My Baby's Daddy

My Baby’s Daddy Chapter 1927

Chapter 1927

Did Mr. Presgrave see through my lies? Is he aware of Kevin’s identity?

Connor’s countenance turned pale for embarrassing himself. He resented Olivia for coming up with this horrible idea. Forget about the money, I bet Jared would not even wish to see me anymore.

Benjamin drove his car away, leaving Connor standing all alone in the same spot. It took him a while before he called Olivia. “Honey, how did it go?”

“Your idea is literally stupid. Mr. Presgrave has found out that Ellen’s brother is Kevin, and you told me to blabber all those nonsense to him? Do you think he’ll give us the money now?”

“What? He knows that Kevin is Ellen’s brother? Honey, did you actually do as I say? How can you be this silly? I was just thinking out loud. You shouldn’t have taken it seriously.” She refused to take the blame.

we don’t get the money, you’re gonna get it from me.” His ineptitude made him vent his anger on

from Jared was the reason Connor and Olivia could put

face was burning in embarrassment. We’re done for. We’re not getting another penny. and now Ellen’s gonna come after us. On the other hand, Olivia was equally livid after the

We’re doomed, Mom. If Ellen knows that we didn’t give her a share of the money, she’s gonna take

she dares! She was way too young back then. What did she even know at that age? Even if we had given some money to her, would she have been able

might be able to take away half of the assets we own right now.” Selena,

are we gonna do?” Olivia was surprised because Selena

hate Mr. Presgrave if she

for him, though. Why

her that the Presgrave Family set Kevin up when he hadn’t passed away. That way, she’ll resent the Presgraves to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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