My Baby's Daddy

My Baby’s Daddy Chapter 1934

Chapter 1934

” “Hurry! At the entrance! What am I supposed to do? She fainted and is bleeding!” The young man was scared out of his wits.

After the receptionist called 911, a man in a robe appeared. Judging from his wet hair, it seemed like he had just come out of the shower.

“Bro, what should I do?” The young one pulled him while pointing at the fainted girl, whom the man-in-robe instantly recognized before punching him. “Ouch! What’s that for?”

“Can’t you focus on the road? Why did you run into someone-someone I like at that!” Lambert flew another punch at Corey before approaching her.

Never once in his wildest dream had he ever imagined himself meeting an injured Ellen at the hotel. At that moment, the ambulance arrived. He carried her into the ambulance, and Corey followed along.

was pushed into the emergency room. When the confused girl almost fell off the stretcher, Lambert supported her with

moment as she kneaded her forehead due to a headache. He comforted her. “You were hit by

should get a full medical check-up in case of

averted her gaze onto the young man behind Lambert, who quickly apologized. I’m so sorry. It’s

“Be careful next time.” Lambert chipped in. “Did you hear

was baffled momentarily. “Brother? You

a robe, so it was rather uncomfortable to feel the cold air

then ordered Corey to reserve a brain examination for her. Although it had only been a few days since they last met, she appeared unusually

apologize on behalf of Corey, but why were you alone at

you out?” Lambert

happened today was an emotional roller coaster ride for her. When she raised her head, her eyes were glistening

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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