My beautiful boss

Chapter 1 The Lady Whose Bag Has Been Robbed

Peter Wang felt sad and dejected as he walked out of the Human Resources office.

He found it so difficult to accept the result. From where he came, he was feared by all the gangs.

They even called him "Mighty Soldier King". Here in the city, he couldn't even find a decent job because he lacked a college degree. Suddenly, his phone rang. Peter noticed and picked it up immediately

. "Peter," said the voice from the other line. It was his girlfriend.?

"It's over. I'm breaking up with you."

"You've been gone for so long. I need a boyfriend, not a phone pal."

"Darling, please—" Peter tried to get her back.

"I know I've been gone, but I'm back now. I'll always be with you now."

"Oh yeah? Well, what can you give me?"

"A dishwasher working abroad earns much more money than you."

"What exactly can you give me, huh?" she challenged,

"Do you even have savings after working all these years? Have you found a single stable job since you got back? Will you be able to give me the things I want?"

promise! I'll buy you the biggest house you will ever want! Darling, I'm really sorry

will be better soon, I promise. Things will

would you do that?",

a BMW car? Will you ever get to buy me a Louis Vuitton handbag? Ferragamo shoes? Chanel suits? Ha! You can't even afford to buy me a-hundred-square-meter house, for

can't deal with this anymore. Goodbye, Peter," she said as she hung up. Peter held his hand-phone tightly, dumbfounded. Despite her muffled voice from the static of


Thief, thief! That thief stole my

from the other end of the street. A lady in uniform was screaming in panic and desperation, running as fast as her high-heeled shoes would

"Go away! Right now!"

squeezed themselves up to the wall as the motorcycle zoomed past them. Nobody dared block its way. It's risky to be involved in robberies nowadays. Nobody wants to get hurt. The lady in a suit watched the

ground, pulled his left leg back, and with

of the road and forced him to drop the stolen bag to the ground. "Ahhhhh!" The pedestrians held their hands to their mouths as they screamed. Peter, indifferent to the commotion,

"Here's your bag, ma'am."

say when she realized that he was talking to her. She was still stunned from the events that

her in her air-conditioned office and exquisite jewelry. 'We come from two different worlds, ' he thought. 'It's useless to

I… just want to thank you for your help," she

His face has well-defined angles on his forehead, cheeks, and jawline.

to take me out for lunch. Thanks for the offer, though. I have to

as he refused her invitation. He was still thinking about his very recent breakup. Less than an hour ago, the love of his life walked away from him. Apart from that, he's

Elaine is a sight to behold. She had light skin and brown hair that emphasized her bright almond eyes. She had men

just refused

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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