My Baby's Daddy

Chapter 2764

Dealing with Catalina was challenging, so Harmony preferred to keep her distance if possible.

The next morning, Harmony met up with Sera bright and early. Seeing Harmony’s radiant and glowing face, Sera couldn’t help but tease her, “Well, it seems like someone has been taking excellent care of you these past few days. Your already flawless skin looks even more radiant now.”

Harmony retorted, “Sera, hurry up and find a man to marry, then you’ll be radiant too!”

Sera sighed helplessly, “I’d love to! But it seems like no one is interested in me.”

“Don’t say that. I know plenty of young men who ask for your number!”

“Those people only want something from me, they’re not genuinely interested in me as a person. If I could find a man who truly loves me, I would want to marry him. But I can’t seem to find one.” Sera spoke the truth. After entering this circle, she realized that finding true love here was impossible. Everything was driven by self-interest.

Harmony then discussed her entrance strategy with Sera. As her fame grew, so did the media’s attention. Her assistant reported that more than a dozen media outlets had already arrived, so Harmony couldn’t afford to make any mistakes that day, or the media would surely blow it out of proportion.

Joining Harmony on the platform were another male artist and two female artists, all A-listers. This event was not just a fashion showcase; it was also a competition.

in the industry and seek mercy from acting, and every time she attended such an event, artists were scrutinized

into a dressing room, and the clothes she was supposed to wear for the day were placed

are your clothes for

to check. In her opinion, no matter how unconventional the brand was, they wouldn’t send something unwearable. However, she was mistaken

and would show up to support her when she

Although she

the bag of clothes provided by the brand, only to be shocked when

dress was acceptable, but the top was made of only four pieces of fabric stitched together, with an extremely

was immediately angry and felt insulted. Who

she absolutely couldn’t wear

please ask your

is here;

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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