Lewis's brow furrowed as he stepped in front of Oliver. His voice was icy, but his words hit like a sledgehammer. "You think you can disturb Grandma's rest? Try it, and I'll take your legs off."

The intensity in his gaze sent a chill down Oliver's spine, and for a moment, he just stood there, frozen.

He had never seen Lewis like this before.

Sure, Lewis had always been intimidating, but he was usually calm, collected, and within the bounds of reason. This version of him, though, looked like he had just crawled out of hell.

Oliver's legs nearly gave out under him, and he had to steady himself to avoid collapsing.

Keira, noticing the tension, quietly walked over and slipped her hand into Lewis's.

The second she touched him, the icy rage around Lewis seemed to melt away, and a sliver of calm returned to his eyes. It was like he had been pulled back from the brink of something dark and dangerous.

Keira had long realized Lewis wasn't just an ordinary man. He played both sides—legal and not-so-legal—but he always kept a clean image in his own country, playing by the rules at home and being the voice of reason within the family.

But now? Now was different.

a darker, more obsessive side—one that his grandmother had managed to keep in check all these years. She was the one thing holding him together, the one person who kept that darkness at

wonder: what would happen once

once said to her while holding her hand tightly. "If I'm gone, Lewis

time, Keira had thought old Mrs. Horton was talking about emotional pain, but now she realized there might

safely return the people who needed to

meetings—Lewis speaking in languages she didn't understand, always on the phone, conducting business

suddenly: she didn't really know this man at

on Lewis's hand loosened slightly, but almost immediately, he tightened his

into place as he faced Oliver. "I'll allow your people to visit Grandma in the mornings and evenings," he said, his tone controlled but firm. "But if Selena keeps stirring up drama about company shares or family relationships, I don't want to hear it again. And if Grandma tells them to leave, they'd better go immediately. If they pull

Lewis's part, and Oliver, still shaken, let out a breath of relief. "Fine,"

he turned and walked off. Only after he was a

he heard a soft voice.

a second before he turned

cold toward

with worse for you. Being your mistress all

Oliver felt a wave of emotion. "Marisa, I'm so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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