made Ellis unable to help believing the person in front of him, “…I’ll go with you.”


Keira followed Ellis onto the rooftop door.

Seeing this, Victoria immediately followed behind the two. “Ellis, I want to go and see. I have some connection with Miss Allen…”

The building had 68 floors, and stepping onto the rooftop, a gale hit them full in the face, making one feel as if they were staggering and about to be blown


Victoria paused slightly, frightened.

Once she had adapted to the wind, she chose to continue following behind the two.

Keira anxiously scanned the surroundings, searching for Rebecca’s figure…

There were many structures on the rooftop that blocked the view, but Rebecca’s location was easy to find because, at that moment, she was shouting loudly.

Chapter 351

There were many structures on the rooftop that blocked the view, but Rebecca’s location was easy to find because, at that moment, she was shouting loudly.

The delicate girl, even in hysteria, had a voice that sounded light and airy.

Her crying mixed with grievance came through. “Frankie, even you have deceived me. Are you

collaborating with her because she looks a lot like Miss Keira?! Tell me, have you transferred your affection for

Miss Keira onto her!”

Then came Frankie’s anxious voice. “Rebecca, I was

wrong. I won’t work with her, okay? Please come back


“I won’t!”

Rebecca roared. “You liar! Today, when picking up the bride, you brought her to the hotel. You’ve just channeled your little fondness for Miss Keira onto her. You’re not my brother; I’ll never trust you again!”

“Rebecca! I didn’t! Let me explain…”

“I won’t listen, I won’t! I don’t want to see her again. Frankie, if even you and our parents are going to forget Miss Keira, if even Lewis Horton is going to


Chooter 351

channeled your little fondness for Miss Keira onto her.

You’re not my brother; I’ll never trust you again!”

“Rebecca! I didn’t! Let me explain…”

“I won’t listen, I won’t! I don’t want to see her again. Frankie, if even you and our parents are going to forget Miss Keira, if even Lewis Horton is going to forget Miss Keira, then I would rather use my death to make you all remember her again!”

Rebecca shouted hysterically. “She just passed away a month ago, a month! Lewis Horton has found a

substitute, and both you and Ellis have shifted your focus to Keera. But she’s not Miss Keira, she’s not! How can you all so easily transfer your love? How could

you be worthy of Miss Keira?! Frankie, think about it! When you see her, don’t you feel like you’re seeing a shadow of Miss Keira?”

Her accusation caused Frankie to pause for a moment.

Frankie didn’t respond.

Then Rebecca let out a bitter laugh. “Right, I figured. Because I saw it too… How could I see the shadow of Miss Keira in someone else? If Miss Keira were still here, she would find that, in just a month, that woman




Chapter 351

Her accusation caused Frankie to pause for a moment.

Frankie didn’t respond.

Then Rebecca let out a bitter laugh. “Right, I figured.

Because I saw it too… How could I see the shadow of

Miss Keira in someone else? If Miss Keira were still

here, she would find that, in just a month, that woman has become her husband’s lover, her subordinate’s

boss… that woman has almost completely replaced her.

How devastated Miss Keira must be?!”

Frankie’s eyes reddened.

Even Ellis, who had followed them, paused slightly.

It seemed he was reminded of Keira, and a shade of

sorrow surged in his eyes.

That proud figure was an irreplaceable presence in his

heart… she was also his own cousin!

How could he allow the appearance of Keera to dilute the grief of Keira’s departure?

353 Chapter 352

Ellis’s hesitation was all observed by Victoria.

Unable to hold back, Victoria asked, “Ellis, who is this Miss Keira that Miss Allen mentioned? Do you know


If he didn’t know her, Rebecca wouldn’t have mentioned Ellis just now…

Upon hearing this, Ellis immediately fell silent.

Keira, on the other hand, didn’t care at all about their feelings and tried to walk past them toward that side, only to be stopped by Ellis.

Ellis looked deeply at Keira. “Keera, Rebecca is currently in an unstable mental state, and I think it’s not suitable for you to go over there…”

Keira felt extremely frustrated upon hearing this.

Just as she was about to push past Ellis’s obstruction, she heard him say, “But there’s someone who’s suitable.”

Keira was taken aback, “Who?”

Keira Olsen.

Keira was stunned.

Ellis stared at her. “I know, you must have heard the name Keira, and you also know that she’s your twin sister. You two look very alike. The reason your existence upset her iss all because of Keira. So, can you pretend to be Keira right now and persuade her to come down?”

Keira was speechless.

She was supposed to pretend to be herself?

Keira had no intention to pretend. She just wanted to hurry over and reveal her identity to prevent Rebecca from actually jumping.

Moreover, how could she not be moved by such a frail child as Rebecca, who had gone to such lengths for


Seeing Ellis say this, she couldn’t be bothered to

explain anything and simply nodded. “Alright, can I go over now then?”

Ellis immediately nodded, then glanced at the corner

Chanter 352

Seeing Ellis say this, she couldn’t be bothered to explain anything and simply nodded. “Alright, can I go over now then?”

Ellis immediately nodded, then glanced at the corner of her eye, and swiftly turned to Victoria. “Lend me your eyeliner or eyebrow pencil or something like that.”

Keira knew what he intended to do and, after thinking about it, decided not to interfere.

Confused, Victoria looked at the two of them but obediently opened her bag and handed over her makeup for touch–ups to Ellis.

Ellis quickly took out an eyeliner and drew a mole by the corner of Keira’s eye, identical to her original one.

Keira was speechless.

After he finished, Ellis took a careful look at her. “Now you look even more like her, go! Oh, and Keira always calls her Rebecca. You should know what to do.”

Keira nodded and started to walk over with big strides.

As soon as she rounded a concrete wall, Keira was startled by the

keng pictuca sau to wain or will dig uut

As soon as she rounded a concrete wall, Keira was startled by the scene before her.

No wonder Frankie didn’t dare to force a rescue.

Rebecca was currently standing at the edge of the rooftop, the big wind billowing her bridesmaid dress, with the long skirt fluttering up in the breeze, and she looked as if she was about to fall at any moment.

It seemed as though the next gust of wind could carry Rebecca away.

The scene was heart–stopping to witness.

Keira’s eyes immediately welled up with tears.

She took a step forward and called out, “Rebecca!”

Rebecca and Frankie turned their heads in unison.

upon hearing this voice, and seeing Keira, they were both stunned.

Frankie thought to take advantage of Rebecca’s

moment of distraction to rush in, but Rebecca noticed

Chapter 352

Frankie thought to take advantage of Rebecca’s

moment of distraction to rush in, but Rebecca noticed and immediately shouted, “Frankie, don’t come over. If you do, I’ll jump right now!”

Frankie stood still.

Only then did Rebecca’s attentive gaze fall back on Keira.

She scrutinized Keira inch by inch as if trying to see whether she was really Keira.

But the girl’s expression was composed and calm, and the clear, cold eyes no longer had Keera’s gentleness and timidity; they were Keira’s eyes.

Her gaze finally settled again on the corner of Keira’s


With a mole under her eye…

Rebecca’s face lit up with joy, her gaze uncertain as she looked at her and called out softly, “…Miss Keira?”

“Rebecca, it’s me!”


“Rebecca, it’s me!”

Keira stepped forward slowly, approaching Frankie’s side, and offered her hand. “Come down and join me.” Rebecca’s eyes almost bulged out.

It was clear that there was indeed something wrong with her mind…

At that moment, her eyes brimming with tears, and she asked, “Miss Keira?”

Keira immediately nodded.

Rebecca wept for joy, tears rolling down in large drops. “You… you didn’t die? Why are you here?”

After uttering these words, she suddenly realized something, and her expression instantly became wary. “The clothes you’re wearing… aren’t those what Keera wore? Aren’t you Keera? How could you be Miss Keira?

Keira hadn’t reached her side yet when she

immediately called out, “Rebecca, I am Keira, not

Keera. You remember my voice, remember the mole



Chapter 352.02

Keira immediately nodded.

Rebecca wept for joy, tears rolling down in large drops. “You… you didn’t die? Why are you here?”

After uttering these words, she suddenly realized something, and her expression instantly became wary. “The clothes you’re wearing… aren’t those what Keera wore? Aren’t you Keera? How could you be Miss


Keira hadn’t reached her side yet when she

immediately called out, “Rebecca, I am Keira, not

Keera. You remember my voice, remember the mole under my eye, don’t you?”

Rebecca’s gaze fell on the mole again, then she nodded. “Right, I recognize your mole…”

“So, come back…”

Keira reached out. “Come back, okay? I didn’t die, and

you can’t die either…”

“Okay, okay…”

Chapter 352

Okay, okay

Rebecca started crying again, reaching out her hand to Keira like a child.

Seeing this, Frankie and Ellis, who had followed, both breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Victoria, who was nearby, frowned upon seeing this scene.

This Keera… was so annoying!

If she really saved Rebecca, then she would have latched onto the Allen family again… Then there would be one more competitor in Clance!

And, from what Rebecca had just said…

Keera looked a lot like the late Mrs. Horton.

Then wouldn’t Lewis Horton be easily seduced by her?

Her own marriage might just fall through!

With this thought, a malicious glint flashed in Victoria’s eyes, and she stepped forward, saying, “That’s right,

fangh thing?

  1. 32.

…וייס ~~ ~.

eyes, and she stepped forward, saying, “That’s right, Miss Allen. Why would you think of such a thing? Nothing is more important than your own life…”

While saying those words, she also took out her makeup bag. “Your makeup has been ruined by tears. Let me help you touch it up. You’ll be pretty when we meet the others back downstairs…”

She deliberately took out an eyebrow pencil and shook

it in front of Rebecca.

Then she reached out and touched the side of her


Rebecca, watching her actions, suddenly remembered that the makeup artist today mentioned that it was fashionable to draw a mole by the nose.

It made one look sexy.

Draw a mole…

Rebecca suddenly understood something, and she turned sharply toward Keira. “You’re not Miss Keira! You are Keera! The mole under your eye is drawn on!”

As soon as these words came out, Ellis’s face changed

Chapter 352

Rebecca suddenly understood something, and she turned sharply toward Keira. “You’re not Miss Keira! You are Keera! The mole under your eye is drawn on!”

As soon as these words came out, Ellis’s face changed dramatically!

Even Frankie was taken aback.

Both of them sensed something was amiss and nearly subconsciously lunged forward!

Unfortunately, Rebecca felt deceived and stepped back. “Don’t come near! Stay away!!”

Her back foot suddenly missed its footing, and she fell


Below was an abyss!

354 Chapter 353

Victoria looked at her with joy.

If Rebecca fell, she would certainly die. By then, Clance would have one less rich young lady competing with her for Lewis Horton.

Keera would then be blamed for not saving Rebecca, for she had added to Rebecca’s distress and suicide, leaving the Allen family with a grudge against Keera.

It was like killing two birds with one stone!

With delight, she looked ahead, only to see a figure darting forward, desperately grabbing Rebecca’s arm.

Rebecca herself was swaying precariously in midair.

Keira was lying on the ground, her upper body almost suspended in the air, clutching Rebecca’s wrist for dear


When Keira seemed about to fall with Rebecca,

Frankie and Ellis arrived. They hurriedly seized her legs.

Only then, with four people holding on, were they able to barely keep Rebecca from falling!


Chapter 353

Rebecca looked up, showing a hint of terror on her


Staring at the girl who was tightly gripping her hand, Rebecca’s mind flashed back to the light that had glimmered in the hospital years ago, when she was nearly tortured to death by her husband and mother–in–law. She remembered the light from the girl who had made that phone call to her brother.

Her vision blurred as the two figures gradually merged.

But the next moment, she snapped back to reality, crying, “You’re not Miss Keira! Why do I see her

shadow in you again? Keira, I’m sorry… There has to be at least one person in this world who remembers



Keira felt she had reached her physical limit.

She heard Rebecca’s cries and, in desperation, scolded, “Stop spouting nonsense! Come back to us! I’m Keira, Rebecca. I want you to live. Otherwise, why did I bother saving you in the hospital before?!”

Rebecca was momentarily stunned.

But then she shook her head. “The mole by your eye is

Chapter 353

bother saving you in the hospital before?!”

Rebecca was momentarily stunned.

But then she shook her head. “The mole by your eye is drawn on… I don’t believe you. Let go, even if you pull me up, if I want to die, there are countless ways.”

She closed her eyes. “If you save me, I’ll only hate you. I don’t want to owe you or anyone else anything.”

Only by not owing anything to Keera could she justify continuing to hate her.

Otherwise, she would be betraying Keira!

Seeing her thoughts so extreme and obstinate, Keira sighed quietly.

From behind, Frankie shouted, “Miss South, don’t listen to her. If you can save Rebecca, you’ll be the Allen family’s savior. Please don’t let go!”

Hearing Frankie call her “Miss South” made Rebecca’s emotions escalate further. She struggled, trying to push Keira’s grip away.

She even extended her long nails, digging into Keira’s flesh.

Chapter 353


But Keira felt no pain, even as her body still hung in midair during this life–or–death moment, with the people below looking as tiny as ants.

She knew the terrible consequences of falling from this height.

In such circumstances, the body would automatically block out the sensation of pain and release more dopamine, fueling the instinct to survive.

All Keira could do was shout at Frankie. “Shut up!”

Knowing that explaining anything to Rebecca at this moment would be pointless, she simply yelled, “Pull me


Ellis and Frankie began to strain, slowly pulling Keira backward.

It didn’t take long for Keira to be pulled up.

She still clung to Rebecca’s hand without letting go until Frankie released her and grabbed Rebecca from the side. Only then did Keira relax.

She felt as though honor

Chapter 353

the side. Only then did Keira relax.

She felt as though her arms were no longer her own.

Plus, the friction between her body and the ground made her chest sting, as streaks of blood appeared

from the abrasion.

But she ignored the pain, anxious for a glimpse of


Rebecca was forcibly pulled up and lay on the ground. She was lifeless as she looked up at the sky.

Her white bridesmaid’s dress fluttered in the wind.

But her eyes lacked any sparkle.

Frankie looked at her, his eyes reddening with anger as he rebuked, “Rebecca! Is Keira the only person in your life? Have you forgotten you still have your parents? And you have me! If something really happened to you, what do you expect the three of us would do?!”

Upon hearing this, Rebecca just moved her eyeballs, “Frankie, three years ago, when I didn’t listen to your advice and insisted on marrying that man and moving to Oceanion with him, you should have considered me

Chapter 353

Her white bridesmaid’s dress fluttered in the wind.

But her eyes lacked any sparkle.

Frankie looked at her, his eyes reddening with anger as he rebuked, “Rebecca! Is Keira the only person in your life? Have you forgotten you still have your parents? And you have me! If something really happened to you, what do you expect the three of us would do?!”

Upon hearing this, Rebecca just moved her eyeballs, “Frankie, three years ago, when I didn’t listen to your advice and insisted on marrying that man and moving to Oceanion with him, you should have considered me dead from that moment on…”

That sentence choked Frankie up.

He suddenly understood what Rebecca meant…

If there were no Keira, the previous Rebecca, the pampered Rebecca, the Rebecca who was the precious daughter of the Allen family, would have long since died in that hospital incident in Oceanion.

So, the Rebecca who was alive now was no longer his sister, nor the daughter of their parents, but someone saved by Keira.

In her heart, there was only Keira, her savior.


Chapter 353

Frankie, thinking of this, wanted to cry and to scold


But he couldn’t scold her; he knew that his sister was just unwell.

was suffering

his sister might

felt an overwhelming

had saved his sister once, he couldn’t save her

any negligence on his

not daring to think of


scolding voice, “Rebecca, what nonsense are you talking about? I only

you, raised

you will always be your family! How


Chapter 353

Rebecca looked at her.

about how she had desperately tried to


“Keera, stop pretending. I don’t need you to save me! How could you

face, starting

Keera her life now. How could her life

Keira heard this, she moved her

Rebecca cry uncontrollably, and took a

that moment, then she continued to sob and bellow. “Do you think I would believe that? The mole under your eye is drawn on! Stop

South, thank you for this rescue, but please

her gaze, then suddenly


Chapter 353

gaze, then suddenly

hand and forcefully pulled

floor, “Come with me!”

that she was

of them entered a

looked at her.

stunned at this

mole is still there after I

Rebecca was dumbfounded.

I would

and the restroom there had makeup

out one



Chapter 353


hotel was upscale, and the restroom there had makeup

pulled out one and


the corner of her eye

appeared the black trace

“See? Your mole

that followed were

and saw Keira’s face, coming to an




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355 Chapter 354


makeup remover wipe, wiping away the faux mole at the corner of

in Oceanion

and size of that mole


she stared at Keira, thinking for a moment that

while, she rubbed her eyes, and then tears welled up in her eyes. She looked

into a loud cry, her tears and snot streaming down without any regard for her image,


Chapter 354,

who had

scold her, wanted to yell at her for not cherishing her own life, but as words came to her lips, she saw Rebecca crying like that, and she

Rebecca was too extreme…

all her extremes were

world was qualified to scold


inches shorter than Keira, and she stiffened again,

around her waist.

chest, and while crying, she said between broken sobs, “Miss Keira, you’re

dead. You’re not dead…

back gently.


Rebecca hugged her tightly as if she


Chapter 354

Keira would run away.

choice but to nod again. “I’m not

“Thank god…”

started to cry

her heart this month. She wanted to cry


was happening inside the bathroom. They pressed their ears against the door, only hearing Rebecca’s

Frankie wanted to enter. He

door was locked from

became even more anxious and shouted, “Rebecca,

only cried

more anxious and looked around, then turned to Ellis. “The key! Isn’t this hotel yours? Have the manager send


< Chapter 354

immediately sent someone to fetch the keys

do anything too extreme,


Mr. Allen, surely Keera isn’t harboring resentment toward Miss Allen and harming her

Frankie grew even more restless. He took a step back and called out to Ellis. “Move

Ellis made way.

was about to kick the

the bathroom

and he almost performed a

on the spot.

on the ground with both hands to stabilize



Chapter 354


Miss Allen is a distinguished guest, and you forcibly take her into the bathroom like this. What

Keira was perplexed.

She began, “I…”

bear a grudge. But even so, you can’t treat her like this. She’s obviously overwhelmed with grief. Can’t you just endure

Keira remained silent.

crossed her arms, looking

didn’t know

Victoria turned to Frankie. “Mr.

straight out of the bathroom, weakly saying, “Spare me

on Dan, wany

“Spare me your fake

just washed her face, and all her makeup had come

the crazy look

Frankie finally breathed a

startled, not understanding what had happened between Keira

mental state.

hesitantly looked at Keira and then began. “Miss South, I didn’t mean… You should know about Keera, right? Her mole

Before she could finish…


went straight ahead and


own cheek, she looked


Chapter 354

eyes, a sharp glint flashing through them. “On

Rebecca that the mole at the corner of my eye was

flickered when

her, she quickly furrowed her brows and cried out with a wronged

her eyes. “I just saw Miss Allen’s makeup

“Is that so?”

Keira asked indifferently.

Victoria promptly nodded.

But the next moment…

raised her hand and slapped the other side

Victoria’s face!

the slap, and she



Chapter 354

was furious. “Keera, how

just clapped her hands, saying, “I’ve


a sense of grievance, she turned to Ellis. “Ellis, are you just going to stand there and

was intentional or not, today you almost killed both Miss Allen and me. I deserve

I just get slapped like this? If you allow her to do whatever she wants, when the word gets out, won’t the daughters of the Olsen family


Victoria cried very pitifully.

then scoffed, “Family conflicts are

conflict? Ellis, what are


Chapter 354

must stand up for me! I am a daughter of the Olsen family. How can I just get slapped like this? If you allow her to do


Victoria cried very pitifully.

at her indifferently, then scoffed, “Family conflicts

you talking about? How can the conflict between me and Keera be

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356 Chapter 355

looked at Ellis with a puzzled expression.

answer their questions and simply glanced at his watch. “Alright, the wedding is

once more, made sure she was okay, then turned and went

the meaning of the words “family conflict“, when she saw the murderous look in Frankie and Rebecca’s eyes, she got a fright and hurriedly followed Ellis

immediately turned to Rebecca, “Rebecca,


taken aback, “You’re

of realized something. I can’t


anymore; Miss Ne

like this… I’ll

from now on.

Frankie was perplexed.

words until he was blue in the face

saved and

“How did you

Rebecca, then said,

Frankie was speechless.

Keira, finally resting his eyes on the corner of Keira’s

the mole was

was still Keera,

two had recognized each

went downstairs, the wed had already ended. As the bridesmaid, Keira’s tas finished. Seeing Mary and Ellis getting into the car. then left

a car to

she immediately saw

smiled slightly the

asked, “Why are you

“To take you home.”

He replied indifferently.

sense of security and made Keira feel

noticed Lewis’s smile

corner of his eyes.

over and saw Rebecca exiting the door,

Rebecca walked over coyly, her

I come


Chapter 355


spoke up

furrowing as he gave her a signal with his eyes. “How could you let this person go to

raised an eyebrow in

conveying his thoughts with his gaze. “This person has improper feelings toward me.

Keira was speechless.

thinking that

somewhat self–absorbed.

Rebecca still squeezed into Lewis’s

the road, Rebecca kept staring at

so scary! Will


  1. do vem.


over to play

message. “Possibly. Do you remember

shouldn’t have done that. What can I do to make him agree to let me come

said, “Talk to him nicely. Lewis is

on the inside. Be a bit softer


Rebecca wrote, “Got it!”

she blinked, her gaze shifting from Keira


soon arrived at the South

lowered his voice. “She has just announced her

“You’re overthinking it! She came here for

Rebecca, “I’ll go make dinner for


ik Chapter 355

Rebecca nodded obediently. “Okay.”

Lewis frowned at Rebecca.

came here

it be that she recognized


a secret;

absolutely necessary.

must be deceiving

he thought about this, he observed that Rebecca, who was Keira’s little tail, didn’t follow Keira into the kitchen but instead kept looking at


with words she seemed to hold

Lewis’s expression turned cold.

woman was

toward him.

into the living room where he saw the nanny playing with Amy, so he walked


to Amy, when кebecca came over, nesitating and shuffling

She looked at Lewis.

hastily turned her attention to Amy. “Are you Keera’s daughter? Wow, you’re so

Lewis was speechless.

nearby sofa, sitting down with a

settled down than he saw Rebecca again, shuffling and dragging her feet

down his phone and looked at her.

Rebecca swallowed. “Well…

struggling with how to begin, Lewis

Rebecca was perplexed.

confused. “I haven’t even said anything. How

Quer 355..

chuckled. “I’ve known what’s on your mind for

devoted to Keera, and

Rebecca was confused.


“As I said, no means

turned and

Rebecca was speechless.

The Olsen family.

Olsen family hadn’t split, so

watched the location of the new house, clenching her

today, yet the current head

was just

absolutely couldn’t

been close to


Chapter 355

absolutely couldn’t let it

her older brother since they were young, and it wasn’t unexpected for him not to help

saw Ellis emerge from the


finally have

today, and you didn’t attend my

back tomorrow?

to discuss

these words, her eyes

Olsen were to return, wouldn’t she

complain to him?

all, Uncle Olsen was known

357 Chapter 356

thought of this and

left, the voice

It’s about Keera…”

wearily. “What now? Have you found out if she’s the

mouth twitched slightly. “Well, I’ll tell you in person when

get too excited


his mood seemed somewhat okay, so he asked, “How’s your business going? Any news of Lady


silence was the

broke the silence. “You should


Obalar 356

broke the silence. “You

a few days! It’s not an

she’s still on earth. She can’t possibly

voice came through. “Got

the call,

had searched for so long without finding her. Could those

the thought of this possibility, Ellis’s


strode in…

Mary had already removed her makeup and wedding dress, exchanging them for a conservatively styled

down. “You take the bed. I’ll sleep on the

Ellis, and he scoffed. “Mary, I didn’t

Mary stiffened.

walked to the bed,


Chapter 356

our wedding night


lowered his gaze. “If you don’t want a divorce, then remember to please me! We’re supposed to be celebrating, not mourning. Who gave

clenched her

truly not know why she was so

humiliation, how

him with a smile?

you don’t trust me that much, let’s get a divorce. after the child

upon hearing this,

this big

him, hadn’t she?

A divorce?

the side and


Chapter 356

out two

papers, it was clearly stated that she’d leave with the child after giving birth, without a cent, having already signed her name

demeanor didn’t

was momentarily stunned, then he stood up abruptly. “Do you really want

nodded. “This marriage is

  1. us. You don’t want to be cuckolded, so wait for the

born, and then we

enough time for Keera to complete her

then, she would truly be

saw Ellis suddenly toss the divorce agreements onto the table. “Mary, what game are you playing? After finally marrying me, would you be willing to let go and divorce

reaction, Mary gave

divorce papers, what games could I


Chaptey apay

You went to great

“I me

divorce… Don’t you think that’s strange? Maybe there’s a trap in this


words, he took the contract


fiercely, “Mary, you’re truly unworthy of Mrs. Olsen’s position! You’re


it was her imagination, but she felt that Ellis seemed somewhat disheveled as if

fleeing from something.


in the first place, so why would

gave a

sat on the bed and looked

Chapter 356

on the bed and

was decorated with happiness, and the entire bridal chamber was filled


bridal chamber and drove

the contract

the night, took the two–page contract and read it quickly. “There’s no trap. This contract is very favorable to you. Mrs. Davis is leaving without taking anything with her except the child. She won’t


“Mr. Ellis, what

his gaze

Mary want


Chapter 358

Mary want

child was born, a DNA test could be done, and so there would be

child wasn’t his?

leave, she would indeed be

slammed his glass down onto the

she really trying

hair, feeling like he

of Mary’s resolute manner and the way she assuredly spoke of the child

child really


slender fingers against the couch, thinking back to when he was

in treatment ever since, and


Chapter 356

in treatment ever since, and for

was to no avail.

also led him to remain unmarried

been a mistake in the


been examined and treated at the hospital owned by his family because he wanted to keep this condition private and not let it impact


this thought, Ellis

lawyer beside him couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Ellis? If there’s nothing else,

leave now?”

“Do you

taken aback by this question.

what about it?”

for me now. I’m

Comment 0

357 Chapter

thought of this and

she left, the voice of Ellis came from

“It’s about Keera…”

now? Have you found out if she’s the illegitimate daughter of your dad

twitched slightly. “Well, I’ll tell you in person when you

get too excited and rush back

and cursed him,

to his voice, Ellis felt his mood seemed somewhat okay, so he


silence was

broke the silence. “You


Chaoser 258

silence was

broke the silence. “You should come home

a few days! It’s not an urgent matter. No matter what, she’s still

Olsen’s voice came through.

ended the call,

searched for so long without finding

thought of this possibility, Ellis’s mood grew

cast a glance back toward the bridal chamber

strode in…

he entered, he saw Mary had already removed her makeup and wedding dress, exchanging them for a conservatively styled

her eyes down. “You

demeanor irritated Ellis, and he scoffed. “Mary,

Mary stiffened.


Chapter 356

Mary stiffened.

to the bed, “Tonight is our wedding night. Surely you wouldn’t want to upset me, would

face tensed. “What

you don’t want a divorce, then remember to please me! We’re supposed to be celebrating,

her fists

this man truly not know why

could she possibly greet him with a

trust me that much, let’s get a divorce after the child

upon hearing this,

big charade just to marry

A divorce?

Chapter 358

A divorce?

he was pondering, he saw Mary walk over to the side and suddenly pull out two divorce papers from her

those papers, it was clearly stated that she’d leave with the child after giving birth, without a cent, having already signed her name in

demeanor didn’t

stunned, then he stood up abruptly. “Do you really

a constraint for both of us.

to be born, and

should be enough time for Keera to complete

then, she would

agreements onto the table. “Mary, what game are you playing? After finally marrying me, would

Chapter 358

in order

smile. “I’ve already signed the divorce papers, what games could I possibly

sneered. “Who knows? You

you tell me you want a divorce… Don’t you think that’s strange? Maybe there’s a trap in this contract. I’ll have

those words, he took the contract


his pride, and said fiercely, “Mary, you’re truly unworthy of Mrs. Olsen’s position! You’re not planning to taint the Olsen family’s bloodline with

behind, he

her imagination, but she felt

fleeing from something.

how could that


17:47 €

Chapter 358

could that

to marry her in the first place, so why would he be reluctant

gave a

on the bed and looked

was decorated

filled with joy, but

such a bride

chamber and drove straight

went to a bar, found a private room, and then called his lawyer over, tossing the contract at him. “Take a look at this

in the middle of the night, took the two–page contract and read it quickly. “There’s no trap. This contract is very favorable to you. Mrs. Davis is leaving without taking anything with her except the child. She won’t take anything else that belongs

was stunned. “She’s

Chapter 358


“Mr. Ellis, what

cast his gaze downward, remaining

did Mary want

because once the child

be done, and so there would be leverage if

child wasn’t his?

came for

be getting away

about this, Ellis slammed his glass down onto


fingers through his hair, feeling like

assuredly spoke of the child being his every time, he suddenly began to doubt

child really be


his slender fingers against

Chapter 356

thinking back to when he was 18 years old and

initially diagnosed

been in treatment ever since, and for this reason, he seldom rode his beloved horses

was to no avail. The treatment had

led him to

there have been a mistake in the hospital’s

at the hospital owned by his family because he wanted

this thought, Ellis

lawyer beside him couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Ellis? If

said, “Do you know

lawyer was taken aback by this


Chanter 150

and not let it

this thought,

him couldn’t help but ask,

leave now?”

suddenly said, “Do you know of

lawyer was taken aback

what about it?”

me now.

Comment O


359 Chapter 358

the hangover, Ellis’s

glass of water beside him, wanting to take a sip, only to find

unexpectedly alcohol.

the glass on the coffee table, he heard the lawyer’s voice

and he asked in a hoarse voice, “What’s the

these words, he didn’t

lawyer hesitated for a moment, seemingly afraid to answer, and only after a long pause did

“It’s… azoospermia.”



if he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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