My Baby's Daddy

My Baby’s Daddy Chapter 1932

Chapter 1932

“Uncle Connor, was Kevin… in much pain?” A sharp pang pricked Ellen’s chest, making it impossible to breathe. “I-I’m not sure. We weren’t allowed to enter the operating room. Connor glossed it over.

He must’ve been in so much pain. They dug his heart out before he passed away! Her world fell apart, and she could not stop crying. Right now, her only wish was to leave everything Jared gave her.

She removed the SIM card to insert it into her old phone. Next, she pulled out her luggage and opened the door. To her surprise, the man was leaning against the wall outside.

The gentle Jared approached her. “Ellen, where are you going?” She did not utter a single word as tears streamed down her cheeks. The sheer sight of him made her suffer.

give you a ride.” He entered the elevator with her while holding

with her reaction. In actuality, he wished that she would yell or vent her emotions at him as long as it was not a cold treatment. At that point, it felt

her luggage as he trailed behind her. She hailed a cab,

I don’t wanna see you.” She turned around with resentful and sorrowful eyes.

heart?” He patted his chest. “If you hate the

said. Jared noticed the concern in her gaze and added, “I can wait for another donor. If you want it back, I

to be saved, so who was she to despise him for that? Although she did not wish to see him,

to look you in the face.” She wiped her tears and got into the

on the ground, prompting her to pop her head out of the window to check on him. At the same time, six bodyguards were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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