My Baby's Daddy

Chapter 2708

Harmony returned to her seat and told Sera what had just happened, to which the latter responded calmly by advising her to accept her award.

Just when Harmony was about to put down her phone, it beeped with another text message. She looked at the message, which turned out to be Ezekiel’s.

‘What are you doing?’ She was surprised to receive the text message. The two had not gotten in touch since the previous incident, so she thought he had already left. ‘I’m attending an awards ceremony, she replied, attaching a picture of the event.

At that moment, Ezekiel had just disembarked from the yacht after attending week vacation, whereas he returned early.

He got into his car, looking at the picture sent by Harmony, which showed the name of the film festival’s theme. He smiled and texted her, ‘Has it started?’ Seeing this reply, she was caught off guard. She asked on an impulse, ‘Are you coming?’ ‘Sure, I’ll come.’ Then came the prompt reply. Harmony clasped her mouth, unable to hide the happiness in her eyes. Oh, my gosh! He’s coming!

film festival’s organizers received a call

for him in the front row, labeled with the

this circle, there was one thing that held tremendous power-wealth. He could easily use his connections to attend any event he wanted. Also,

Naturally, she could not make trouble as she pleased on such an occasion. This time, she had spent a huge sum of money to secure a small award

could only

carpet event ended. At that moment, three imposing black SUVs pulled up on

him. Initially surprised, they then lowered their heads and whispered to each other. One of them asked, “Which film is he from? I’ve never seen him before!” “Yeah, me neither.

his name. The female staff member, her heart fluttering, respectfully escorted him to his seat in

Among the crowd of beauties, he immediately spotted a particular figure and could not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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