Reporters swarmed the South residence, quickly trending the news of how Ellis and the Davis family members were cornered there.

In the hospital.

Austin was leisurely sitting in the sofa, legs crossed, while Jackson was still in bed recuperating. Suddenly, Austin sprung to his feet, excitedly pointing at his phone.

“Did you arrange those reporters?”

Jackson was taken aback, “No.”

Why would he arrange for reporters?

His goal was revenge and to take down the Olsen family. It was enough that the incident trended and the Olsen family’s stock was falling. Why would he waste money on arranging for reporters?

Austin was confused. “If it wasn’t you, then who did?”

Few knew that Mary was staying at the South

residence. Even Austin didn’t know she wasn’t living in

the Olsen’s.



441 Chapter 440

After all, they were newlyweds. Who would have

thought she would move out?

So someone must have arranged it!

Otherwise, how could the reporters have found her so accurately?

Jackson looked at him and said abruptly, “Do you still have the number that sent you the hospital report that day?”

Austin immediately took out his phone, scrolled through it, found the number, and dialed, only to receive the message, “Hello, the number you have dialed is not in service…”

Austin frowned. “It’s a dead number; I’ll get someone to look up the owner.””

Jackson rolled his eyes.

Did he even need to check?

It was obviously an unregistered number!

Indeed, it didn’t take long for Austin to get the information. It was an unregistered SIM card.

Austin laughed. “It seems someone hates Ellis more



441 Chapter 440

humiliation! If I were interviewed for

said this, Jackson’s

certain part of

to being infertile,


he dared not get

he was just from the second. Ever since his


consideration for his

this moment, Ellis’s



441 Chapter 440

defiant figure was now the picture of calm and collected, resembling

was always like

might seem capricious and unreliable, but if that were truly the case, Uncle Olsen

chosen him.

Not feel humiliated?

How could he not?

to keep their emotions from

reporters passed along even more

horseback riding? Could it actually be hereditary? After all, Uncle Olsen doesn’t seem to have

sharp as he looked toward the speaker. “Which




441 Chapter 440

to ask me, but why involve

reputation something you


turned directly to his assistant who was always by his side. “Remember him, have the lawyers of the Olsen Group sue him

his neck and retorted, “Mr. Ellis, this is unreasonable of you. I’m just putting forth

has never had children…”

surrounding reporters nodded

and Mrs. Olsen, standing to the side, both changed in expression, and even

the future heir of the Olsen

Family Head, and if such news were

were about



441 Chapter 440


a reunion banquet where we acknowledged

turned to his secretary. “We made

without any secrecy.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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