My Baby's Daddy

Chapter 2753

Samantha dressed for the occasion. She spent six figures renting this dress all to catch enough attention. The one place she stood out more than Harmony was how much she would reveal to the public, and the media loved taking photos of her skin. Samantha looked at the reporters and waved at them, showing off poses. The rich guy beside him was more than 50 years old as he said, “Let’s go in. Don’t want to be late.” Samantha stopped posing and held the man’s arm. Then, they went ahead.

Guards were verifying the guests’ identities at the entrance. The rich guy handed his invitation, and all Samantha had to do was show her ID. Alas, after the guard checked her ID, he extended his arm. “She cannot go in.” Samantha was shocked. “What? Why?” The rich guy defended her, “This is my partner. Please, can you show some leniency and let her in?” “I’m sorry, sir, but our boss told us she can’t be allowed inside.” Since the host of this banquet banned Samantha, it had to mean there was something wrong with her. He only took her along because it was convenient.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t vouch for her now and risk his reputation. “Sorry, Ms.

Leiderman. You should go back now.” “Hey, can you talk to them for a bit? I really want to go in, Samantha pleaded, holding Mr. Boston’s hand.

no power here, so you should leave. We’ll talk later. I’m running late.” Mr. Boston left,

snapped the scene. It was more than obvious that Samantha was denied entry. This

in. Her face contorted in rage. “You? Did you do this, you b*tch?” Samantha knew it was Harmony.

money on this dress. If I can’t get in, I can’t show it

and call Harmony for

never logged Samantha’s number in her contacts, she answered the call, “Who is this?” “It’s me, Samantha. Harmony, I’m sorry for saying all that to you. Can you please let me come in? I promise I won’t get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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