Amidst the chaotic press conference, a few reporters still maintained a sense of fairness, trying to calm the situation.

"If it's twenty-five minutes, then let's just wait."

"They must have something important to share if they're asking for more time. I don't think Mr. Olsen is being unreasonable…"

But as soon as these voices of reason were heard, others scoffed.

"If you want to wait, that's your choice, but don't waste our time! No wonder the Olsen Group sees you as insignificant."

"Mr. Olsen, you owe us an explanation today."

The collective frustration of the reporters seemed enough to blow the roof off.

Keira frowned, glancing at Uncle Olsen for support.

While Uncle Olsen could brush off most questions, one reporter boldly pushed forward, locking eyes with him. "Mr. Olsen, do you regret bringing your daughter back into the family? If she wasn't here, none of this would have happened!"

That question caused Uncle Olsen's expression to harden instantly. His gaze swept across the room before he decisively grabbed the microphone from the reporter.

With a voice that was steady and resolute, he declared, "The best thing that's ever happened to me was finding my daughter!"

He looked at Keira, his eyes filled with unwavering conviction, radiating a powerful determination. "No matter what my daughter has done, I will stand by her. And let me make one thing clear—my daughter is extraordinary!"

words sent the

reporters immediately started



Olsen, this is outrageous! Were you just toying with us? Now that your stock prices have stabilized, you think you can just do as you please? Well, let me tell you, the public

is extraordinary? Betrayal is extraordinary? What kind of values are

up to it. Is an apology


reporters hurled accusations, Ellis rushed over, standing behind Uncle Olsen and whispered urgently, "Uncle, someone's live-streaming this.

"Let it drop! I won't be bullied into submission by anyone—not even by the moral

that, he turned to Keira, his voice

eyes sting, warmth spreading through

at Uncle Olsen, taken aback, and after a moment,

you as my father

of business and was as unyielding as steel.

sorry I

her head. "It's

sense of understanding passing

tender moment pass without a fight. They continued

you invite us just to have a father-daughter


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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