Chapter 522

Gary stood on the edge atop the tallest skyscraper in Clance, staring blankly ahead.❤

Behind Gary, the lifeguards and Mrs. Spencer stood there.

Mrs. Spencer screamed in agony, “Gary, what are you doing? Don’t do anything stupid, my good son. Please come down!”

But Gary looked at her, shook his head, his eyes brimming with tears, and his expression extremely agitated. “Mom, Nara will never forgive me; she said she would never forgive me!”

Mrs. Spencer’s legs nearly gave out from fear as she cried. “Gary, she will forgive you. Just come over here. I’ll go and beg for her forgiveness. I’ll find a way, okay?

Don’t scare me!”

But Gary shook his head. “What can you do? Because I always listened to you, I pushed Nara farther and

farther away…”

Mrs. Spencer shouted, “But I’ve always done things for



523 Chapter 522

your own good!”

“Yes, you were doing it for my good,” Gary said in a low voice. “Ever since I was young, you were always doing it for my good. You forced me to drink milk every night, even when I didn’t want to drink it. I didn’t like it, but you thought it was good for me, so you forced me to drink it. Your idea of doing what’s good for me is suffocating!”

Mrs. Spencer’s expression stiffened, and she

immediately said with guilt, “Son, I know what I did was wrong. I will never force you to do anything again! Will you come down, please?”

But Gary said, “Mom, just listen to me.”

He laughed bitterly. “I know you’ve always wanted the best for me, but your love is too oppressive, you know? Ever since I was little, the happiest time of my life was spent at school with Nara. The only time I ever wanted to defy you was when I wanted to marry Nara. But you messed that up! You threatened me with death. What was I supposed to do?”

His tears flowed. “I loved Nara so much. Being with her, I felt an incomparable ease. I really couldn’t bear



523 Chapter 522

to lose her, so under your spell, I said those

humiliating words. Mom, I’ve lost Nara. She’ll never forgive me now…”

Mrs. Spencer cried. “It’s my fault, it’s all my fault! Would you come back, please? Let’s go to her together. I’ll kneel before her and ask for her forgiveness!”

But Gary shook his head. “It’s no use. Mom, do you know? When you forced me to break up with Nara, I was sad but not desperate because I had a dark thought like yours. Even if I chose Miss Gill, I could secretly stay with Nara. With our family’s influence, we could even force her to be my mistress… But I never expected that Nara was Miss Gill! Our family’s power simply isn’t enough! I know she won’t forgive me… I understand. I’ve completely lost her now…”

Mrs. Spencer wanted to say more, but Gary spoke first. “Mom, don’t say anything. I wasn’t brave enough and must pay the price for it!”

anyone should die, it should be me! Don’t punish me like

at her, then said, “Mom, I love you. Don’t



623 Chapter 522

has nothing

without Nara, I don’t want

“Mom, goodbye.”

last words before

even spread his arms as if embracing freedom or

his eyes open, quietly looking toward the

was located.

of his eyes; in those few seconds of descent, his

saw Nara’s sweet smile.

it, but he truly loved Nara…


hitting the ground echoed through the

surrounding crowd immediately scattered…

all that could be seen was Mrs. Spencer



523 Chapter 522

person below but making no sound. She stretched out her arms as if trying to


forcefully held back by the lifeguards.

the screen showed a blurred image of the body lying on the street. Mrs. Spencer and a group of lifeguards hurried down. She

the livestream could still


didn’t understand why anyone

suicide for love.

death, how was Nara supposed to live

of her

“Let’s go check on

Lewis nodded.



523 Chapter 522

breath, turned around, and left with him. They


Keira watched the live broadcast channel

could only see that medical staff had arrived and covered the body with a white sheet. A group of onlookers stood quietly

has the South

perspective. How would you ruin your relationship with the Gill family

said, “It’s simple: prevent Nara from ever returning to the Gill

asked, “And how can she

those people in the Gill family. She could just stand by and

prioritizing his sister, who knows when he might move Nara, and she might return

“So, is there a way to ensure Nara

else can there ever be a

Keira casually countered.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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